#but apparently one of my uncles got Gast'ed when he was like 8
realpokemon · 26 days
This is a PSA to all beach-goers!!!
Sandygast are NO JOKE. Over 10,000 people EVERY YEAR are subject to a Sandygast possession!
Do NOT pick up shovels unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE of where they came from. Better to have the beach littered with plastic shovels than to have people being compelled to evolve the little buggers into much more dangerous Palossand.
You wouldn’t want to get your soul drained out of you. So don’t risk it!
If you see somebody piling sand for hours and hours without end PLEASE contact local police, or anybody equipped to deal with Sandygast possessions such as gym leaders and the likes.
DO NOT attempt to snap the person out of it yourself. They could become HOSTILE or try to get you to touch the shovel as well.
It CAN happen to you or your loved ones.
Stay safe out there! And remember to have fun as well!
posts made by one very very unfortunate soul
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