#thank you dogs of mt tabor park
bluemoonrabbit · 6 months
Today I went to my favorite off-leash park for some dogling. I like this dog park because although it's open to the forest trails and park beyond, it's still kind of enclosed into a big bowl shape with benches around the perimeter. It basically funnels the dogs right to you if you sit down, so there is a higher rate of doggo interactions than other parks.
Some dogs from today:
- A large white great pyranees who was the first to trot over to me. She presented me with her big fluffy butt, which I gladly scratched.
- A brown pitbull with a sparkly rhinestone collar who decided I was who she was going to hang out with when the other dogs played a little too rough. She was so sweet.
- Finn, a big white goldendoodle who for some reason made a beeline for me as soon as he arrived. He leaned his whole body against me for a long time and let me give him lots of hugs.
- Hazel and Arthur: Smol and tol pibble duo. Arthur was incredibly outgoing with a big ol' blockhead which he shoved into my lap, whereas Hazel was a pocket pittie who greeted me with very gentle little sniffs.
- Dug (short for Duglas): Long-low chihuahua mix who had the vibe of a long-suffering middle manager. Trotted around after the larger and younger dogs letting them know how he felt about their shenanigans.
- Sandwich the black lab: Was too busy playing for me to say hi, but c'mon, Sandwich?
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timelock97 · 5 years
Time Never Stops
Chapter Five: Noticing the Obvious
Word Count: 3920
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(F/A/D): favorite alcoholic drink
(Y/L/F/T): your least favorite topping
Warning: language
I open my eyes at the soft light coming from the partially opened curtain. I nuzzle my face back into the pillow and listen the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof and Tom's soft breathing. I roll over carefully as to not jar Tom's arm that is across my back.
He's still fast asleep when I finally am able to roll over completely to look at him. His face is free of worry lines and in the glow of the early morning sun he looks younger, like when I'd wake up next to him when we were thirteen after spending the previous day exploring Kingston. His breath releases from his slightly pouted lips in small puffs, and his ruffled curls spread across his forehead wildly from a long, peaceful nights sleep.
I slowly crawl out of bed, only once I am free from under his arm. I slip on my favorite sweatshirt over my t-shirt and shorts before making my way downstairs to start up the coffee and cook breakfast. I turn on my phone and wait for the notifications to come rolling in from the night before. I stretch my arms over my head before I grab eggs, green peppers, cheddar cheese, and ham from the fridge and begin making loaded scrambled eggs while the bread in the toaster toasts. I hum along to some tune that lingers in the back of my mind while I work and smile at the notification that my and Tom's fans enjoyed the update from last night.
My mind is brought back to Tom and his weird behavior the past few days. Now, Tom is a weird person in general, but the way he had been acting was a little further out of the ordinary.
The first incident happened on the second day of our trip. Tom and I had been wandering through the Portland Art Museum, I wandered away from Tom while he is looking at one piece, over to a painting. As I stand there looking at the piece, admiring it, a man comes to stand next to me.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" The man asks, he glances at me from the side, smiling at me.
"Absolutely gorgeous," my hand lifts to point out my favorite features, "I love how they captured the light coming from the back window, it causes the colors of the flowers to darken on this side, and the way the other light source hits the roses makes them look like they are so much brighter, but it also allows the shadows of the petals to contrast making these parts here and here pop that much more."
"You seem to know some things about art." He says moving to face me, "I'm Jared."
"(Y/N), and I would hope so, my best friend and her little sister are both phenomenal artists."
"That's amazing." He mutters, "Have they ever thought to draw you?"
"Uh, no, why do you ask?" I let out a soft laugh.
"Because you, my dear, are a masterpiece," he states with a smirk.
I blush softly and let out a small laugh. "Well, uh, thank you, I definitely haven't heard that one before."
"Well, I'm sure I could think of more when I take you out this evening, my treat?"
I go to open my mouth to politely decline since I wasn't the one to just go out on dates especially since I was on vacation, but Tom beat me to it.
"This piece looks lovely, darling, no wonder you wandered away." He says, wrapping an arm around my waist and places himself on the other side of me before glancing around me to the man to my right. "Wouldn't you agree, mate?"
Jared nods, and gives me a tight lip smile. "Yeah, dude, looks great." He glances at me softly before nodding his head, "It was nice talking to you, (Y/N), have a nice afternoon."
