#but please don't take blurry screenshots as evidence of canon intent
sixteen-stars · 2 years
I desperately need the Stranger Things fan base to Stop a Thing you are doing, please.
Sometimes, items and text are put in the background of scenes as Easter eggs for viewers. Moreso in recent years. HOWEVER. Not everything in the background of every scene is Important and Telling.
Paper props are not meant for you to pause and parse blurry out of focus text. Props are not individual clues to you about characters.
Yes, this is mostly about the whole Chrissy's birthdate on the document thing. If the Duffers forgot Will's birthday, they were not checking the typed pages for accuracy for text that wasn't relevant to the scene.
All this is to say: please stop consuming media in ways it was not meant to be consumed. Not everything is a Clue or even relevant. TV show set dressings aren't meant to be parsed like an escape room.
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