#but JoD had all the opportunities to really go there with Reala and NiGHTS as characters
bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
How about your boi Reala? (Idk if I spelled that right-)
You. You get me.
First impression:
Oh yeah this guy’s gonna be the bad boy jackass character of the fandom isn’t he LOL
I’m not ashamed to admit i was sold on his character even before i got into watching the full game walkthrough x’D gremlin characters are one of my biggest weaknesses, and i knew he was gonna be one of Those Types (little did i know he wouldn’t be the only one HJKSDF)
I definitely recall though i preferred his NiD design over his JoD design, like the JoD design is fine and all (i like the venice carnival theme with the persona mask) but the NiD attire fit with the clown aesthetic that has been giving me brain worms for the last year or so LOL
I was more attached to NiGHTS at first ngl but i found Reala to be a fun counterpart! I was also super happy when Reala referred to NiGHTS as his sibling because that instantly made their dynamic and potential backstory (which i was not yet fully aware of) much more interesting to me.
Impression now:
No not in a self-ship romance way because i am ace/aro but even then i don’t mean in love with the character but i’m in love with how he is portrayed as a character, what with the backstory and everything!
Despite the fact his backstory and character is not fully explored or developed in the canon games (lookin’ at you especially JoD) the few tidbits we did get were enough to really spike my interest in learning more about Reala and NiGHTS’ shared past, and their relationship before NiGHTS’ defected. BUT ONCE AGAIN THE FANDOM PROVIDES and with that little info we did get, the fandom managed to expand on it with headcanons and other fun stuff and built Reala into a very interesting and complex character with a very heavy burden on his shoulders-
Favorite moment:
Man how do i CHOOSE-
Nah actually i gotta admit the scene in JoD with Helen falling through the portal Reala made with that ridiculous scream and Reala giggling his head off has to be my favourite because of how heckin HILARIOUS it is! x’D
But if i were to pick one also for NiD specifically, i’d say the entire boss fight with NiGHTS. :)
Idea for a story:
Ohhhhh i’ve had ideas galore for this guy HFJKDF
Specifically post-games where i’ve entertained ideas on how he and NiGHTS would slowly mend that broken bond, because even though Reala finally agreed to take his siblings side, doesn’t mean he isn’t still affected by past hurts and betrayals which would take a long time to heal.
Any ideas i have had though would all take place within the Theatre with Balan and Lance, because i love the idea the maestro brothers would play a big part in aiding in the mending of NiGHTS and Reala’s relationship. Originally i had thought on going the route with Lance working with Reala and Balan working with NiGHTS because their personalities seem to match each other-
BUT THEN! I figured it would actually be A LOT MORE INTERESTING if Balan worked with Reala and Lance worked with NiGHTS!
Balan works with Reala in helping to fix his trust issues, and help him heal from his traumas too as a result from suffering under Wizeman for so long. And the idea that Balan radiates this warming energy that just puts Reala more at ease, and makes him feel more safe and therefore more willing to open up i feel just works.
(NiGHTS on the other hand, i think would benefit from Lance’s aid because NiGHTS would have bottled up all his guilt over his defection and Lance would help him contront that guilt on how his actions had very real consequences in regards to how it affected his siblings, by bringing it out and helping NiGHTS to deal with it and overcome it)
Unpopular opinion:
Once again i had to ponder this one for a while because i don’t really think there is anything i outright disagree with a majority on. Most of what i disagree with many already are the same so it’s hard to really say xD
I guess his JoD design could count though... i’m not a big fan of it xD (aside from the persona mask) he looks more like a samurai/soldier than the jester he’s supposed to be which i guess does work in it’s own way when we consider how he’s trying to fulfil the role of general for Wizeman’s army and it’s a role he was never truly designed for, so it clearly clashes with his overall theme.
Favorite relationship:
Obviously his sibling relationship with NiGHTS and Jackle xD NiGHTS i’ve already gone into detail a bit, but Jackle also because i love the idea that after NiGHTS left Jackle was the only support Reala had left, and thats what kept him mostly stable during the events of NiD. But come the time of JoD, Jackle is no longer around (not dead but hiding from Wizeman whilst also searching for a new home for his siblings which i will mention is a hc of mine so don’t take it as being actual canon fact xD) and so he no longer has that support around to keep him grounded. But unlike NiGHTS, Reala understands why Jackle had to go into hiding and in fact even encouraged it!