"Uh, you too, Jared." I say as he gives me a soft wave before leaving the room. I glance at Tom and notice his jaw is set and he isn't really looking at the piece. "Wanna head over to the next room? The Asian art is always really interesting." I ask with a small cock of my head. Tom smiles at me and nods before letting me lead him out the other archway away from where Jared disappeared moments ago.
The second incident happened at the Portland Zoo. Tom and I were wandering through the Africa section, hand in hand. Tom tugged me away from the painted dogs exhibit to walk down to where the giraffes were. Tom and I walk up to the area and I let out a soft, breathy "Wow."
"Turn and look at me, love." Tom says I turn and smile at him as he snaps a photo of me on his phone. After, he pays for me to be able to feed them, taking pictures of me laughing happily as a handler talks to me about the specific giraffe that had walked up to have a nice snack. When Tom and I walk away, we both hear people calling our names, making us come to a soft halt to see a group of teens jogging over to us.
"Holy cow, you're Timelock! And you're Tom Holland! Can - could we get a picture with you two? We promise we won't bother you after." One of the girls asks, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"Yeah, absolutely!" I say, "Do you want pictures separately or all together?"
"All together is fine," she looks at her group who nod excitedly, "can we get it with the both of you in the picture?" She motions for a woman to walk over and from the looks of it, she was the girl's mother. "Mom, can you take the picture, please?"
The woman nods while we get into our poses, once we are done, Tom and I hug each one of them, once we are done his arm attaches itself to my waist while the group talks to us happily before they bid us goodbye.
"Sorry for bugging you on your date!" The girl, Madison, calls as they walk away. Tom chuckles beside me before waving with me and tugging me back in the direction of the small food court.
"That was fun." Tom mutters in my ear, his lips grazing the shell of my ear, making me blush.
"Gotta love our fans." I reply, looking at him to see the soft smile on his face.
The latest incident happened while we were hiking in Mt. Tabor Park. Tom and I had planned a full day of hiking, including packing a lunch, snacks, and waters so we would be good throughout the day. While we walked, Tom held my hand, helping me over fallen logs and other obstacles by either offering a hand or full on scooping me up bridal style and carrying me over several obstacles at a time.
"Tom," I giggle as he sets me down carefully, "I promise, I'm okay. I can climb over those too, you know?"
"I know, I just love to spoil you, I have to." He teases, smiling at me softly, blowing a curl from off his forehead.
"Well, I don't mind you spoiling me, but I feel like you are going to hurt yourself trying to keep me from injuring myself." I say, retaking his hand as we walk the trail, looking over the hills at the scenery below.
"I won't hurt myself," he scoffs, squeezing my hand and pressing a soft kiss to my temple. We stand there in quiet silence, or as quiet as it can be with other hikers walking up and down the trail.
"Enjoying the view?" Someone calls from behind us, Tom and I turn our head to see two guys walking up the hill toward us. We had passed them a mile back while they were taking a break and checking their map.
"It's gorgeous out here." I call once they are close enough to hear.
"Chris and I come out here every weekend to hike, it's wonderful, something new every time we come." The man puts his hand out, smiling, "The name's Zack."
"I'm (Y/N), and this is Tom." I say, motioning to Tom as I introduce him to the men in front of us.
"Nice to meet you both," Chris says smiling. "We were planning on stopping ahead and having our lunch, we were wondering if we could finish this part of the hike with you two. We enjoy talking with new hikers, hope that doesn't sound too weird."
"No, we would love that, we were going to stop and have lunch soon anyways." Tom says, motioning for us to start back up and continue our hike. While we walk, Tom either has his hand laced in mine or has it on the small of my back under my backpack. This doesn't go unnoticed by the two men walking with us. Once we make it to the eating area, Tom runs off to the restroom while I unpack the baby wipes and our sandwiches from my backpack and pull out a water from his.
"So, who long have you and Tom been together?" Chris asks, causing me to stop and lift my eyes from the task at hand.
"Oh, uh, Tom and I aren't dating. We are best friends." I state.
"Friends don't do what he has been doing with you, sweets." Zack stated.
Chris giggles next to him. "He's had his hands all over you, honey. If that's not obvious flirting then the way he has been talking to you is a definite clue."
"It's really not like that, we've known each other since we were very little. It's just how we interact." I say, brushing a strand of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail behind my ear.
"Well, we are just stating what we see." Zack smiles, "Either way, you two are really sweet together, it's nice to see two people so comfortable together."
