#but also good for future me to be able to get thru them quickish? id like to be caught up with go rush by the end of the year.
sanchoyo · 1 year
so I'm a like, 2/3s done with arc v and I have seen all the series before it and I was wondering like. how many eps all together of ygo that means I've watched...
toei/s0 is 27 eps. the original duel monsters is 224. capsule monsters is 12. GX is 180. 5Ds is 154. zexal is 146. I've also seen all 4 movies if you're counting overall... I've seen 115/148 of arc v. so I Personally Have Seen...858 episodes of yugioh so far. :0
and for fun, the overall episodes, if you want to count s0, capsule monsters, dm, gx, 5ds, zexal, arc v, vrains, sevens, and go rush all together? 1,145 yugioh episodes+ 4 movies. go rush is still airing so. Even More To Watch :-) I also haven't really read ANY of the mangas 100% so...even if I Theorically catch up fast enough to 'run out' of stuff, (which lets be realistic. its ME theres no way I'll catch up that fast) I have ALL the mangas which... god. how many volumes of manga are there...
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