mysageukinbio · 7 years
Hello! I'm very new to the sageuk world but the ones I've seen so far all had sad endings :/ I'm very sensitive and, even though it sounds silly ; unhappy ending in movies or series make me really sad... That's why I want to ask if you can tell me what are the sageuks (especially if they have been made in the recent years) that have the traditional happy ending : the couple gets to live happily ever after! Thank you so much for your help 🙏🏼
Sure~ I understand that not everybody likes how the average sageuk ends, a few in which the main characters live happily ever after include Dae Jang Geum (MBC, 2003), The Princess’ Man (KBS, 2011), Jeong Yak Yong (OCN, 2009) Joseon Gunman (KBS, 2014), Scholar Who Walks The Night (MBC, 2015), Ruler: Master of the Mask (MBC, 2017), and Rebel Hong Gil Dong (MBC, 2017)! If you can find them, The Great Ambition (SBS, 2002) and the Legend of Hyangdan (MBC, 2007) ended happily as well!
If you’re in the mood for a movie, Seong Chun Hyang (1961), The Legend of Chunhyang (1961) and Chunhyang (2000) end happily, being adaptations of a very famous Korean folktale, after all! The Wedding Day (1956) and A Happy Day At Maeng Jinsa’s (1962) are also very light-hearted from beginning to end~
The happiest drama by far, in my opinion is Moonlight Drawn By Clouds (KBS, 2016), because barely any of the leads die, making the happy ending all the less bittersweet; but my favorite happy ending is the King’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang (MBC, 2013) which, despite being rushed near the end due to the 16-episode cut, gave a satisfying conclusion to such a long drama~
Conditional Happy Endings I’m Not Entirely Sure You Might Like:
Arang and the Magistrate (MBC, 2012) is a supernatural romcom, that ends happily with the main characters “living” in the afterlife together, if that counts!
Hwang Jin Yi (KBS, 2006) had a beautiful ending that’s happy for the main character, but none of the romances last to the end because this drama doesn’t hold romance very high in the priority list - at least, in the second half of the drama.
Seven Day Queen (KBS, 2017) did end happily… I guess… but that all depends on whether you buy the premise of the drama itself; I personally don’t, so the ending was rubbish for me.
The 7th episode of Hometown Legends (KBS, 2008) is very comical, and ends just as comically, but as this is a very light-hearted episode of what is generally a horror series, there’s no romance.
Merchant Kim Man Deok (KBS, 2010) also leaves romance in the dust, but by no means to the main character’s detriment.
I’ve heard that Sunggyungwan Scandal (KBS, 2010), Warrior Baek Dong Su (SBS, 2011), My Sassy Girl (KBS, 2017) and The King Loves (MBC, 2017) ended happily, but I haven’t finished any of those, so don’t take my word on these… 
If I’ve missed any, anyone else may suggest titles as well!
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