#because ace is both pleasantly mannered and still absolutely a wild child it was difficult to pin his cleanliness down lol
firebird-inkheart · 2 years
Also 🧹 and 💕 for Ace because I’m curious XP
🧹Is your f/o more of a tidy or a messy person? What about you? Also, do the two of you sometimes get into arguments because of the household chores? 
Ace is a bit difficult to pin on this. He's both a slob and capable of being tidy. He was raised by bandits and basically lived like a wild animal for a time, but he eventually learned manners and with that came learning how to clean up after himself (not a frequent thing) and helping clean up after others (a more frequent thing). One of the things that he learned while being a Whitebeard pirate was "You eat the food, you do the work." so it's not like he doesn't know how to be responsible. It's just sometimes he doesn't particularly care.
Honyo has tiers for things she cares to be clean and orderly and things she doesn't. Some things she has to have in certain order to be able to feel secure, and some things, as long as they're still in what she considers "her" space, then it doesn't matter how messy it gets. She does try to limit the radius of "her" space if she's sharing with someone else or crashing at a temporary place though, so her messes don't get too big.
💕What´s about random affection? Does your f/o often hug or kiss you randomly and vice versa? Also, how often do you cuddle?
Oh Ace loves to throw his arm around Honyo and lean on her. He's also prone to grabbing her hand and pulling her along with him whenever they're out and about exploring. Of the two he is more likely to initiate physical contact because Honyo's a tsundere and would rather suffer in flustered silence than ask to be held.
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