#been thinking about the EDAs and eights character and the form of the character imitating the form of the text.......
st4rshiptr00per · 2 months
i feel so bad i dont listen to hardly any of the fifth doctor stories but i think it does create this really funny trio in my mind of 6+7+8. like seven and eight are both characters whos whole Deal revolves around who they are supposed to be. seven believes that the person he is means that he needs, and Deserves to be in control, that its his responsibility to use all of his power to make sure things are Right. eight on the other hand is in this constant struggle of rejecting what hes 'supposed' to be and then forgetting everything and losing himself and having to fight to find it again, over and over again he loses track of the goalposts and never gets to just Be as he Is for long. and then theres six, who on a deep level, is a guy who has convinced themselves if they just believe hard enough the family vacation wont go wrong THIS TIME.
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