Dark Forest Resident: Blackears
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Aliases / Nicknames: Monster Cat, Small One, Defective Cat
Gender: tom
Sexuality: unspecified
Family: Mistleclaw (mother), Big One (father)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Bloodlilyclan (formerly), rogue
Rank: warrior, rogue
Characteristics: problems with speaking,unstable,sad
Number of Victims: 5
Number of Murders: 5
Murder Method: unspecified
Known Victims: Creampaw, Knocks, Jirdclaw, two unnamed cats
Victim Profile: cats that insult him
Cause of Death: starvation
Cautionary Tale: apprentices are told not to insult other strange cats, lest the ghost of the monster cat get them
He was left at twenty moons.
It wasn’t very long for him, but it was long for the other cats.
He had a good life wandering the desert.
He killed a kittypet once.
Then he met Acornpaw. They became friends, and Blackears offered him a two-day old sheep carcass in exchange for keeping him a secret.
He wandered awhile.
Then he met another apprentice. He tied to talk, but Creampaw started yelling at him, calling him a monster.
He lost it.
He killed the apprentice.
A bit later, he learned that Creampaw had been the kit of his old friend.
After this, he killed a random warrior. Now, his murderous deeds finally caught up with his mental state, tearing it down and causing him to have a breakdown that resulting in him starving himself.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @purplegr33n​
--He has a speech impediment.
--He’s infertile.
--He’s large.
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