#but i only think that bc of the +52 on the contact card phil had in that one frame
berryblu-soda · 8 months
love that TLD´s worldbuilding is keeping me on my toes and all but GOOD LORD, i amd so scared of it ahahah, it doesnt spoonfeed all it´s info so it takes me (easily distracted by art and character interactions) several re reads to catch all the freaking details!!! the sheer amount of recontextualizing that happens constantly makes me go ahsdgfghsgdhdagsdujgfyhadgsghhgasfhgdsuj as well!!!
im so used to kids shows that are really straightforward, or stories with massive fandoms that do all the analizing for you, so this has been quite a doozy!! (this is all /pos of course!!!! i love analyzing >:3)
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