#but nonetheless it was very a successful day of dogling
bluemoonrabbit · 6 months
Today I went to my favorite off-leash park for some dogling. I like this dog park because although it's open to the forest trails and park beyond, it's still kind of enclosed into a big bowl shape with benches around the perimeter. It basically funnels the dogs right to you if you sit down, so there is a higher rate of doggo interactions than other parks.
Some dogs from today:
- A large white great pyranees who was the first to trot over to me. She presented me with her big fluffy butt, which I gladly scratched.
- A brown pitbull with a sparkly rhinestone collar who decided I was who she was going to hang out with when the other dogs played a little too rough. She was so sweet.
- Finn, a big white goldendoodle who for some reason made a beeline for me as soon as he arrived. He leaned his whole body against me for a long time and let me give him lots of hugs.
- Hazel and Arthur: Smol and tol pibble duo. Arthur was incredibly outgoing with a big ol' blockhead which he shoved into my lap, whereas Hazel was a pocket pittie who greeted me with very gentle little sniffs.
- Dug (short for Duglas): Long-low chihuahua mix who had the vibe of a long-suffering middle manager. Trotted around after the larger and younger dogs letting them know how he felt about their shenanigans.
- Sandwich the black lab: Was too busy playing for me to say hi, but c'mon, Sandwich?
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