#but i’m rly excited about the skincare routine i’ve started
pocketclowns · 3 months
realized i don’t really ramble to you guys like i used to so quick life update in the tags before i go to bed in the tags bc idk how to cut a post on mobile :)
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fr3aklike-me · 2 years
omg hiiiiii i missed youuu <3 and im so glad you have more energy now !! was today better than yesterday in that sense or pretty much the same ?
omg fr, any edit of anytbing in the opposite context literally makes me cry laughing, it’s so fucking funny. like ik i’ve seen this somewhere but i can’t remember wtf it was, but like turning “family dinner” into a horror film with the dramatic music and screams at like the simplest sentences, idk it’s so funny. esp bc i don’t have siblings so i never had a family dinner w my own family except just my parents which makes it 10x funnier when i go to someone else’s house and we all sit down for dinner, and then they start bickering, i literally have to stop myself from laughing bc i make it a horror film in my head LMAO. but yesss, i almost forget they exist sometimes, like i’ve spent money on books i’ve never really even read and the fact i could’ve checked them out- like i really want to start doing that. and yesss omg there’s a giant beanbag chair at my library and i sat there for so long one time, it’s so nice. YES i wanna visit mine now too ahahha i’m so excited to read the book w you !! STOP ITTTT awww shhddujsjsh you’re so sweet, i literally melt everytime you imagine what i’m saying i’m doing, like it’s so sweet and tender to me, you’re the sweetest. skjdjdjsj of course you’re cute, oh my goodness you’re so fucking cute, and the fact you hold your cheeks at things that are sweet is like the most adorable thing i’ve ever heard. omg it’s like so cute to imagine our day together, and cuddling to fall asleep omg, id sleep so fast, i can actually sleep if someone’s next to me hsjdhhd it’s even better than the british man. LMAO but yesss, it’s the best it’s so calming. yesss it’s such a good show, it’s so interesting and it rly makes you think, like there’s so so so many unsolved cases and it’s crazy. but i’m not sure on an episode, it’s been a while since i’ve watched it. BUT i do have an interesting case, it’s solved tho. look up “the Turpin family house of horrors” or something like that, it should come up. (tw: it’s about intense child abuse and neglect.) but the super crazy part is the girl who escaped and called the cops was 17 and she didn’t even know what medicine, or her address was. it’s crazy and so interesting to me bc this all happened in the city where my dad and i used to go to the lake when i was a kid. like we went when this was still going on, and it’s only like 30 mins from where i live, genuinely terrifying to think about. but the success story of the children is really cool, the adult ones at least. and yesss anything sapphic that’s not from like, this time period, even if it’s fictional is so so nice to read, it is rly comforting !! REALLY ?!?! omg really ?!?!!! i will actually come, that’s such an honor truly <3
jsjsjsjjdfkfdk of course i tried to read it, it took a lot of tries but omg everytime id look at it i’d be blushing but i wanted to see ittt🥺 and omg lmaoooo you rly don’t know at all then, is it a suprise trip ? i’ve felt literally so so cared for, like so much so, you’re so comforting. and omg, it makes me so happy that you feel that way, it means so much to me. you absolutely so deserve that title my angel, jdjdjjsjs i wouldn’t give such a title to anyone else <3 yeahhh the summers are intense, but it’s kinda nice when it’s like 25, feels like winter on those days LMAO but that sounds like such nice summer weather, what you have there. i wish it got to negatives here in winter, or at least snow, ik it sounds crazy probably lmao but i love both summer and winter, and i truly don’t know what it would feel like hahaha i think it’s sub-zero when i go to the mountains and it’s like 2 degrees.
I missed you too <3 and thank you!! today, I thankfully had more energy (and finally did my whole skincare routine LMAO) and felt a lot better, but I've been catching up on a book that I only started two days ago and have an essay on tomorrow jfjdjfk
seriously, it also reminds me of those trailers made for different films, Honest Trailers, I think they were called, and the voice over was so dramatic dkjldkfj. omg I need to watch that! it reminds me of the dinner scene from Hereditary, and how it was so chilling. I've even seen clips of Friends, particularly with Ross, edited to seem like a horror film, and it is so weirdly accurate bc without the laugh noises, some of the shit he says sounds so creepy. LMAO omg when there are huge family dinners, and all the debating, bickering and chaos starts, it can be so funny. I don't have family dinners that often either, but when I visit my family in another province, sometimes we will all start bickering and yelling across the table - not in a serious way, but just out of pure annoyance with the cousins sjdklsjd. oooh, so you don't have any siblings? me too, I think once I started spending more of my own money, I realized just how fucking pricey books are, sigh. GASP, A BEANBAG CHAIR. I FORGOT HOW COMFY THOSE ARE. honestly, I would love to get one in my bedroom, they are so fucking comfy - I remember a bookstore I used to go to had those in the children's section, and as a child, it was so comfy, and they even had a table with a wooden train set to play with - I'm feeling so nostalgic rn. omg, of course I do, you paint such a cute image with all your different reactions, they're so sweet. DKJKSJ thank you omg 😭 you saying it's the most adorable thing is so fucking sweet ahhh. oooh, really? for me, it depends on the person. like, with friends, yeah, but if it's relatives I haven't seen in several years, it's a bit more awkward LMAO for sure, and it's also frustrating and heartbreaking to know that some of the harm against innocents is unsolved and justice won't happen. damn, that's intense, I'll check the case out - so, she didn't know where she had been living in? holy shit, that must've been so eery and weird to have known it all occurred somewhere you and your dad visited so frequently. like, it is actually so frightening to think of that, I definitely understand why you felt terrified. wow, I'm so glad there were some success stories, though. and omg, absolutely!! if you come, and are in an area close to me, like the province I live in, omg I would absolutely love to meet up!! like, I would be so down for that
omggg that is so cute, that you were making those attempts to read it, and would blush when you got a glimpse kjdkfldjlkf. so, the thing is, I have family there and me, my dad and brother are hoping to go, but I think my dad is probably watching out for less pricey flights, and he's currently waiting for my brother and me to be done with our classes and officially on break. and so, the plans are very vague at the moment till we plan what time will be good. the family we're visiting probably won't be surprised, my dad will probably let them know, we're just seeing when the best and most free time will be, haha. omg, thank you so fucking much. seriously means the world to me that you feel comforted and cared for. so, so much. I absolutely feel so cared for and doted on in the best way by you too. omg 25 celsius is winter for you guys?? that's so interesting, for us, it's so warm, haha. oooh, yeah, I get that, the snow is pretty, and the weather is crisp and manageable until it gets too low. omg do you go to the mountains a lot? (also, will find some pics of snow to add in)
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