slylock-syl · 3 years
Hi! i was wondering how do u plan out your story for undersource? Im planning on doing my own main story for my ocs and i cant really figure out a way to plan it out. Do you have any advice or tricks u can give?
I wouldn't say I really have any sort of "method" or plan to how I write, I often just kinda think up scenarios I want to happen and figure out how to tie them together later. XD And if the scenario isn't working then I'll either put it on the backburner for possible use later or scrap it. A VERY common way I write is whenever I think of a scenario I like, I often try to develop it via possible dialogue, or what the situation might be.
Something I advise all the time I’m asked this is don’t be afraid to write down anything and everything when it comes to storywriting. I find letting yourself splurge words is far more helpful than forcing yourself into a mental block because you’re unsure of a scene or situation. Thinking too much or getting distracted about a detail often causes writer’s block and forces you into a corner. Even if you’re not sure about the direction of something, you can always scrap or modify it later! Letting the idea out might help develop a that direction you’re looking for! ^_^
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