I smile at them, but never get to respond because Tom plops down next to me.
"The water doesn't work, you grabbed the wipes right?" He asks, I had him one, "Thanks, love." He leans across and presses a quick kiss to my cheek before we start eating, a blush staying permanently on my cheeks for the next hour.
I let out a sigh, convincing myself that it's just me over reacting to the situations.
"Did you hear what I said, love?" Tom mutters into my ear as his hands find their home on my hips, making me jump and giggle against his chest.
"Sorry, my mind was elsewhere. What'd you say?"
"Just said that it smelled good, but I did miss waking up to you this morning." He sighs, resting his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist while swaying us side to side as I continue humming. "What song are you humming, love?"
"Um," I mutter, "Life Changes by Thomas Rhett."
He lets out a hum before unwrapping an arm from my waist to do something behind my back. After a minute, the song I had been humming is playing behind me. I turn and look at him smiling. He sticks his hand out for me and I quickly turn down the burner to take his hand and sway with him to the tune of the song.
"Ain't it funny how life changes, 'y wake up, ain't nothing the same and life changes. You can't stop it, just hop on the train and you never know what's gonna happen, you make your plans and you hear God laughing. Life changes, and I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no-." I sing along before the toast pops out of the toaster, scaring us half to death. We look at one another and laugh at one another before he takes his place at the stove finishing the eggs while I butter the toast and fill our mugs with coffee so we can eat and get our day started.
"I missed that." I hear him sigh behind me, I lean away from the table and look at his bare back in front of me.
"Missed what?"
"Just, missed you, doing things that only we appreciate. The whole works." He says, a small blush coloring his cheeks.
"Missed you too, Tom." I smile, hugging him from behind and pressing a kiss into his tee-shirt covered shoulder.
He hums before patting my hands so I let go and he loads our plates with food. We eat in silence for awhile, scrolling through our phones to see what we had missed the last few days. I go to GameSquad's twitter and giggle at the latest post. "What are you giggling at, (Y/N/N)?"
"Let me read this tweet from GameSquad, I'm sure it's from Jac. 'The fact that everyone is bombarding this page because @Timelock is away on vacation means one thing, she is not allowed to go on vacation again, unless we come with. #whatareyoudoing #gamesquad #weloveyoubut'"
"Oh my God," Tom laughed loudly, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "That's amazing."
"Only my friends," I giggle back, quickly commenting '@GameSquad sorrynotsorry' in the comment section. I let out a sigh and notice Tom watching me, "Whatcha looking at, Holland?"
"Just staring off." He states, rubbing a hand under his nose, "I was wondering what you wanted to do today?"
I sip my coffee and let out a soft hum, "Well, I think it should be done raining soon. I really want to go the Japanese Garden in Washington Park, and I was wondering if we could go to that bar in town that we have passed several times for dinner? Because you and I both know neither of us will wanna cook tonight."
"That sounds like a plan, we will probably want to dress a little more warmly since it's a little cool out." Tom states, wiping his lips with a napkin. "I'll clean up so you can get ready."
"You sure?" I ask standing and scraping what was left in the trash, "I can help clean up."
"No, go ahead and get ready. This won't take me too long." He states, motioning me to go upstairs. I smile and peck the top of his head before ascending the steps. I dig through my drawers looking for something to wear. "Love?" Tom calls.
I walk over to the edge to see Tom looking back up into the balcony. "What's up?"
"I don't think the rain is gonna let up, why don't we just stay in then we can go to the bar tonight and the Japanese Park tomorrow?"
"Okay, I'm up for that, gives me a bit to do some laundry and we can sit on the couch and relax."
"Don't bother changing out of your comfy clothes then, but will you grab my hoodie?" He calls, smiling. I turn and grab it from off the bed and toss it down to him. "Thanks, love. Want me to put in a movie?"
"Please!" I call, grabbing an arm full of laundry before walking down the stairs. Oh what a perfect, lazy day it was going to be.
"Ready to go in there?" Tom bangs on the bathroom door, almost messing me up while I fix my hair.
"I'll be out in a minute, asshole." I laugh, curling the last strand of hair before I check my makeup one more time. I smile at my reflection, happy with the way I look dressed in a pair of tight black jeans and a red, lacy shirt where the sleeves stop just above the elbow, the neckline plunging in a deep v. I walk out and find Tom sitting on the bed scrolling on his phone. I grab my ankle boots, sit on the bed next to him to slip them on and zip them up.
