#bro arb sure did just drop a fat content bomb huh???
akkivee · 3 years
april fools in arb lol
bb: saburo doesn’t see the point in april fools lol and thinks telling any kind of fake news, even if lighthearted, is ridiculous. jiro tries his hand at telling an april fools lie by saying he is going to become a guitarist but some one off screen (probably saburo or the player lol) tells him his lie sucked and he gets embarrassed. ichiro thinks april fools is a fun day to tell a harmless lie but he’s not really able to come up with one on the spot. but he eventually pranks his brothers by saying he would like to eat some macarons (ohabukuro reference!!) jiro and saburo immediately go out to by some and jiro is shook when he finds out it was a lie lol
mtc: samatoki-sama is not amused by april fools lol juto thinks a day to tell some humorous white lies isn’t a bad thing. telling lies goes against rio’s principles but wishes everyone to have fun on such a day. however, it seems that dice told him that a harmless lie as a joke can bring a team together and strengthen their bonds so he sent samatoki and juto a mail stating he’s opening a restaurant and wants them to come by and have a bit. rio’s worried that samatoki and juto will be disappointed when they learn there isn’t a restaurant so he considers making a feast, just in case. samatoki and juto instinctively know rio’s lying but because it’s not in rio’s nature to lie, they’re both scared and can’t tell if this is a prank or not lmao 🤣
fp: ramuda likes april fools and likes to tell his lie in the morning and then reveals it in the afternoon!!! he decides he’s going to prank dice lol gentaro is incapable of telling lies and only lives his life honestly!!!! (he says in an old person?? well it ain’t normal lol voice) he, too, decides to prank arisugawa (he says arisugawa) by not telling a lie the entire day lol dice has prepared himself for any lies gentaro will tell him. and then he gets a mail from ramuda and gentaro that if he doesn’t pay them back the money he owes, they’re going to sell his organs on the black market lmao
mtr: sensei tells us he’s drinking sake after a long while. he then chuckles and and asks if we really believed him; it’s just water in his cup!! he also shares with us about france’s april fools tradition, how kids go around slapping pictures of fish on other’s backs. it’s called “april’s fish” and jakurai finds the tradition adorable. host mode hifumi tells us he doesn’t do april fools because he doesn’t want any of his kittens feeling hurt from any lies he would say. malewife hifumi then says that he encouraged doppo to tell a lie for the day, and doppo responded with, “work is fun!” but it seems that saying it broke something in doppo and he’s been unresponsive lmao doppo himself said saying it left him feeling empty lol so he gives it another go by saying “that balding manager is being transferred to alaska today!!!” and despondently says he’s once again uttered something so dissatisfying lol
dh: sasara and rosho pranked each other lmao!!!! sasara got a message from rosho saying that he’s quit teaching at sasara got really nervous for a second there lol!!!! and sasara told rosho that the last time he was at rosho’s home, he ate his pudding. and quickly backpedalled ‘cause you know rosho was about to charge at him lmao rosho was getting a sudden large volume of phone calls from sasara so he’s making sure to message him in case sasara got that worried lol and he was really excited to play a prank on rei, as lowkey payback, but he got so excited it made him nervous and he messed up 😭 rei has decided, as someone who tells lies all the time, to not tell a lie on april fools!! he also goes on to say you don’t gotta restrict yourself to telling lies on one day; it’s okay to lie everyday 🤣
bat: hitoya says the law’s not stuffy enough not prohibit you from having a little fun on April fools day and then wishes us to have a good time. he messages jyushi that today’s the day where if someone tells you a lie, you get to yell, “OBJECTION!!!” at them, and chuckles to himself wondering how that’s going to go down 🤣 (normal) jyushi’s wondering what kind of lie to tell and when he gets hitoya’s message, he (the vkei king) instantly begins to ponder what kind of pose he’ll strike when he does lmao kuukou doesn’t see the point in april fools day........ but swerves and thinks actually it might be a good time to get the jump on his dad lol and so like!!!! he was totally trying to prank jyushi but then he suddenly pointed at him and yelled, “OBJECTION!!!” in his face??? tf was up with that??? lmao!!!
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