#better than making a 10 tweet twitter thread. ive probably annoyed soo many people that way lol
jounosparticles · 7 months
i have not updated on the suegiku slow burn ive written in a while sorry!!! but here’s an update now
i was initially going to release them by a chapter-to-chapter basis but figured i’d do it all (or a huge chunk of it) at once since i keep going and changing small things from the beginning to flow if better. so i’m sorry to those i said i was going to have the first chapter out a Long time ago. i added a lot since.
i’m somewhere between 14k-15k words right now. aiming for it to only be like 20k-25k words. which isn’t huge but i don’t want to fill it with samey padding either
i had to add an original character as a villain plot device however i didn’t keep him around too long so i Hope that isn’t a dealbreaker. he’s just there to give us our setting and reason to be in said setting
annnddd uhhh. i’m worried it’s going to sound too padded out the way i’m writing it now. im hoping the future pacing doesn’t feel off after it’s fully written outside of a framework. if not i’ll have to adjust.
but the framework Is complete and i know how i want it to end so the writing process shouldn’t be too much longer. don’t expect something top tier but i’m hoping it isn’t too bad. i’ll update again as i write when it’s done.
i’m not a hugely experienced writer so it’s a bit of a challenge (but fun regardless!!).
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