"Uh, (Y/N/N), isn't that a little revealing?" Tom asks, his voice shaking slightly as he looks at me.
"It's not that bad, Tommy." I giggle at him as I smile at him. "C'mon, the Uber is here and I don't wanna have to pay extra for making them wait." Tom sighs and follows me down the steps, I turn and admire the dark pair of jeans and burgundy button up tee-shirt he is donning before he hands me my jacket and purse. Tom locks the door behind us as I walk over to the car and smile at the female driver to confirm our ride. We drive to the bar in silence, beside the radio playing in the background. Once we pull up I thank the woman and step out of the car with Tom close to my heels. Tom wraps an arm around my waist and walks up with me to the door.
Inside is a quaint bar, an old jukebox sitting in the corner, two walls are lined with booths, the wall left of the door is the bar, and tables litter the rest of the space. Tom and I walk up to the bar and sitting down.
"Hey, what could I get you two to drink?" The bartender asks, his eyes lingering on my chest, but I decide to ignore it.
"I'll have a (F/A/D)." I say with a small smile.
"And I'll have a beer on tap. We'd also like some menus, we heard the food here is very good." Tom states, his jaw set as he speaks.
"You got it," the bartender, Jeff, states. He hands us each a menu before getting our drinks ready. I glance over the menu and watch Tom out of the corner of my eye. He barely looks at the menu and watches the bartender as he works.
"Tom, did you find something you might wanna get?" I ask innocently, leaning a little closer to him. He looks at me, but shrugs.
"Don't know yet, did you find anything?"
"I think I'll get a cheese burger, just sounds good." I hum, laying my head on his shoulder in hopes that it will comfort him.
"I think I'll get that too, make it easy on them." He states, pressing a quick kiss to my head.
The bartender comes back and sets our drinks down in front of us. "Here you go, did you figure out what you wanted?"
"We both would like the cheese burger, she would not like (Y/L/F/T) on her's." Tom states, handing back out menus.
"Sounds good, those will be out soon." The bartender states before leaving again. Tom lets out a sigh and I lace my fingers into his under the bar. He turns and smiles at me, but his eyes still linger on the bartender down the bar, glaring at his lingering gaze.
As the night goes on, Tom becomes more on edge, making me more annoyed. Whether it's the bartender making comments on my shirt or the lingering gazes of other men in the bar, Tom just can't seem to relax.
Tom squeezes my hand softly, moving to whisper in my ear. "I'll be back, just running to the loo. You think you'll be okay?
"I'll be fine, Tom." I state, faking a smile. He nods, squeezing my hand before leaving. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, moving the straw around my third drink of the evening.
"I thought he would never leave." I turn to see a guy sitting a chair away. He gives me a bright smile, making me smile back. "I'm Josh."
"(Y/N)," I say, bringing my drink to my lips.
"What is up his ass? If you ask me you look absolutely amazing, and if you were my girl I'd be showing you off."
I let out a laugh, "Tom is just protective."
"Well I guess that is fair, I mean," he licks his bottom lip, eyes lingering on my figure, "look at you."
I feel my face get hot, and I avert my gaze from the man to my left. A soft, awkward laugh escapes my lips. Josh keeps looking at me up and down, biting his lip after a minute before he standing from his chair, taking two strides to stand next to me.
"Why don't we get out of here, I can show you what you're really missing out on in a man." He states, putting his hand out in hopes that I will take it. Instead I feel another hand on my shoulder, squeezing almost too tightly.
"She's not interested." Tom's voice comes from behind me, tone cold.
"I wasn't talking to you-"
"Well, when you get into my girls face, you suddenly are. She isn't going home with you."
"I hope you have a great night, Mr. Holland." The bartender muses, coming into my view, handing Tom his credit card and a receipt before telling us to have a good night. Tom carefully tugs me from my place and hands me my coat before making our way outside. Tom leads me to a car and opens the door for me, he greets the driver, but I don't even hear it. All I can focus on is the anger and embarrassment bubbling up in my veins.
The drive is short, and once we get to the house I get out and walk to the door, waiting for Tom to make his way over to unlock the door. He fishes the key from his pocket and opens the door. I walk in ahead of him, throwing my jacket over the couch and turn to look at him. "Okay, explain to me what the hell is going on with you-"
"He was harassing you so I stepped in-"
"That's not what I am talking about, that I can understand you stepping in." I pace in front of him. "You were being an ass all night: the bartender, the other guys at the bar-"
"I was keeping the creeps away from you!" He tries to reason, waving his hand in the air.
