#btw I also ship clexa and I loved flarke too
userlaylivia · 7 months
god some people live in a permanent state of denial istg lol I've been down my bellarke rabbit hole again watching videos and a couple people are like "they were just meant to be friends and stay platonic" god their denial is strong lmao no they weren't supposed to stay just friends or platonic lol bob confirmed they were told to play them romantically and said they were supposed to be endgame, the ONLY reason they weren't is because jroth was a petty pos so no we weren't delusional and we didn't just see what we wanted to see because bob and eliza still talk about it and their still angry they weren't endgame and confirmed they were in love with each other like idc who hates them (though idk how people hate them honestly lol) and etc but we weren't delusional and we aren't crazy just because you saw them as just friends doesn't mean we're in denial or delusional and it definitely doesn't mean they were supposed to stay platonic because they weren't lol
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