#because CLIEGG KRIFFING LARS got her out!!!
swan2swan · 5 months
"Oh the power dynamic, ha, yeah, bad writing George, he PURCHASES her, frees her, and then MARRIES her, oh, that's a healthy dynamic"
Okay I need you all to think about this:
If he buys a woman who has nothing (because she's a SLAVE on the CRIME PLANET)
And then says "You're free"
and follows that up with "ON THE CRIME PLANET"
What happens next?
What happens if you just turn a woman loose with nothing on the CRIME PLANET?
Yeah. Yeah.
"Well he could get her a ride off-planet" with what, the money he used to free her? To send her where? To his friends off-world? Why is he still living on the CRIME PLANET (that has nothing but SAND, where he FARMS WATER) if he has friends on other planets and the money to travel offworld?
Does Cliegg Lars have a spaceship parked out back?
Can he take her a few lightyears to Naboo? Set her loose on Theed? I mean...the fact that Naboo and Tatooine are in the same sector does raise some questions, but also, again, Naboo is the Peace Planet and Tatooine is the CRIME PLANET.
The point is, he said "Hey, you're free. Hey, come live with me. Move in with me. NOW YOU HAVE EQUAL CLAIM TO MY PROPERTY THANKS TO THIS LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT, do whatever you want."
Man was rickety and old and in a Space Wheelchair. There was no Unfair Power Dynamic. This dude was not Taking Advantage of Shmi. He said "Girl you deserve better, come live on a farm in the desert. I mean...you still deserve better, but this is the best I can do, hope it's enough."
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