#bea tdo
solar-eclipsed · 7 months
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Yeah sure op I’ll do that @clearmarinaa CONTEXT
Bonus: And here’s a Bea sketch
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 Leilla: Como eu posso começar falando de você? Daniele Lima Revoredo, é difícil falar de alguém tão especial, principalmente quando esse alguém é sua melhor amiga. Quando esse alguém é a pessoa que te encoraja a seguir em frente toda vez que você pensa em desistir. Quando esse alguém sabe todos seus segredos, e você não tem medo de se abrir porque sabe que lá no fundo sempre vai ter aquele apoio, aquela palavra, aquele áudio, qualquer coisa, que te faça feliz. Eu fico pensando no que te dizer pra poder te arrancar um sorriso e uma lágrima também, mas de felicidade. Você sabe que eu faria qualquer coisa pra te ver sorrir e, as vezes até me desespero quando te vejo triste a o mesmo tempo tão longe. Você é um ser humano tão incrível, acho que todo mundo deveria ter uma Daniele em sua vida. Não consigo imaginar um dia da minha vida sem falar com você, sem falar que te amo. Não sei o que seria de mim sem você me falando pra escutar alguma música da Taylor Swift e eu como sempre não querendo, mas no fundo você sabe que faça tudo pra te ver feliz.O grupo não seria o mesmo sem você, e pra ser sincera eu não seria a mesma se eu não te conhecesse. É por isso que tem TAYLOR nessa Playlist que eu fiz pensando em você, pensando no seus gostos. Esse é o máximo que eu posso fazer por enquanto, mas tenho certeza que um dia eu poderei fazer muito mais, tipo te levar pra Disney (meu amor eu vou ser rica tá?!). Esse é o meu jeito de dizer que te amo Daniele, juntando seus amigos pra fazer um textinho pra você, contratando uma pessoa que você não conhece pra me ajudar a fazer esse Tumblr porque eu sinceramente não sabia fazer nada. Hoje você faz 16 anos, uma data tão importante, que eu espero que o seu dia tenha sido tão lindo e perfeito, assim como você é. Eu te conheço há quase 2 anos, e pra ser sincera tempo não significa nada, eu sinto como se te conhecesse desde que nascemos, temos uma conexão incrível, com certeza em outras vidas a gente já se conhecia. Você é minha alma gêmea, você é minha estrela cadente, você não aparece e realiza um desejo, melhor que isso: você fica e me protege, dos meus medos e das minhas inseguranças. Eu poderia passar o dia falando do quanto você é especial, mas eu tenho certeza que lá no fundo você já sabe disso. Espero que nessa nova etapa em sua vida todos os seus sonhos se realizem, ou pelo menos metade deles e que eu, permaneça aqui ao seu lado em todos os seus altos e baixos. E claro, que um dia podemos nos conhecer (tenho fé e sei que você também)! Obrigada por existir, eu te amo para sempre! #danifez16 #daneillaforever #omarceloéintruso #minhaprasempre #arianarmy #atenta #melhoresconselhos #melhorpessoa ❤❤❤❤❤ 
Rayla:  ⁠⁠⁠bom dani nem sei por onde começar?? É CHEGOU O SEU DIA!!! a gnt "viveu" tanta coisa pq foram 3 anos desde q a gnt se conheceu ne? qro te desejar mta paz, amor, e mta felicidade na sua vida, e tdo de bom e maravilhoso que vc merece. e também mts crushs nao da pra esquecer eles, ou crushas rsrsrsrsrs ta parei, e que vc conheça a ariana (faz 3 anos que nos textos smp falo q vc vai conhecer ela mas pra dar sorte kkkkk) AGR COMEÇANDO O TEXTO GAY!!! nunca imaginei que vc ia ser uma das minhas melhores amigas aqui do site, alias vc é sim minha melhor amiga mesmo!!! a gnt se entende tanto em várias coisas e sempre tem assunto, oq é otimo!!! gostamos das mesmas coisas e isso eh tão aaaaaaa eu lembro que a gnt começou a ficar