#but if anyone knows the vid source i’ll gladly add it
thevioletcaptain · 1 year
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skadelol · 6 years
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Someone that just found me wrote a pretty lengthy very kind comment about an incident that happened to me almost a year ago related to art theft, or in my case, full unedited videos being reuploaded without my permission. (It’s on that vid on my channel, hard to miss) I’m extremely touched that ppl still write to me about it.. Even if I pretty much have forgotten after so long. So I wanna share my reply here as well because people have been so kind to me and I really think that I owe everybody more info about myself and hope you get to know me even better over time, and ultimately the person you’re supporting and defending. I haven’t been on social media much before I started learning MMD through KH (mostly AkuRoku stuff). Hope you enjoy the read and make sense out of it, being just my part of the reply and all. Thank you for everything! <3
It's been a long time now since that incident happened. I really have nothing more to add other than what was already said and have moved on from it since, but I really wanted to say that I completely agree with you on every single point you've made and I really can't express in words how thankful and humbled I am for still receiving support about this matter. I really wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for the comment, the kind words and the time you invested in it, it really means a lot and hope more people will read and learn from it!
About my rules for anybody that reads: I'm really not a strict person at all when it comes to my vids, I've mentioned that people do not have to ask me for permission if they wanna use them for montages, music videos, make screenshots, pictures, avatars, any kind of projects or even reaction vids as long as they talk over them and pause if it's a longer vid. I really love it when ppl use my stuff for something and would love to watch what they make, but everything as long as I see their own contribution to it, and most importantly if they credit me. Just name and channel link or the vid used. As long as people have a source to go back to and look at everything, if they wish, it's fine. What I'm really not okay with is not crediting me and cutting out my logo, and of course I am really strongly against reuploading my vids behind my back without making any significant visible edits that really separates them from the original. If they wanna use the full vid or are unsure about something, then I welcome everybody to just ask me about it and I'll be more than happy to reply as soon as I can! ^^ But NEVER after already reuploading some of my most popular funny stuff at the time in their original format, wait for it to get thousands of views and then reach out to me for more under the pretext that a favor was being done to me. Do not categorize people or assume what they think or want. Do not help me this way, I do not need this kind of help and I very much gladly prefer to just grow very very slowly and let people find me over time. The people who are actually interested in my content, and not forcing my stuff onto other people who are not into it, that is not what I'm about.
I'm in no rush to become popular, I just wanna learn and get better. I'm not a YouTuber and I don't currently make any money through YT, but it's hard for some to understand that I'm just a normal person doing and posting stuff just because I love and have a passion for it, and it's fine if people don't like or hate my stuff. Similar to something you said, that's the beauty of diversity and it creates many beautiful things, even if we don't personally agree with some of them. Attention and money always comes second to my passion and if people do wish to support me more through other means, and entirely of their own free will, say for example on Patreon, then I will humbly accept it and try to use it to deliver better and faster content in return. Been doing it for exactly 2 years now for almost nothing but the people's kind words cheering me on, and I don't feel like stopping anytime soon because of that. If I really wanted attention I would have used Sora a lot more often, because let's be honest my most viewed videos on this channel have him, it's a fact and I'm not dumb and ignorant about it. Also I would have shown my face for attention because people say I look just like Axel on my DeviantArt profile pic. Maybe I will someday when I'm ready to talk to the people who support me (I'm not shy but English is not my first language), but if I ever want attention I know how to get it. People need to give me more credit than trying to get attention just by trying to defend myself.. xD I actually can't stay more low than this. If people find me they just find me because they were interested in AkuRoku, KH or MMD, or like you were recommended by someone, or by accident I dunno, or just to hate why not. Anyway back to the rules. When it comes to models and motions however, I am indeed a lot more strict there with reuploading and crediting, but the rules are pretty simple and clear on every single DL page. ^^"
I guess a thing to add at what you've already mentioned is that artists should be careful of people who want to try to take advantage of them, that use manipulation, intimidation and empty threats to corner them 'till they back down and people get away with their work for nothing. Never back down from this kind of people, and I know it's very hard but trying to keep it cool despite whatever is thrown at you always helps with thinking more clearly and coming back with better arguments and replies. Seek other people for help and advice, and even I am more than happy to help and support with what I know and can. As far as how I manage to keep it together... You give me too much credit haha, but truth be told I had to deal with many difficult sometimes life threatening situations (that I really don't like talking about and am not comfortable with), where trying to stay calm was the only option I had. I do not wish that upon anyone ever... Training to become a robotics engineer also helped I guess in communicating with people better.. What people can do however, and what I also did, was study psychology and emotional intelligence in High School because animation has always been my passion and I knew that would come in handy someway or another. And it really does, with everyday life as well. I highly recommend reading some books about that to anyone! :D Especially people interested in animation. I've always been passionate about feelings and emotions in general and hope to show it through what I make (also why I love working on facial animation so much).
Funnily enough I'm better at dealing with hate than praise because that's with what I grew up with. I'm always at a loss of words when people show me kindness, even without knowing me that well. I'm always touched by that and never get used to it, so excuse my awkwardness when I dunno what to reply sometimes and fear of being over repetitive. I don't care if people hate my stuff as long as at least one person enjoys them and as long as I know that I love what I'm doing. I just turn all the hate and sadness into fuel and motivation, if ppl really wanna go at me they'll need to find a better (or worse) way. I never have anything personal with any site or people, nothing personal even with the person who reuploaded my stuff, the only thing that matters to me is my work, the people who care about it and to keep moving forward. But I gotta say, it almost made me think that this game's community might not have been as great as I had first thought at that time, after that incident I mean (known the game for 11 years now but I wasn't invested that much in any gaming communities in general, I just loved playing games and to analyse them and that was about it, until I decided to learn MMD through KH), but I was proven so wrong by so many kind people afterwards and I hope to never let them down or ever think of giving up again. Every game has their bad side of people... But I personally think it's foolish to just ignore them, or worse give in to their hate, but that's just my hotheaded nature I guess. Still in a calm and polite manner! The moment you reply back at their level, it's over. And if someone is serious enough about the things they hate about my work and care to explain, I only see it as positive criticism and would gladly want to know more about it!
Now that all of that is out of the way, haha oh boy. Huge reply, I'm so sorry. XD But I'm not much of a talker and I get a lot of info out at once, also I really appreciate it when ppl write me long comments and try to write more than them as a thank you for their time. <3 About the trying to be mature thing, I'll always be a kid at heart honestly and I'm fine with that. Hope that people will get to know me better over time. Being serious when you have to is what matters and I think you're awesome at it! And I wanna say that I'm really happy and honored that your friend recommended me first... I don't have words to say how much that means to me, but please thank them for me and also thank you for checking out some of my stuff! I'm not that great compared to many MMD'ers, but just like you I keep hoping that I'll get better and keep trying to learn. Please bear with me, haha... ^^" Thank you again for everything, it really means a lot! And I'm sure you'll be way much better than me if you practice even just for a little bit, never give up! :D And sorry for the late reply!
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