Didn’t make things any easier for him though, and it would have definitely had an impact. (History always seems to repeat itself in one way or another doesn’t it)
Favorite headcanon(s):
I love the idea that NiGHTS and Reala, being twins were never truly meant to be separated which is why when NiGHTS defected it had such a devastating effect of Reala in the long term. Jackle being around in the beginning helped delay the worst of the emotional impact it had on Reala, and perhaps part of him at first thought NiGHTS would still come back, he’s always been rebellious afterall.
(Spoiler alert - he never came back)
Also i am 100% on board with the idea Reala was never truly evil. Being a nightmaren and following his natural instinct to gather ideya aside, he’s just doing what he must because he wants to please Wizeman, please his master, his creator his father-
This combined with the idea that of the two twins, NiGHTS was the favourite it really pushes on why Reala (at least in JoD) seems so intensly keen on being as loyal to Wizeman as he can, in both his dress and his actions. But i also enjoy the take that he was never truly jealous of NiGHTS being the favourite, but he wanted to be up there with his twin in daddy’s spotlight as his two most precious children. He wanted to share that with his twin, his other half, his sibling.
Really hits harder when you remember that NiGHTS eventually defected and abandoned him (the latter coming from Reala’s perspective) and instead of Wizeman’s gaze looking to Reala as the new favourite instead he see’s him as a new means to vent his frustration.
Which coincides well with the headcanon First Levels can’t be killed, not even by Wizeman himself. Gotta wonder where Reala got all those scars afterall.
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incognito-lionbeast · 3 years
// Part five!  a NiGHTS JoD / Balan Wonderworld crossover. TL;DR It’s time to check back in on Balan & NiGHTS. NiGHTS is very upset about their brother being sent to eeby deeby -- strongly worded letter to follow.
*SLAPS THIGH* this is really late & I apologise, but I’ve been picking at this for the better part of a month. Writing is hard sometimes.
Next time: NiGHTS is forced to talk about their feelings, whether they like it or not.  [part one] [part two] [part three] [part four] ----
    Sometime--not nearly as far in the past as Reala believed--the other two remained just as they had been. An emotionally charged stalemate. An accusation. What did you do to my brother? Tims littered the meadow, watching them--watching both. They chirruped. Concern, clear as day and just as lively, suddenly reanimated NiGHTS’ entire form, chasing, skidding, gripping Balan’s sleeves with both fists. An emotion they’d never expressed before. For all they’d shared--for all Balan knew that he’d told NiGHTS about his work or what Leo and Emma must have already said--their desperation threw off Wonderworld’s Maestro. Balan’s professional facade slipped, but determination quickly found a replacement.
    Interesting were the hearts of Nightmares.
    “Conflicts in my Theatre, I must resolve. Yet, it is only his own heart that he must solve,” Balan replied evenly. With a twist, he freed himself from the Nightmaren’s grasp, brushing the fabric smooth again. Now then. Balan was not a monster. He wasn’t unsympathetic, but this was his Theatre to protect… and he didn’t want to lose a friend. They both had so few. So, Balan offered a hand for NiGHTS to take, a gesture of good faith. NiGHTS so needed the support. Yet, it was denied, shoved away and impugned. Calm as Balan was, NiGHTS knew no solace from the gauntlet of emotions taking hold.
    “He’s my brother!” They argued. “You can’t just--you can’t! He’s not just some Visitor you can do whatever you want with!”
     How telling. How strange. This was quite the change, and what of Visitors were they implying? Although they reprimanded Balan--and perhaps in some right, that was fair--he wondered how much of the sentiment belonged to them and not him. Yet, such were projections and inferences better suited to another discourse, another time--if there would ever be a time for it at all! This one, this topic, and NiGHTS’ frantic role-reversal held his undivided attention and curiosity. Oh, how they’d flit between anger and worry without even a second thought! So readily that Balan saw an opportunity. He saw them, inspiration conspiring to fit the last few puzzle pieces together.