proxima la na epoca do twitter que vc ainda nao tinha voltado pro grupo (vc tava com icon da sasha e user pra pll lembro msm) ai nois vivia falando merda LEMBRO DE UMA NOITE EM ESPECIAL que a gnt madrugou eu vc a lara no tt foi mto engra kkkkkkkkkkk e meu ainda tem o grupo do quinteto que apesar de agr ta um flopzao, foi ali que a gnt ficou mais proxima acho???? mas acho q foi antes disso ne sla to loka mas ENFIM, lembro da sua primeiro paixao - so esqueci o nome dele porem vc sabe rsrsrs altas conversas no grupo, janelas rsrsrsrsrsrs cadeiras rsrsrsrsrs enfim tava aqui pensando também enquanto to aqui escrevendo o texto, e como a gnt so se conhece pela internet (infelizmente) nois tem aquele medo de nunca mais se falar, nossa nem qro pensar porem caso aconteça um dia saiba que vc ta bem marcada na minha vida e marcada nos bons momentos dessa minha adolescência bosta, espero ser recíproca. obrigada por me entender de verdade, apesar de vc ser meio doida acho que vc entende oq passo, eu consigo confiar mesmo em vc pra contar coisas que eu nunca contaria pra meus amigos da vida real. e obrigada tbm por existir pq se nao fosse por isso eu nem sei acho que nem ia ter amigos virtuais, e minha vida seria mais chata tbm. obrigada por me passar musicas sempre qnd eu qro, obrigada por tudo ja falei isso mas so pra deixar mais claro!!! E EU ESPERO MTO MESMO QUE A GNT SE CONHEÇA E COLOQUE EM PRÁTICA TDO QUE A GNT COMBINOU NEM QUE EU TENHA QUE FAZER UM PORTAL PRA SUA CASA. meu sério nem sei se vou poder ir mais pra brasilia pq minha tia q mora la brigou com a minha mãe e agr meio que...... mas sla nem que esperemos nois ficar adulta (mentira qro antes) vamo nos encontrar sim, e esse dia certeza vai ser mto TOP TOP TOP #raniele #b3st #fr13nd #f0r3v3r FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO E ÓTIMOS 16 ANOS PRA VC TE AMOOOOO ❤
 Gica: oiiii meu amor tudo bem? eu to aqui hoje pra dizer que mesmo a gente não tendo muito contato eu agradeço pelo simples fato de existir e por entrar na minha vida, assim como as outras meninas! eu amo você, parabéns, tudo de bom, e muita ariana pra tu! bjs da carrie  
Amanda: cintia feliz aniversário tudo de bom pra vc hoje e sempre obrigada por fazer parte do grupo favela nunca sai do grupo pois se sair vai ficar chato não vou ter ngm pra xingar e zoar como tu. Vc é foda meus parabéns que hoje seja um dia incrível mas não se esqueça que sua morte está cada vez mais próxima. 
Marcelo: Dalila meu amor, minha linda flor, a mais bela do meu jardim, vim atrás desse texto te desejar um feliz aniversário e dizer q eu te amo muito e que você tem que agradecer a Deus por eu estar na sua vida, nossa história é uma história de amor longo e um fanfic topperzeira q pisa na da Selena com o Faustão. Espero te conhecer pessoalmente algum dia pra você dizer "e baba vai" e eu falar "para desgraca" é isso more, queria dizer mais coisas mas estou com preguiça de digitar esse texto, já que agora são 2 dá manhã. Flw, é isso, aproveita que mamadeira tá cheia, te amo. Do seu heterao, eu mesmo, marcelo revoredo marquez mello do baba vai Obs: a gente briga, vc é falsa comigo mas você é especial pra mim, uma fav nível 1000, amo demais conversar com você e chorar ouvindo nossas músicas. ❤❤ 
Lucas: CINTIA E DENISE ((DOIS APELIDO QUE EU MESMO INVENTEI E HITOU, FELIZ ANIVERSARIO!!!!!! TUDO DE BOM PRA VC PRINCIPALMENTE DINHEIRO PRA DIVIDR COM SEU IRMAO!! No começo eu não gostava muito de vc te achava chata pra PORRA mas agora adoro, vc é 10 e me mata de rir e o mais importante: vaza as coisa legal, a maior falsa q vc respeita. Te adoro muito, vc é topper. happy barney.
