#but i think i might post it early b/c y'all deserve it
ljf613 · 1 year
I posted chapter three of my Once Upon a Time alternate season 1 fic, Not My Homeland Anymore, just the other day, and I really needed to say that the outpouring of love this fic has gotten has been overwhelming?
This has been my first time writing for OUAT, so I wasn't sure exactly what kind of feedback to expect, especially because it was kind of niche and written for an intended audience of one. (Hi, @swanfireprincessmydear!) I figured if I got really lucky, I might get a few hundred hits, and couple dozen kudos, a handful of subscriptions, and maybe one or two short comments a chapter.
And the OUAT fandom (especially the Swanfire shippers) have absolutely blown my expectations out of the water. I'm only a few chapters in and haven't even gotten to the actual "season one" part of the story (Emma hasn't even shown up yet!), and not only have I received 40 kudos, but it also has the same of amount of subscriptions! In other words, more people than I expected are enjoying it, and just about everyone who likes it wants to be updated as soon as there's more.
But what's really astounded me are the comments. Because I have had fics blow up before (though usually not this quickly), but I have never seen comments like this in either quantity or quality.
Generally, comments on active WIPs tend to be something along the lines of "I like this and am excited to see where you're going with it." Those are great. I love those! They tell me that I'm doing something right, and that there are people interested in the story I'm telling. Which is awesome!
And while I have gotten some of those, I've also been getting several comments on each chapter that go into detail on exactly what parts they really enjoyed, AND theorizing and speculating on what might be coming next! (Many of them are even multiple paragraphs? Which is so cool, I really like seeing y'all go into minute detail on exactly where you think this is going.) I CANNOT tell y'all just how much I love, love, love these sorts of comments, and they're generally so few and far in between, and you guys are just handing them out over here like candy?
Thank y'all so much, and I really hope you guys stick around for the ride!
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