#basically if you choose not to read it i think leaks regarding lore and franchise handling are dumb
chao-chachaslide · 3 years
I've talked positively about Rangers now it's time to do the opposite. Heard some shit about leaks earlier y'know sega being sega and fucking with lore again. Idk what the fuck they're doing tbh lmao.
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Under the cut bc possible leaks/spoilers
There's been some rumours fluttering around about how Rangers is either going to be a soft reboot or possibly even a full reboot. Personally I think this is a bad idea on Sega's part, but ESPECIALLY if it's a full reboot.
So a soft-reboot is essentially what we got between Sonic R and Sonic Adventure. Characters redesigned a bit, couple details changed such as ages, height etc, new gameplay style. However overall we're working with the same lore as we had before. Sonic's the hero, Tails' is pretty much his younger brother, Knuckles is his rival and Amy fangirls for him. They all fight Eggman because he wants to take over the world using the power of the Chaos Emeralds and Monster/Villain of the Week. The Chaos Emeralds are mysterious relics that make the wielder fucking overpowered. You get the drill. It didn't really change.
However Sega kinda fucked stuff up later down the line and now Classic is in spacetime purgatory. If they're going to soft reboot the franchise starting with Rangers, they should at least adress if it's a different dimension/timeline, or if everything prior is redundant now. Because god we do not need more of whatever's going on with Classic.
A full universe reboot is a risky move. Longer running franchises like Mario and LoZ have never had a universe-wide reboot (LoZ has timeskips that's why there's a bazillion different Links). I get it to an extent if they want to change some stuff that's been major lore for too long to go back on, but it's a big deal. A reboot is what we got from the Archie comics - to be fair it wasn't Sega's fault it happened - and it was a pretty rocky transition. The comics had been going for around 20 years at this point and suddenly all of that was fucking irrelevant and we're starting from scratch. Half the characters are gone. All the good plots never happened. We're at square one. The comics didn't even last much longer after that.
A soft reboot is better if you want to keep faithful fans around; full reboot is going to attract new audiences but also boot out plenty of old ones.
As someone who's been in fandoms with soft reboots (Winx; DC) and full reboots (TMNT; Teen Titans) this is actually something that I find rather surprising for Sega to consider, and I don't like it. Generally, I don't like it when a franchiss goes full 180 and completely reboots. Teen Titans is my favourite show but I don't like Teen Titans Go. And it does actually bother me a bit that what the franchise is actively delivering is something I really don't care about at all. And while I did end up liking rottmnt eventually, I still prefer the 2012 version (mainly because i grew up with it tbh). I usually get along better with soft reboots but even then Winx S5→ gradually pushed me out of the show. Basically I don't want the same thing to happen with Sonic lol because this (and Idol anime) is the most I've been invested in anything in years.
Also it's concerning in terms of sales and audience. Already talked about this a bit, but although rebooting brings in a new audience it can kick out the faithful fans who were guaranteed to buy your shit. Obviously Sonic will still make a fuck load of money but it could go up or down who knows lol. Oh and reviews might suffer but that happens like every fucking game.
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You made it this far have an Espio who accurately represents my state of mind.
Basically I just don't want this to be 06 2.0 where Sega is too scared to adress it's existence for 5 years after release
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