#but like who the fuck buys a mojito at 10am when bringing their kids to see wonka
unclefungusthegoat · 4 months
I can't wait to give up this job. Today my colleague was like 'omg I hate that no one ever crushes ice in the morning' and I just wanted to be like 'UM I do the morning shift, and no, I don't crush ice, but you know what I DO do? Who do you think restocks all the fridges and freezers? Who do you think preps all the cake, and cuts the fruit, and makes the popcorn, and makes sure the coffee machine is set up, and the washing up from last night is all put away? Who do you think runs the baby club and has to clean up the diapers left over? Who sometimes even has to single-handedly manhandle the outdoor furniture out into the rain, and put away the milk delivery?'
Who do you think does all that, all the while simultaneously serving and preparing coffee/soda/cakes/popcorn/milkshakes/ice cream for Every. Single. Customer. in the building because I'm the only staff member in the building, besides the chef and the manager who have other shit to do?
We use crushed ice in ONE cocktail.
So with all due respect, fuck off.
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