#but 90s hyde and laruku still has my heart
sakuhai · 1 year
the same anon about the ring, I was talking about Hyde lol. I've just never seen him with the traditional wedding band even from 2000-2006(?) I know many believe he is divorced but because it isnt 100% confirmed, I'm not sure. I think he still is tbh but I think it's an open marriage for the sake of their son(s) (I've heard it's almost expected for husbands to have sexual affairs often). I've frequently seen him with the same big skull ring though
Open marriage is a big NO and an even bigger EWW I dont care who gets offended.And in whatever culture or mindset a woman or man would accept that for themselves even if they are married not to a manlet like Hideto but to a trillionaire king of the world...Its not uncommon for a rich and famous person to be private and not demonstrate their marital status however.
What would be ideal between a couple who have kids its for parents to be as present as possible in their kids lives.Which probably wasnt the case for Hyde.
He must have always been busy and unable to accommodate his family in it.
I do believe Hyde is divorced.Im not sure if he has had other serious relationships beyond Megumi Oishi (if they were even a thing to begin with) or he has other children (like Ive heard Oishi has).
Maybe that is simply one of his favorite edgelord selfs tacky bling blings...
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