"You don't know if they were creeps, Tom!" I yell, raking a hand through my hair.
"Did you not notice how they looked at you, they were looking at you like you were a piece of meat!" Tom yells tugging at his hair.
"It doesn't matter!" I shake my hand in the air before pinching the bridge of my nose, "I wasn't acknowledging it so why did you feel the need to glare at everyone tonight! We couldn't have just a nice night, out at a bar-"
"I'm a guy, I know what was going through their heads as they looked at you!" He shakes his head and lets out a bitter laugh while he runs a hand through his hair.
"Okay, let's face it, Tom." I pull my hand away from my face and stand unmoving, "I know there is something else going on," I strode forward toward him, fuming. "Cut the bullshit, what is going on in that head of yours, Tom. Why does it bother you so much for someone to be flirting with me-"
"Maybe because it kills me to think of you with someone that isn't me!" He yells, throwing his hands into his hair to tug at the roots. "Maybe I want it to be me, because God dammit, (Y/N), I love you. I've loved you my entire life!"
Let me know what you think! Comment and reblog! Let me know if you want to be tagged in future parts
@revenantwriting​ | @bellagrayson-wayne
Chapter Six coming Sunday!
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Day 51: 7/23
Zero day
Johanna and I bike to her new temporary studio that she will use until she moves to New York in August. She shows me some great new prints and then we head downtown.
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The bike ride is breezy and fun even though the temperature is in the 90’s. We ride along Willamette River, stopping to pick a few marionberries. We then head toward Portland’s wonderful and popular bookstore, Powell’s for a few hours, and then to get lunch. It is such a lovely day except I am still feeling ill, as I had felt this past few days. I know I’m not dehydrated, and then it occurs to me that I’m probably vitamin B or iron deficient. I pick up a multivitamin at the pharmacy, where the cashier suspects that I am stealing a smart water, which is actually my filthy, 6-week old smart water bottle. I forget that I look a little less-kempt from the “civilized” public, which I suppose automatically makes me suspicious. I show him the dirt crusted in the label of the bottle, and Johanna and I leave.
We bike toward the river, with the intention of swimming from the dock where several others are swimming. We stick our toes in the water and chicken out because it is too cold. We continue back to Daniel’s going through idyllic neighborhoods. There are gorgeous flower gardens lining the lawns adorned with quirky objects and statement signs.
Johanna and I go to pick up her dog, which I feel I already personally know, as Kimber has made appearances in Johanna’s paintings.
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Daniel, Johanna, Kimber and I drive to Mt. Tabor park, where Kimber gets to socialize in the dog park. Following the puppy-party, we walk up to an elevated view of downtown. We enjoy some wine, Trader Joe’s cheese and crackers.
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What is this spoiled town life I’m experiencing right now? Really, it’s that Johanna and Daniel are lovely hosts, thank you both so much.
0 notes
noplacecalledhome · 6 years
5 Best Bed And Breakfasts To Stay In Piedmont Oregon – Top Hotel Reviews
Piedmont Oregon is beautiful and has lots of bed and breakfasts. Ofcourse we are only looking for the best bed and breakfasts in Piedmont Oregon. It’s important to compare them because there are so many places to stay in Piedmont Oregon. You’re probably wondering where to stay in Piedmont Oregon. To see which bed and breakfast sounds better than the other, we created a top 5 list. The list will make it a lot easier for you to make a great decision. We know you only want the best bed and breakfast and preferably something with a reasonable price.
Our list contains 5 bed and breakfasts of which we think are the best bed and breakfasts in Piedmont Oregon right now. Still, some of you are more interested in the most popular bed and breakfasts in Piedmont Oregon with the best reviews, and that’s completely normal! You can check out the link below.
Skip to the most popular bed and breakfasts in Piedmont Oregon.
5 Best Bed And Breakfasts In Piedmont Oregon:
The Doctor’s House
Located in Portland, 5 miles from Vancouver, The Doctor’s House features air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi throughout the property. Free private parking is available on site.Aloha is 12 miles from The Doctor’s House, and Hillsboro is 17 miles away. Portland International Airport is 3.1 miles from the property.