 Raquel: Dani, meus parabéns!! Não te conheço muito por isso não tenho muita coisa pra dizer, mas sei que você é muito querida pelos que te cercam. Sei que, por exemplo, a Leilla (disse que você é um ótimo ser humano, ta?) e o Marcelo te amam muito. Sei que você é muito especial pra todo mundo do grupo. Sei que você merece tudo do bom e do melhor sempre. É aquele bla bla que vem do coração: que tu tenha muita saúde, muito juízo, muita sabedoria e muita, mas muita felicidade. Aproveita enquanto é cedo pra construir tua vida da melhor forma possível, não deixa pra depois o que tu pode fazer hoje, se for uma decisão importante pra tua vida principalmente. Valoriza todos os momentos, faz tudo valer a pena, e quando a nostalgia bater, que seja pra lembrar do quanto tu foi feliz. Às vezes a tristeza vai bater, mas tudo bem, não há felicidade sem tristeza. Sim, te desejo muita felicidade. Felicidade vai te fazer se sentir motivada, disposta, amada. E se tu não se sente assim agora, tem alguma coisa errada (coisa que pode ser mudada). Não romantiza tristeza, ta? Te desejo muitos anos de vida (simmmm), muitas aventuras (não sobreviva, viva. seja ativa e não passiva), muitos tombos (que vão te mostrar o quanto tu é forte), enfim, tudo de bom! E muito amor, né? Que teu cupido seja menos gari que o meu. Que Deus esteja SEMPRE contigo, e tu com Ele. These are my wishes for you, sweetheart. Happy bday!!! Love from Raquel, xoxo. 
Bea: Feliz aniversario Dalila,tudo de mais perfeito na sua vida, muito grammys pra ariana, muito dinheiro e pouco chifre! Apesar de o grupo estar morto, amo você, beijão.
 Bruna: feliz aniversário, daniiiiiiiiiii! te desejo muito amor, paz, felicidades e principalmente leilla na sua vida. não somos próximas mas espero que saiba que gosto muito de ti, e obrigada por cada momento que compartilhamos naquele grupo chato da porra(brinks). enfim, é isso, feliz aniversário!!! aproveita amoreeeee, e fode essa buceta. 
Thami: parabéns daniiiii, muitas felicidades, muitos anos de vida, boys, $$$, paz etc. que Deus te elimine em tudo e tenha um casamento de poliamor maravilhoso com a leilla e o marcelo. teamoanjo e eu sei que você é a #faveladesabafo pq vc odeia tudo e todos. ❤ 
Lara: Oi meu anjinho abusadinha. Sei que não somos 100% próximas apesar de tudo, mas saiba que você é demasiadamente especial pra mim. Já começando o textinho daquele modelo, né non?! Hoje você completa os seus finalmente 16 anos (eu jurava que era 17) de pura irônia e brincadeira e amor e carinho e tudo de mais maravilhoso que você possui em seu coração. Que você continue sendo essa menina que eu e todos do Favela amam. Que, não somente hoje, mas em todos os dias da sua vida, você seja repleta de luz, amor, paz, felicidade, harmonia, dinheiro e muitas coisas a mais que você merece tanto. Eu te amo muito, nene! Obrigada por tudo de verdade e que você saiba que pode contar sempre comigo pra qualquer coisa. FELIZ 16 CARINHA DE BOLACHA! #quintetinho 
Lorena: Parabéns Dani, muita coisa boa na sua vida, que venham mais anos pra ti, a gente nem se fala muito mas sei que tu é maravilhosa. Bjs que Deus te elimine. 
