#because only neurotypical rich cishets *checks notes* ... are critical of capitalism and consumerism
detectivenyx · 1 year
never learn to sew as a cosplayer
why repair the cheap garbage you bought off aliexpress for $10 when you can completely replace it for $50? 🤑🤑🤑 you save -$40, AND get to help create more crap to pour into landfill!!! unnecessary environmental damage slay <3
personalising your cosplay to fit your needs, body, or aesthetics in a way that won’t fall apart in 40 seconds once you start dancing for a tiktok? who needs that? instead buy something mass produced that looks like it was made from a plastic bin lining and is about half as sturdy and a fraction as flattering!
why would you want to dress yourself in clothing that you can definitely confirm won’t have lead dye used in it? c’mon, take a little risk with your cosplay literally poisoning you every time you sweat (which will be almost every time you put it on since the fabric is literal plastic!)
you might develop a 😱LIFE SKILL😱 you can use outside of cosplay to personalize your own wardrobe and extend the lifespan of your clothing!!! cheugy! everyone knows you replace your whole wardrobe every month the second a single stitch pulls or the trend changes!
you’ll soon learn just how terribly made not only cheap aliexpress cosplays, but almost all of fast fashion today, is! education is the DEVIL outside of Extremely Specific LGBTQ+ Identity Of The Week (this week it’s Glutemaxibarrensexual in honour of the new genshin character who flicked his wrist in one optional scene which means he’s totally ✨fruity ✨ ) which we will beat you within an inch of your life for not knowing. wait, what’s the ‘bear’ flag? people think being a fat hairy man is lgbtq+ now? 🤡
you might learn what exactly goes into the borderline slave labour used to make clothing! and as we just covered, education is evil!
you might be able to cosplay whatever characters you want! rather than being limited to what characters a seller could be bothered to make!!! who would want to cosplay a unique character??? nah, just cosplay from the same 5-9 serieses that are currently trending.
and remember! we’re all completely valid! <3 <3 <3 now if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to go into my DMs to gossip with my friends about this fat cosplayer making her own bayonetta cosplay and how cringe she is! oh but uh. it’s because she uh. three years ago said taylor swift was a cunt, and that was before everything about her pollution came out, so it was motivated by misogyny. yeag <3 the autism is winning today <3
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