#but champion emmet knows what he lost & is determined to not lose his most prized belongings
betasuppe · 2 years
I promise that right now I'm in a better mental state & I'm not intending to kill off Mina for good BECAUSE... I have an idea.
Lemme put it this way... I was never really satisfied with the ending I had in place. Everyone is happy in the present, but I feel like something was missing & I was trying to figure a way to make it better. Now at this point in my AU, this is how we get up to this situation & how things change after it...
[Deets for newly revamped AU under the cut - & don't worry, Mina & Emmet are happy together in this despite her dying... uhhh, just read below & it'll make sense, I promise!]
So starting in what's going to be the current AU I've been working on, let's just say that after Ingo's back in Unova & starts regaining all his memories - both from Hisui & his life as a Subway Boss before all this had gone down -, he realizes that despite his seemingly perfect life, his younger brother is not in good shape & needs desperate help.
After being casually dismissed by Emmet after raising his concerns, Ingo turned to Mina to ask for her help. He feared she'd push him away to support her beloved Champion, but she admitted she's very worried for him & wants to set things right before it can go any worse.
So, Mina & Ingo team up to help Emmet. Ingo first broaches the topic that his brother needs help and that he & Mina are here to help him. After the conversation starts veering a very different direction, Emmet totally misunderstands the situation, feeling like Ingo has stolen Mina to his side & has corrupted her against him.
Ingo has always been everyone's favorite. It never bother Emmet, he was always fine with playing second fiddle, you know? But... that all changed when Ingo was sent to Hisui & the whole world began obsessing over the "better" brother. & now Ingo's stolen away the one person who truly cared about Emmet, that is when the rest of the world was obsessed with the vanished Subway Boss.
The discussion turns to an argument, which turns into an amped up pkmn battle. Em's anger & sadness at the whole situation was blinding him to what mayhem he was causing with his team. Ingo was busy just trying to keep hinself & his team safe, while Mina tried to get through to Emmet & stop his rampage.
But one disastrously timed move later, as commanded by Emmet, broke too hard & too fast & took Mina down with it. After realizing what had happened, Emmet snapped his attention away from the battle immediately & ran to her... but the damage was already done.
Cut to Ingo racing over to their side, when Emmet venemously spits out that he was better off with his older brother & that he should just go back to wherever the hell he came from.
Whatever relationship the twins had was severed in that moment & in his grief, Ingo fought his way back to his home... & he returned to Hisui for good.
After some miserable days & nights later, Emmet's left to himself, a broken shell of himself, realizing he caused two irreversible disasters... to which he would never be able to fix. Not only did he push his brother away for good, but... the extensive damage Mina took from a move he ordered his own pkmn to do proved to be just too harsh for a human to endure. Now, Emmet's left completely on his own with the horrific understanding that he was the cause to all of this.
There's no way to bring back either his wife or his brother & he falls into a dark, dark place for some time trying to cope with the life he's unwillingly crafted for himself.
He abandons his title as Champion & hides away from the world, knowing he's damned his own seld & is ready to suffer for his unintentional consequences & heartbreak.
... eventually tho, he starts to seek answers rather than simply drown in his sorrow. He pours himself into research, & Em digs through pages of history. He realizes that tho he cannot fix what he's done or absolve the guilt crushing his soul, he can at least try to stop any of it from ever happening.
What if sometime far later, Emmet found the legendary Celebi. The two are frozen in wonder of each other as the pkmn wordlessly communicates to him, offering that he is only able to fix one of his mistakes, as both actions will impact each other.
Knowing his life took a drastic turn when Ingo vanished & that he already had a nice friendship [& a distracting crush lol] with Mina at that point, Emmet knows what he has to do.
So, imagine that Emmet is whipped into the more recent past, finding himself at his brother's side ordering coffee from a smiling red head... just as things once were.
He gets another shot, another chance to do things right while retaining all the memories of his past life. Emmet's still determined that he needs to save Ingo from being vanquished to the past and that he needs to win Mina's heart to truly have succeeded and let his previous disaster of a life be worth something, if nothing else, motivating him to do the right thing!
But then, what if, just maaaaaaybe, in trying to keep Ingo in the past & getting wrapped up in romance with Mina much earlier on than before, all three stumble together into the trap that took Ingo on a harsh ride to the past? & they all end up in Hisui?
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