É ISSO AMORE, SAIBA QUE TE AMAMOS!!!!! ps da leilla: eu to choranda eu te amo muito mesmo amore fode essa bucetaaaaaaaaa. te amo. FELIZ DIA!!!! #16 #dani
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Is The U.S. Economy Really Growing? (Spoiler Alert: No!)
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/is-the-u-s-economy-really-growing-spoiler-alert-no/
Is The U.S. Economy Really Growing? (Spoiler Alert: No!)
Authored by Peter Cook via RealInvestmentAdvice.com,
Most people are aware that GDP growth has been lower than expected in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 (GFC).  For example, real GDP growth for the past decade has been closer to 1.5% than the 3% experienced in the 50 years prior to 2008.  As a result of the combination of slow economic growth and deficit spending, most people are also aware that the debt/GDP ratio has been rising.
However, what most people don’t know is that, over the past ten years, the dollar amount of cumulative government deficit spending exceeded the dollar amount of GDP growth.  Put another way, in the absence of deficit spending, GDP growth would have been less than zero for the past decade.  Could that be true?
Let’s begin with a shocking chart that confirms the statements above, and begins to answer the question.  The black line shows the difference between quarterly GDP growth and the quarterly increase in Treasury debt outstanding (TDO).  When the black line is above zero (red dotted line), the dollar amount is GDP is growing faster than the increase in TDO.  From 1971 to 2008, the amount of GDP typically grew at a faster rate than the increase in TDO, which is why the black line is generally above the red dotted line.
Chart 1
During the 1971-2008 period, inflation, budget deficits, and trade deficits varied widely, meaning that the relationship between GDP growth and TDO was stable even in the face of changes in other economic variables. Regardless of those changing economic variables, the US economy tended to grow at a pace faster than TDO for four decades.  The only interruptions to the pattern occurred during recessions of the early 1980s, early 1990s, and early 2000s when GDP fell while budget deficits did not.
The pattern of GDP growth exceeding TDO changed after 2008, which is why the black line is consistently below the red dotted line after 2008.  A change in a previously-stable relationship is known as a “regime change.”  Focusing first on 2008-2012, the increase in TDO far exceeded GDP growth, due to an unprecedented amount of deficit spending compared to historical norms.  Focusing next on 2013-2017, the blue line has been closer to the red dotted line, meaning that the dollar amount of GDP growth was roughly equal to TDO.
If the pattern of the past was in effect, the black line should have been far above the red dotted line for most of the entire period of 2009-2017, because it would be expected that a recovering economy would have produced an excess of GDP growth over TDO.  But that didn’t happen.  This article will not speculate on why there was a regime change.  Instead, this article is focused strictly on identifying that a regime change occurred, and that few people recognize the importance of the regime change, which is probably why it persists.
Taking a quick detour into the simple math of GDP accounting, the level of GDP is calculated by adding up all forms of spending:
GDP = C + I + G + X
In the equation above, C is consumer spending; I is investment spending by corporations; G is government spending; and X is net exports (because the US has become such a heavy net importer, X has been a subtraction from GDP since 2000).
For context, at the end of 2017, the level of US GDP was $19.74 trillion, per the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).  Of that $19.74 trillion, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) calculated that the US government spent $3.98 trillion, all of which counts toward GDP. In 2017 the government borrowed $516 billion, meaning that the government spent more than it received via taxes and other sources.  The main insight in understanding how the government calculates GDP is that all government spending counts as a positive for GDP, regardless of whether that spending is financed by tax collections or issuing debt.
Because deficit spending is additive in the calculation of GDP, it makes sense to compare the amount of deficit spending to the amount of GDP growth produced each year. The first four columns in the table below show the annual GDP, the annual dollar change of GDP, the total amount of Treasury debt outstanding (TDO) and the annual dollar change of TDO.  Comparing the second and fourth columns, it is easy to see that the annual increases in TDO regularly exceed the increases in GDP.