     "NiGHTS… although I know you meant it not, a threatening foe you have brought,” Balan countered, gentle but firm. Almost like handling a child, Balan thought, although they clearly weren’t. Yet, if he couldn’t remain calm, then how could he expect NiGHTS to follow suit? Eventually. Even a little. They were nowhere near it now, gesturing wildly as noisy static filled their head with words--too many words--too many words all at once, all equally desperate to be heard. Few of them made sense, and they struggled to process a single, coherent thought amid the cacophony. Even so, NiGHTS wasn’t one to be silenced. Cohesion be damned, NiGHTS had something to say.
     “Reala? Really, he’s not-- please, it’s not like he cares about anything other than me, anyway!” They argued, interrupting themselves as words collided and derailed mid-thought. It frustrated them, but only half as much as the ridiculous, nosy, impassive-rude-thing they were talking to. What did Balan know? What was a Maestro, anyway? Balan only ever answered with a job description, and--caught in a maelstrom of incredulity--NiGHTS suspected that Balan didn’t know half as much as he implied about anything. Most of all, Balan didn’t know Reala. The nerve, the--the everything. Everything was terrible and NiGHTS’ voice nearly raised an octave trying to explain exactly how terrible.
     “He’s nothing! He’s just a stubborn, old clown who doesn’t know when to give up. He’s hardly threatening. We’ve been doing this for how long..? I’m fine. I can handle him! He’s my brother, anyway. You have no right--!”  No. Yes, well... whatever! Maybe NiGHTS was less right about some things, too, but that didn’t make them wrong, either. Reala was their sibling. Even if nothing else came out as intended, that was an immutable fact. Their expression crumpled, frustration surrendering to tears while Balan so patiently, so irritatingly carried on without a word--merely waiting for NiGHTS to finish what they thought needed to be said. They had time. They were his friend, and he was listening.
     “You can’t--he’s so stupid. You’ve stranded him who-knows-where, alone, and he’s not going to understand! Reala’s never listened to me--even when I’m right!--so there’s no way you’ll do any better! You’re just going to hurt him!” 
     Ah, there. That was it -- Balan’s cue. Patience melted away with newfound purpose--such ominous purpose and an imposing one, too. Taking full advantage of his height, Balan swooped in--behind NiGHTS fluidly, wrapping an arm ‘round their shoulders. Gathering them close, he leaned in to level their faces, intent lacing every movement. He paused, shadows painting his countenance something dreadfully insightful; Balan hardly paid mind to NiGHTS’ dismay--although he was so acutely aware of it--a soft, white glove tracing, dispelling shimmering drops to their audience’s chirruping purview. Balan drew a breath.
     “Now, I think it’s time you told me the truth -- all of it,” Balan insisted firmly, but not wholly without sympathy. He bluffed, “--or a stage for you, too, I may see fit.”
     Now, that would be an interesting thing to behold, Balan supposed, but hardly necessary. Perhaps in retrospect, he realised that threats usually worked the opposite with NiGHTS, but--immaterial. They knew he could. Clearly, he might. Maybe that was enough? Still, Balan ceded the showy display, pretense slipping towards something softer, although no less determined, as tears continued to fall one-by-one. NiGHTS wanted to pull away--in fact, they tried--yet found that nothing wrestled them anywhere but further into Balan’s embrace. Caught. They hissed, struggled. Digits futilely dug into fabric and ruffle, but they were stuck fast. 
     A fate nearly worse than death. 
     They gave up.
     Balan continued, armful of fussy Nightmaren carrying on limply. “You int’rest me, you see. Earlier, so intent on harm, yet my work causes you such alarm. Tell me, ‘mare, and do not lie. You do care, ‘else you wouldn’t cry.”
     For all of their proud indignance, NiGHTS shriveled, willing themselves to disappear, escape, to become infinitesimal--smaller than they already were, held in the arms of a giant. Yet, they only managed to wring Balan’s sleeve. Again. Of course they--they hated admitting it. Sometimes. A lot of the time. Then again, who says that they’d ever stopped caring? Well, Reala, maybe. Often. They were both so equally stubborn, and stubborn enough that NiGHTS fought the very inclination to speak (an inevitable loss), to even argue. So, receding into themselves, NiGHTS stared at the ground. They waited for Balan to make it worse, then maybe...
     Persistence certainly wasn’t something the Maestro lacked, coaxing their friend one more time. No escape, no excuses. “Tell me, NiGHTS, what happened. Why, your relationship with your brother, you refuse to mend.” 
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