#but im dead set that magnus...camilla..pro...and corona are all correct
dabblingreturns · 1 year
Strong opinion: Gideon Nav is not a golden retriever!
Gideon is a husky. She's opinionated, strong, very self sufficent, tough as nails, and also a dramatic bitch!
To follow this up
Marta Dias: German Shepard, she shows up, ready to work, does her job as a professional and looks forward to her kibble at the end of the day.
Coronabeth Tridentarius: Standard Poodle. Under all that hair and good breeding is a frighteningly compitent hunting dog just waiting to show you that she is the best and exactly why you should love her.
Naberius Tern: sadly that boy is a toy poodle. And he's doing the best with what he has...its a pitty about the yapping.
Jeanmarie Chatur: a young English lab or pointer...she's going to be the best there ever was if only she can get the chance to grow up.
Magnus Quinn: is the actual Golden retriever. His kind have been breed for years to be a part of the family, he loves you and your kids...he's a goofball....he is perfect...
Camilla Hect: mid sized terrier. Yes, she looks cute with her big personality and messy coat, but she never lost the instincts that alowed her ancestors to run into Badger dens and fight the enemy on thier own ground. She is smart and visious and determined and she loves her person.
Protessalous: the mutt you had growing up who passed away when you were a teen. He isn't any clear breed....but somehow all other dogs are measured up to him and found a bit wanting...
Colum asht: mastiff....he's big, overbreed, designed for one use only (to put fear in the hearts of his enemies) and won't live as long as the other dogs. But he's doing his best.
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