Chart 2
The final column to the right shows the increase in TDO as a percentage of the annual change in GDP growth.  When the ratio is greater than 100%, the increase in TDO is responsible for more than 100% of annual GDP growth.  Reinforcing the message of Chart 1, the annual increase in TDO exceeded annual GDP growth in each of the years from 2008-2016. The only year in which annual GDP growth was greater than the increase in TDO was in 2017, possibly due to the debt ceiling caps, which have now been lifted.
The cumulative figures are even more disturbing.  From 2008-2017, GDP grew by $5.051 trillion, from $14.55 trillion to $19.74 trillion.  During that same period, the increase in TDO totaled $11.26 trillion.  In other words, for each dollar of deficit spending, the economy grew by less than 50 cents.  Or, put another way, had the federal government not borrowed and spent the $11.263 trillion, GDP today would be significantly smaller than it is.
It is possible to transform Chart 1, which shows annual changes in TDO and GDP from 1970-2017, into Chart 3 below, which shows the cumulative difference between the growth of TDO and GDP over the entire period from 1970-2017. The graph below clearly shows the abrupt regime change that occurred in the aftermath of the GFC.  A period in which growth in GDP growth exceeded increases in TDO has been replaced by a period in which increases in TDO exceeded GDP growth.
Chart 3
Unfortunately, extending the analysis forward tells us the problem will only get worse.
Chart 4
Over the entire period from 2008 to 2021, the increase in TDO will exceed GDP growth by $7.531 trillion ($15.843 trillion of TDO compared to $8.312 trillion of GDP growth).  While most people would accept that deficit spending is required for short periods to offset economic disturbances, even John Maynard Keynes wouldn’t expect it to become the norm.  Nor would he expect that a dollar of deficit spending would produce less than a dollar of GDP growth.
Investment and Policy Implications
The purpose of this article is to clarify the changing relationship between the dollar amounts of GDP growth and budget deficits, which are funded by TDO.  If indeed GDP growth has become reliant on budget deficits post-2008, there are many implications for investment policies across all asset classes. For example, might poor organic growth in the private sector explain the unexpectedly-low inflation environment and historically-low capital investment?  If so, what are the implications for stocks and bonds?
Also, government policy should acknowledge the regime change and adapt policies accordingly. If massive deficit spending is required to produce a “positive” sign for GDP growth, is it possible that the private sector of the economy is not growing but shrinking?  Is the private sector’s health now completely reliant on continued government deficits?  If so, is there a limit to the government’s ability to run deficits by issuing bonds?  If a dollar of increase in debt leads to less than a dollar of GDP growth, should the US continue to borrow?  Should the Fed raise rates because of increased fiscal stimulus if the link between deficit spending, GDP growth, and inflation has experienced a regime change?  Can any economic theory explain what is going on?
These questions will be addressed in upcoming articles.
All government spending boosts GDP calculations, regardless of whether government spending is financed by tax collections or deficits financed by debt issuance.
Isolating the interaction between increases in TDO and the dollar amount of GDP growth, the data show a regime change post-2008 compared to the period 1971-2007.
In the period 1971-2007, the dollar amount of GDP growth exceeded increases in TDO except in years in which the economy was in recession.
In the period 2008-2017, annual increases in TDO regularly exceeded the dollar amount of GDP growth, which remarkably occurred during years that GDP was calculated to be growing.
In the period 2008-2017, the cumulative increase in TDO was a multiple of cumulative GDP growth. The dollar amount of GDP growth was completely dependent on deficit spending.
The efficiency of each dollar of deficit spending is declining, because the dollar amount of TDO is greater than the dollar amount of GDP growth.
In the period 2018-2021, the increase in TDO will continue to exceed GDP growth, per forecasts made by the BEA and CBO. That is, GDP growth will be dependent on continued deficit spending.
Importantly, if the economy slips into recession, it is possible TDO will grow at well over $2 trillion per year, meaning that the gap between TDO and GDP will get much larger.
* * *
“Peter Cook is the author of the ‘Is That True?’ series of articles, which help explain the many statements and theories circulating in the mainstream financial media often presented as “truths.” The motives and psychology of market participants, which drives the difference between truth and partial-truth, are explored.”
