blxxdyivory · 4 months
## Pinned post for all info about blxxdyivory & finding what you need. ##
## updated 05/14/24 ##
dni: shitty people, creeps, blanks, minors.
Please block my blog if anything I’ve posted makes you uncomfortable. I ask that you do not report me as there’s much worse content on this hellsite that doesn’t get taken down and I’m simply residing in my little corner of the internet with the other horny folk. Thank you!!
Every post is written with the presupposition that each party involved in the posts are of legal age (18+ or older based on your area) and are consenting adults.
Every post is fantasy.
Do not pursue me. I am not interested in you romantically or sexually in the slightest. I have been taken from the world + refer to her as v. I am in a closed monogamous demisexual relationship + want nothing to do with anyone who is not v.
You can send asks about whatever you want or submit pictures/videos of kittens (actual baby cats, the filus catus, uncommonly referred to as a domesticated carnivorous mammal) or any other non-gross thing (refer to what I post and reblog for what I’m willing to see). If it involves explicit nudity I do not want it in my askbox. It is a place for saying words or sending content of similar interest to mine, not to show off your body parts or partners. Thank you!!
I do NOT roleplay with ANYONE. No exceptions. I’ll possibly write something if you send a suggestion on anon. Or read some of my other text content + find new stuff that works for you.
You are not v. I do not owe you a fucking thing.
DMs are closed.
New color codes:
red - dom fantasies / normal post color
purple - sub fantasies
Kinks I write about or rb:
cnc, somno, knifeplay, bloodplay, petplay, praise, degradation, stalking, kidnapping, obslove, autassassinophilia, overstimulation, + more
Things you may see posted you didn’t expect:
memes, blood, knives, teasing gifs, horror movie scenes (including blood, gore, or nudity), castles, churches, nature, landscapes, water, art, hands, bodies, anime, animals, movies, & other random shit that isn’t necessarily ‘nsfw’ 24/7 but I still find aesthetically stimulating or entertaining enough to reblog.
you can use my tag #blxxdy.txt to only see stuff I have written, or related sexual tags to find any stuff I may have written about that you’re looking for.
Click read more for info about this blog and myself 🖤
About Me
You can call me Cinder. I’m 22, pronouns he/they, and mostly enjoy writing dom perspective scenarios and (rarely) longer short-stories. I have a high sex drive & work at a timeslave camp Amazon. This is my blog to express my horny thoughts, reblog interests, and escape reality. I am fucked up. If you are not fucked up you may not enjoy your stay here. I grew up on dark parts of the internet so I am desensitized to a lot of things. Everything I post may not be for everyone. I do however try to refrain from posting anything too extreme or tag them as mature content.
I like goth, cute, pretty, sexy, badass, brutal, and dark content, and I write horny, wholesome, dark, and kinky prose or short stories, and make shitposts/questions/polls every once in a while. All my tags are below if you need help finding certain posts. I don’t tag everything sadly but hopefully they help!
Everything I alone specifically have written can be found under the tag “#blxxdyivory” as this is my main tag for every post I personally write.
TAGS—for navigation
- #blxxdyivory for everything by me (to filter out the miscellaneous reblogs and only see my text content)
- #blxxdy.txt for text posts
- #blxxdy.ask for asks & answers
- #blxxdy.jpg for images
- #blxxdy.poll for polls
- #blxxdy.sub for my sub posts
search my page for any specific tags related to specific kinks to find semi-organized posts that hopefully haven’t been misclassified by me spam tapping my suggested tags on a lot of posts I write.
if you think you may know me irl, you don’t.
~ cinder
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