#birthdays :: raguna 2024
dcviated · 1 month
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it was raguna's birthday :: open
@runefactorynonsense sent: [ Happy Birfday 🎉 Nervous Lynguna as a treat ] -- This was not like those ambushes of old, but neither did she have the gall (gall. Not confidence, she most certainly did not lack the latter, hm) to approach such a sensitive topic directly. The Earthmate's birthday? How easy it would be to slip up, raise a brow, comment that the day he'd chosen was w-- No, NO. She would let him have this. And to acknowledge it, given that his patterns were almost equally regular, even on holidays, she... might have taken advantage of those afternoon hours where he wasn't home. A small intrusion (funny how that felt so invasive despite an unlocked door and offered friendship), a gift left on that counter, to be found at a later time, with a note that sat on top of a small basket of apple filled pastries; "Pardon the intrustion. These were left over, and you have occasion for them. And take half a day off every so often; It's good advice. ~L"
It wasn't the first time Raguna had seen Lynette's handwriting, nor did he imagine it would be the last. It carried a certain formal air to it that differed from the way the former military woman carried herself. Same dignity but well... who could say if she was or wasn't more stiff in person? Just mulling on the topic and comparison proves enough to lift the corner of Raguna's lip as his gaze pores over the words.
He appreciates the gift left, of course, but something about the letter touches him deeper. Further than empty platitudes, there was something else to be found between the lines and the sharp scratches of a nib against the clean surface of the paper. What exactly that was... Raguna wasn't really sure.
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"But are these really leftovers? Seem pretty fresh to me... and what did she use the rest of them for to begin with? It's not as though there was a festival." A quandary that wouldn't be spared much effort from the Earthmate, instead choosing to sample the gift. Very tasty. The apples were perfectly tender, perhaps the pastry could use a little bit more work. Still, amazing start... Had she made them herself?
That'll be another question added to the list for when he hunts her down later. She will, after all, be properly thanked for the gesture. Perhaps he'll make something she likes to show the appreciation. This generous behavior from Lynette obviously needs to be encouraged, right?
The letter, however, will be tucked away for safe keeping. The farmer looks outside where the infinite amount of work and growth of a farm beckoned. He thinks. A glance back to the nightstand. And then, with a shrug.
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Raguna decides to sit down and read a book instead.
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dcviated · 1 month
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it was raguna's birthday :: open
@kyriosc sent: Matilda isn't late, she merely had to take an extra day preparing everything and her timing was a bit off. You can bet that once the sun started to set and dinner was done, she set the table with a mini buffet of their favourite desserts. A customary cake with tarts, puddings and such. "Guna~! Happy Birthday ♥ !"
And to think, Raguna has the gall to be confused once he gets back inside after cleaning up from dinner. Matilda surprises him in the middle of putting up his gloves, leaving him helpless to put together the pieces. About as slow as the turn of the waterwheel out back, isn't he?
Well. Sometimes.
Not when it really matters though. Because for all the ephemeralness of his own birthday, he'd never miss hers for a second.
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"....it was my birthday!" Aye, there be the revelation. Hitting him like a buffamoo on its way to pasture. Bewilderment turns to endearment. And Raguna's flushed smile carries him over to the table. Not to eat the delicious treats, not yet, but to his dramatically more lovely wife. The hug is warm and folded not unlike a pastry. Cheek rubs turn to nose rubs turn to pecks on the lips. Decorating her face with all the love he needs to give.
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"I'd completely forgotten. If I'd known back then I was going to be so busy this time of year I'd have picked a better day for my birthday. I'm glad I have someone like you, Matilda. You're always there for me."
Reluctantly he pulls away, letting his gaze drift across the pastries.
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"Now to pick which one of these I want to eat first..."
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