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
Is The U.S. Economy Really Growing? (Spoiler Alert: No!)
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/is-the-u-s-economy-really-growing-spoiler-alert-no/
Is The U.S. Economy Really Growing? (Spoiler Alert: No!)
Authored by Peter Cook via RealInvestmentAdvice.com,
Most people are aware that GDP growth has been lower than expected in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 (GFC).  For example, real GDP growth for the past decade has been closer to 1.5% than the 3% experienced in the 50 years prior to 2008.  As a result of the combination of slow economic growth and deficit spending, most people are also aware that the debt/GDP ratio has been rising.
However, what most people don’t know is that, over the past ten years, the dollar amount of cumulative government deficit spending exceeded the dollar amount of GDP growth.  Put another way, in the absence of deficit spending, GDP growth would have been less than zero for the past decade.  Could that be true?
Let’s begin with a shocking chart that confirms the statements above, and begins to answer the question.  The black line shows the difference between quarterly GDP growth and the quarterly increase in Treasury debt outstanding (TDO).  When the black line is above zero (red dotted line), the dollar amount is GDP is growing faster than the increase in TDO.  From 1971 to 2008, the amount of GDP typically grew at a faster rate than the increase in TDO, which is why the black line is generally above the red dotted line.
Chart 1
During the 1971-2008 period, inflation, budget deficits, and trade deficits varied widely, meaning that the relationship between GDP growth and TDO was stable even in the face of changes in other economic variables. Regardless of those changing economic variables, the US economy tended to grow at a pace faster than TDO for four decades.  The only interruptions to the pattern occurred during recessions of the early 1980s, early 1990s, and early 2000s when GDP fell while budget deficits did not.
The pattern of GDP growth exceeding TDO changed after 2008, which is why the black line is consistently below the red dotted line after 2008.  A change in a previously-stable relationship is known as a “regime change.”  Focusing first on 2008-2012, the increase in TDO far exceeded GDP growth, due to an unprecedented amount of deficit spending compared to historical norms.  Focusing next on 2013-2017, the blue line has been closer to the red dotted line, meaning that the dollar amount of GDP growth was roughly equal to TDO.
If the pattern of the past was in effect, the black line should have been far above the red dotted line for most of the entire period of 2009-2017, because it would be expected that a recovering economy would have produced an excess of GDP growth over TDO.  But that didn’t happen.  This article will not speculate on why there was a regime change.  Instead, this article is focused strictly on identifying that a regime change occurred, and that few people recognize the importance of the regime change, which is probably why it persists.
Taking a quick detour into the simple math of GDP accounting, the level of GDP is calculated by adding up all forms of spending:
GDP = C + I + G + X
In the equation above, C is consumer spending; I is investment spending by corporations; G is government spending; and X is net exports (because the US has become such a heavy net importer, X has been a subtraction from GDP since 2000).
For context, at the end of 2017, the level of US GDP was $19.74 trillion, per the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).  Of that $19.74 trillion, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) calculated that the US government spent $3.98 trillion, all of which counts toward GDP. In 2017 the government borrowed $516 billion, meaning that the government spent more than it received via taxes and other sources.  The main insight in understanding how the government calculates GDP is that all government spending counts as a positive for GDP, regardless of whether that spending is financed by tax collections or issuing debt.
Because deficit spending is additive in the calculation of GDP, it makes sense to compare the amount of deficit spending to the amount of GDP growth produced each year. The first four columns in the table below show the annual GDP, the annual dollar change of GDP, the total amount of Treasury debt outstanding (TDO) and the annual dollar change of TDO.  Comparing the second and fourth columns, it is easy to see that the annual increases in TDO regularly exceed the increases in GDP.