The bathroom and the laundry and the mattress was SOOO COMFY! But the shower was ok. All the lights had dimmers, and there were games and it was fun, and the kitchen was nice
the laid back atmosphere and welcoming host. The baking was excellent. The historic house was amazing
The house is gorgeous and the host was very casual and kind. Comfy bed, good shower, quiet.
I love the personal touches throughout the house. It definitely a home away from home.
The host bakes the most excellent goodies everyday and is super helpful.
For more info click here.
1431 NW 53rd – a BnB in Forest Park
Showcasing a terrace and views of the garden, 1431 NW 53rd – a BnB in Forest Park is located in Portland. Free WiFi is provided and free private parking is available on site.A flat-screen TV and DVD player, as well as a CD player are featured. Certain accommodations include a sitting area to relax in after a busy day. Every room comes with a private bathroom. Extras include free toiletries and a hairdryer.You will find a shared lounge at the property.There are lots of activities in the area, such as biking and hiking. Vancouver is 7 miles from 1431 NW 53rd – a BnB in Forest Park, and Aloha is 7 miles from the property. The nearest airport is Portland International Airport, 8 miles from the property.
Beautiful home in a beautiful wooded forest just on the outskirts of the city.
A wood burning stove in a beautiful room and a dog to top it off. The location was great and view was spectacular. My room was clean, quite and private. The breakfast was all that I could ask for. The owners were friendly without being obtrusive. I have spent over 3000 nights in hotels and places. About 10 places were on my list to go back to. Now it is 11.
We loved everything, the owners were wonderful, breakfast was amazing, and the house was a perfect getaway.
Margie, David and their sweet dog Alice, are the best hosts and the home is stunning. They are most gracious, even remembering that we like our coffee black. The beauty is in the details and they didn’t forget a thing. The slate, wood and artifacts are amazing. The bedroom is not only beautiful, it is also comfortable. Margie makes the best parfaits and frittata, not to mention her great blueberry muffins from her fathers handed down recipe. The home is just minutes from downtown Portland, while being tucked away in the trees near Forest Park. We couldn’t recommend this bed and breakfast higher. Sincerely, Kim and Greg
I had a beautiful and enchanting stay with David and Margie, from being met In the drive way as I arrived into to them waving goodbye as I departed. They have a little piece of heaven that they are gracious enough to share with us travelers. They took wonderful care of me and it was such a treat to get to know them. Margie is a culinary master and David has hobbies that I had to bring home with me! Truly wonderful people, atmosphere, and accommodations. It was justperfect, thank you!
For more info click here.
The Villa on Mt Tabor
Showcasing a terrace and views of the garden, The Villa on Mt Tabor is located in Portland, just 8 miles from Vancouver. Free WiFi is available and free private parking is available on site.Every room is equipped with a flat-screen TV with cable channels. You will find a coffee machine in the room. Every room includes a private bathroom fitted with a bathtub or shower. For your comfort, you will find free toiletries and a hairdryer.Aloha is 13 miles from The Villa on Mt Tabor, and Hillsboro is 19 miles from the property. The nearest airport is Portland International Airport, 4.3 miles from the property.
A serene retreat close to all the action! Such a great little gem. And no car needed!
Beautifully decorated with a wonderful view of tree filled landscape
the entire experience was extremely disappointing-false advertising
Location was great! Property was very cool and private feeling. Over all great.
The room clean and charming; the bed very comfortable. We appreciated having a kitchen and a well-functioning TV
For more info click here.
Mount Scott Manor
Located in Portland, 14 miles from Vancouver, Mount Scott Manor features a barbecue and views of the mountains.Some units include a private bathroom with a spa tub, and others have bathrobes and free toiletries. A TV and DVD player are featured.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.Aloha is 16 miles from Mount Scott Manor, and Hillsboro is 22 miles away. The nearest airport is Portland International Airport, 9 miles from Mount Scott Manor.
We stayed in the Master Bedroom and it was excellent. Very spacious and the bed was extremely comfortable.
beautiful furniture, comfortable beds, away from the city, good breakfasts, many birds to watch and even deer
I really enjoyed my stay, it was better than I thought it would be. In the morning, there was a delicious breakfast. After that I went on my own, but I had a fantastic stay.
My brothers and I stayed here for 4 nights. Della and Virgil are the nicest hosts! Della makes breakfast every morning–her pancakes were the fluffiest! One more person joined our party, and Della thought one room (one bed) might be too small for two people so she gave us an extra room for only $40 a night. The beds are super comfy, and the place is pristine. The property and the large backyard (which is really a forest) is so serene. The deer come up to the balcony every day. So many amazing birds are out there as well.
