#but like i'm not gonna touch on that too much bc i'm not jewish but yeah just wanted to mention that
reanimatedgh0ul 28 days
it's crazy how when you really think abt it like all the teen girl characters besides maybe jazz are like all done dirty when it comes to their character writing in some way actually
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mr-independent 1 year
'its been a while bud,' you might be saying, 'whereve you been?'
Doing stuff. My life is busy as all hell lately, but hey at least i got a free neon yellow fitbit out of the deal. Ironically, yellow is one of my favourite colours and also one of the 2 (two) colours that i can't really see. Yes, I have tritanomaly. No, I don't understand how those two things can both be true, either.
Anyways it's Christmas in May, dear 4 followers that love these posts, so let's crack open a cold one for the boys and get right into it.
S2e4, Coach Santa:
-- why is Colin wearing a turkey hat? I thought that was an American Thanksgiving thing? (Edit: apparently people eat turkey on Xmas. I grew up so decolonized i asked my mom once why my friend Baz wore a t necklace when his name started with a B. Turns out it was a cross. All I know of Xmas comes from Santa depictions and Christmas themed tv show episodes lmao)
-- Isaac's Santa outfit is fucking Iconic
-- Keeley and the Diamond Dogs is such an underrated dynamic i love them so much
-- the immediate teamwork to put together the gift for Jamie is a cute little moment 馃グ
-- the title callback to the weird claymation short thing is also a nice touch. Can you tell i love Xmas episodes bc i do. I'm also Jewish lol. And I love irony.
-- I keep forgetting Roy's sister is a surgeon. Also Sexy December 28th is hilarious, i really hope they stuck with it
-- what in the world is the Higgins kid doing with a surfboard in England???
-- the fact that nobody used to show up for Higgins Christmases until Ted showed up 馃グ
-- the fact that Henry got his dad a dartboard, Ted's favourite thing to do with his own dad when he was Henry's age, hurts my heart
-- Everyone is wearing shoes indoors. Is that like. An English thing? Ted is too, is that also an American thing? I am. Horrified
-- 'this one is pre-cheekied' I love u Dani
-- Richard is like The French Stereotype and I love that for him lol
-- Roy is lactose intolerant and ate so much ice cream he shit his pants? Relatable king. Also his birthday was three weeks before christmas, making him a Sagittarius, for those so inclined to know
-- Dani and Zoreaux acting like they're gonna die in the trenches over a nerd gun war are such fucking nerds
-- how long, do y'all think, has Rebecca been doing this? I'd like to think it was a sneaky little tradition she hid from Rupert for years
-- 'theres two white people at the door and they're smiling' you go babe tell it like it is
-- look i get Keeley has long nails but pressing a doorbell with your whole palm is unhinged behaviour
-- 'let me fix my knee' *just fucking punches it into place* gotta say, Roy's getting more relatable by the minute. I too have fixed my janky knee by simply shoving it back into place
-- Keeley is wearing a crop top in December. Gotta love the commitment. Also Ussie guy has such long hair now wtf
-- gotta say i completely forgot Christmas Poppers were a thing. That's uh. Not what immediately comes to mind when someone uses the word poppers around me but hey that's just me
-- i forgot we so often get answers to our questions in this show. Rebecca has been doing this for years. I love when I'm right
-- Ted's 'right I'm the one with the accent here'... Ive lost track of how many times I've had that exact thought lmao
-- Love Actually! Good movie, love that Roy thought of that
-- Ted thinks singing is just talking an octave lower. Not surprising but funny nonetheless. And before you say it, yes i understand that was Jason Sudekis' solution to trying to sing in a different accent so he doesn't sound like Jason Sudekis but also. Adorable.
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vanstabbed 1 year
couple things about randy and how i'm gonna write him, with ranging differences of importance, and in no real order
the meeks are a jewish family, tho idk if / how much randy or martha keep to following a lot of traditions and faith when they move out but while at home do attend services every week <3
in my world / canon randy obviously survived past 2, big thanks to gale and dewey ur the best besties <3 so obviously i will work on how he's around going forward which ill touch a little bit in this
randy doesn't talk about the attack, at least not in a meaningful way. he'll crack jokes about it a whole lot, but don't ever expect him to actually share anything about it or how he's dealt with it (he never did) thanks
he probably has a little bit of ptsd from almost dying but he's not acknowledging or seeking anything for it so dw!
in many ways even tho hes not officially one, curtis the cat is practically an esa for randy. also, because of this randy has an extremely short list of people who are allowed to hold curtis. you can pet him or feed him or play with him, but if anyone actually picks up curtis and is not approved in randys head, he is taking his cat back. literally this cat means so much to him he's not letting ppl he can't trust hold him.
despite randy surviving, stab 2 still killed off the character based on him. which in a way is a relief to him, because unless sbs a real weirdo looking for info on the og victims, people who watch the movies probably don't realize he's alive and well, or care, and it lets him live a relatively normal life <3
randy works as a screenwriter and lives probably an hour from woodsboro, not moving further away simply bc his family is there
on that note, i cant stress how close he is to martha??? shes his little sister he left that tape with her name on it to find it when he thought he would die like he looks out a lot for her thanks
bc of that hes also incredibly close w mindy and chad. he's the fun uncle. he's offering to watch them all the time when they were little. they can both hold curtis
during the events of 5, bc im sure martha told him the twins friend was attacked by someone in the mask, he literally begged for them to just stay at his apartment until this was over because he was actually terrified. when they didn't, randy went to woodsboro for the first time in a long time and probably got there right have the attack at the hicks house.
after dewey died randy sat w gale until sid arrived, and then stayed back at the hospital while those two went to deal with the movie climax at the house, and he forged gales signature on anything that needed to be signed there so she didn't have to <3
i'm not positive on how or when he gets to 6 but lisa has me thinking abt randy seeing the shrine too so he takes a red eye to nyc to get there after chad and mindy took too long to answer his texts.
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