Chart 2
The final column to the right shows the increase in TDO as a percentage of the annual change in GDP growth.  When the ratio is greater than 100%, the increase in TDO is responsible for more than 100% of annual GDP growth.  Reinforcing the message of Chart 1, the annual increase in TDO exceeded annual GDP growth in each of the years from 2008-2016. The only year in which annual GDP growth was greater than the increase in TDO was in 2017, possibly due to the debt ceiling caps, which have now been lifted.
The cumulative figures are even more disturbing.  From 2008-2017, GDP grew by $5.051 trillion, from $14.55 trillion to $19.74 trillion.  During that same period, the increase in TDO totaled $11.26 trillion.  In other words, for each dollar of deficit spending, the economy grew by less than 50 cents.  Or, put another way, had the federal government not borrowed and spent the $11.263 trillion, GDP today would be significantly smaller than it is.
It is possible to transform Chart 1, which shows annual changes in TDO and GDP from 1970-2017, into Chart 3 below, which shows the cumulative difference between the growth of TDO and GDP over the entire period from 1970-2017. The graph below clearly shows the abrupt regime change that occurred in the aftermath of the GFC.  A period in which growth in GDP growth exceeded increases in TDO has been replaced by a period in which increases in TDO exceeded GDP growth.
Chart 3
Unfortunately, extending the analysis forward tells us the problem will only get worse.
Chart 4
Over the entire period from 2008 to 2021, the increase in TDO will exceed GDP growth by $7.531 trillion ($15.843 trillion of TDO compared to $8.312 trillion of GDP growth).  While most people would accept that deficit spending is required for short periods to offset economic disturbances, even John Maynard Keynes wouldn’t expect it to become the norm.  Nor would he expect that a dollar of deficit spending would produce less than a dollar of GDP growth.
Investment and Policy Implications
The purpose of this article is to clarify the changing relationship between the dollar amounts of GDP growth and budget deficits, which are funded by TDO.  If indeed GDP growth has become reliant on budget deficits post-2008, there are many implications for investment policies across all asset classes. For example, might poor organic growth in the private sector explain the unexpectedly-low inflation environment and historically-low capital investment?  If so, what are the implications for stocks and bonds?
Also, government policy should acknowledge the regime change and adapt policies accordingly. If massive deficit spending is required to produce a “positive” sign for GDP growth, is it possible that the private sector of the economy is not growing but shrinking?  Is the private sector’s health now completely reliant on continued government deficits?  If so, is there a limit to the government’s ability to run deficits by issuing bonds?  If a dollar of increase in debt leads to less than a dollar of GDP growth, should the US continue to borrow?  Should the Fed raise rates because of increased fiscal stimulus if the link between deficit spending, GDP growth, and inflation has experienced a regime change?  Can any economic theory explain what is going on?
These questions will be addressed in upcoming articles.
All government spending boosts GDP calculations, regardless of whether government spending is financed by tax collections or deficits financed by debt issuance.
Isolating the interaction between increases in TDO and the dollar amount of GDP growth, the data show a regime change post-2008 compared to the period 1971-2007.
In the period 1971-2007, the dollar amount of GDP growth exceeded increases in TDO except in years in which the economy was in recession.
In the period 2008-2017, annual increases in TDO regularly exceeded the dollar amount of GDP growth, which remarkably occurred during years that GDP was calculated to be growing.
In the period 2008-2017, the cumulative increase in TDO was a multiple of cumulative GDP growth. The dollar amount of GDP growth was completely dependent on deficit spending.
The efficiency of each dollar of deficit spending is declining, because the dollar amount of TDO is greater than the dollar amount of GDP growth.
In the period 2018-2021, the increase in TDO will continue to exceed GDP growth, per forecasts made by the BEA and CBO. That is, GDP growth will be dependent on continued deficit spending.
Importantly, if the economy slips into recession, it is possible TDO will grow at well over $2 trillion per year, meaning that the gap between TDO and GDP will get much larger.
* * *
“Peter Cook is the author of the ‘Is That True?’ series of articles, which help explain the many statements and theories circulating in the mainstream financial media often presented as “truths.” The motives and psychology of market participants, which drives the difference between truth and partial-truth, are explored.”
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