Top of Mt. Scott with views that are amazing. Green and lush 15 acres with rhododendrons blooming their hearts out. Could see Mt. Hood just about every day we were there (sunny and clear skies). Lovely breakfast prepared by hosts and tailored to our tastes. Suite was very comfortable, and the house was beautiful. It was the perfect home base for us while we visited our son in Portland…also easy to get on the road to Mt. Hood, the Columbia Gorge, and the ocean.
For more info click here.
Scott Creek Farm
Showcasing a barbecue and views of the river, Scott Creek Farm is located in Happy Valley in the region of Oregon, just 9 miles from Portland. Free WiFi is available and free private parking is available on site.A balcony or patio are featured in certain rooms. Every room has a private bathroom. For your comfort, you will find slippers, free toiletries and a hairdryer. A flat-screen TV with satellite channels and DVD player is provided.Vancouver is 15 miles from Scott Creek Farm, and Aloha is 16 miles away. The nearest airport is Portland International Airport, 11 miles from the property.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
Top Bed And Breakfasts In Piedmont Oregon Conclusion:
The above is a top selection of the best bed and breakfasts to stay in Piedmont Oregon to help you with your search. We know it’s not that easy to find the best bed and breakfast because there are just so many places to stay in Piedmont Oregon but we hope that the above-mentioned tips have helped you make a good decision.
We also hope that you enjoyed our top ten list of the best bed and breakfasts in Piedmont Oregon. And we wish you all the best with your future stay!
Related links:
https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-baby-sheets-for-pack-and-play-top-reviews/ https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-baby-books-in-spanish-top-reviews/
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bikechatter · 7 years
Weekend Event Guide: Cyclocross racing, camping on the Columbia, Tour de Lab, and more
Ready? (Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)
The weekend is almost here — and so is cyclocross season!
As we slide into September and get ready for Women’s Bike Month (we’ll have special coverage all month — stay tuned for details!), our event calendar isn’t quite as full as usual. It’s probably a mix of being in the shoulder season and the fact that local weather is so hot and smokey.
But it’s also Labor Day Weekend so for many people it’s one of the last chances for a big adventure. If you need some ideas and inspirations, we’ve great suggestions. Check them out below…
Friday, September 1st
Art Ride on the Eastside – 5:30 pm at Eutectic Gallery (1930 NE Oregon) It’s the first day of Women’s Bike Month and The Street Trust is leading a tour of art galleries on the east side. More info here.
Saturday, September 2nd
The Weekend Event Guide is sponsored by Abus Bike Locks. Thanks Abus!
GPCM #1 David Douglas Cross is here and this is the first big race of the year. All categories are offered and this is a series, so it’s time to start counting up your points for that podium finish you promised yourself last season. More info here.
Saturday Casual Ride to Mt. Tabor – 9:00 am at Milwaukie City Hall (10722 SE Main St) Based out of Milwaukie, these slow and chill rides are being hosted by a local advocate (Todd) to help build community. Route will leave from City Hall and venture up 19th Street Greenway for a morning on Tabor, then return via the 50s. More info here.
Coffee then Camping on the Columbia Join a group ride from southeast to an out-of-the-way spot on the Columbia. About 20 miles of riding and organizers say there will be “a river crossing or two”. Camping is optional. More info here.
Sunday, September 3rd
Tour de Lab A benefit for a local pet hospital Dove Lewis, this ride will tour Portland beer pubs and promises a post-ride feast. Get your dog-themed costumes ready! More info here.
Sauvie Shootout – 9:00 am at Ovation Coffee (941 NW Overton) This is Portland’s premiere weekly group training ride. Sauvie, West Hills, and lots of speed (that breaks into groups depending on fitness level). More info here.
Tour of Westside Suburbia – 10:00 am at Shute Park in Hillsboro A 37-mile jaunt led by the Portland Wheelmen Touring Club. Go from the Tualatin Valley to Beaverton, exploring the best bike streets in the process. Expect pace in the 10-13 mph range. More info here.
Did we miss anything? If so, give it a shout out in the comments. And have a great weekend!
Stay plugged into all the bike and transportation-related events around the region via our comprehensive event calendar and sign up here to get this Weekend Guide delivered to your inbox.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and [email protected]
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