#bc theres no button on the homepage for it ????
stealchain · 22 days
some art sharing sites kind of function horribly.... like artfol and inkblot are borderline not usable...
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alonelysimp · 3 years
Hey im new, how do u make ur profile custom
ooo are you on mobile or pc? under the cut bc theres a lot of ss hehe <3
for mobile, go to your homepage and click the little palette button at the top right
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then you can edit the background, text colour, icon, banner, etc. (my pfp looks like that because it's hidden, you can show it if you want)
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on pc, click on the icon at the far right and the one on the bottom, titled "Edit Appearance"
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just open that and click "Edit Appearance" and it should be the same as mobile !!
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I'm not the best with editing HTML for your website theme, but it's pretty cool !! I don't have a ss of Zhongli's theme (arguably my favourite) but here's Lisa's !! I can explain it if you want, it takes a bit longer to explain (and mess around with lol)
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I hope this helped !! :D <3
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I’m Done.
OKAY OKAY OKAY, LIKE OKAY I CAN’T DO THIS SHIT ANYMORE!! There are TOO MANY amazing sweet kind loving people in this community getting hate from these asshole anons and its driving me insane This. Is. Not. Fucking. right. Leave people the fuck alone okay? There not hurting ANYBODY with there amazing artwork and stories. And listen okay i get it, there are some people you just don’t like? For whatever insane reason that is but treating them LIKE LESS OF A HUMAN BEING, TELLING THEM TO GO DIE? OR HURT THEMSELVES? OR SAY THEY DON’T MATTER IS NOT. I REPEAT. IS NOT. ACCEPTABLE. YOU ALL REALIZE? THAT PEOPLE ON THIS SITE PUT THERE SOUL. INTO WHAT THEIR DOING THIS IS THEIR TIME THEIR SPENDING TO FUCKING MAKE BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL ART!! JUST TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY, JUST BC THEY WANT TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL APPRECIATED, OR BC THEY LOVE THE FANDOM OR THE MUSICAL OR WHATEVER. Get. This. Through your. thick skulls you dickhead anons. Block. Or. Not. FOLLOW. The PERSON WHO YOU DO NOT LIKE! IT’S NOT THAT HARD!!! THIS ISN’T FUCKING DA YOU DON’T HAVE TO FILE A COMPLAINT TO BLOCK SOMEONE!! THERES NOT NEED TO TREAT PEOPLE LIKE GARBAGE. NO. FUCKIng. NEED. I know. You probably just don’t like them. You might just be trying to start something, or you might just fucking LOVE doing this to people and if that’s the case your a sick fuck. Making people feel miserable IS AWFUL. IT TAKES MORE EFFORT TO GOING ONTO THE PERSONS HOMEPAGE, CLICK THE LITTLE BUTTON AND TYPE OUT A MESSAGE THEN IT DOES TO *NOT FOLLOW A PERSON* OR TO *BLOCK* THE PERSON YOU DON’T LIKE. Stop. Treating. People. Like. Objects. Stop. Treating. Them. Like characters. THEY ARE NOT JUST PIXELS ON A SCREEN THEY ARE LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS DEDICATING THEIR LIVES TO DOING SOMETHING THAT THEY LOVE, BEING WHO THEY LOVE AND LOVING WHO THEY LOVE, IT IS NOT UP TO YOU TO TELL THEM TO STOP, OR FOR YOU TO TELL THEM NOBODY CARES ABOUT THEM. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??? THIS ISN’T OKAY!! THIS IS NEVER FUCKING OKAY TO HURT PEOPLE ON PURPOSE. You all. Need. To stop. Let. people. Enjoy what they do. Let them, do what they want to do as long as its not hurting anybody, we all care about them. and anons who say we don’t. Do you really think i’d be this fucking pissed if i didn’t care about every single blog. about everyone. I love. These people. And you hurting them- You absolutely disgust me.  
Remember: Block. Unfollow. Don’t follow at all. 
                            Hurting people is unacceptable. And disgusting behavior. 
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