#but ppl were desperate for poet!toni so here she is
57 and 10 for shoni ?
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
Forgotten First Meeting  & Airport/Travel AU 
so i've gotten a couple of anons bugging me about poet!toni so here is the beginning of an au i'm chewing around with. this is more actually an au of an au, as this won't actually be a scene in it, it was just me dicking around with the characters. Basically, shelby and toni play sisters in king lear and also toni's poetry is slowly driving shelby up a wall and has been since they first met in an airport and shelby robbed toni of her notebook but toni forgot she existed and shelby has hung onto the notebook ever since. The first poem is an original, the second is an excerpt from my girl adrienne rich. it's barely an airport au, anon i'm sorry, but suck my dick <3
It’s a little leather bound notebook, moleskin and only half full.
Toni Shalifoe!!
Don’t read!!!!!!
Email me here!!!! [email protected]
It’s something of a haiku, which is line with the first poem, also pretty intensely structured.
There is one apple left on the old apple tree
My golden color turns to brown
Bite by the squirrels chews me down
There is only a core
Left of me
On that old apple tree
But my seeds are planted
And I have left
A legacy
Shelby reads every single poem in there, disregarding the first entry begging her not to. The scrawl is childish but she thinks the girl must be old, middle school or something. She never shows her parents and she never emails to return the notebook.
It was in a Minnesota gate anyway, what was she gonna do, mail it?
The poems are odd, one is about climbing a mountain, another about the angel of death, a third about an apple tree. Shelby never quite gets them and she decides the writer doesn’t really either. Toni. Whoever she is.
She’s only a fourth grader and she’s not allowed to use a computer without parent permission anyway. So she doesn’t think about it.
Years pass.
King Lear is the worst Shakespeare play Woods could’ve chosen for the fall production. For one thing, it’s not a history like Richard is, so it won’t get cool and bloody. That wasn’t a problem for her but if they wanted guys to audition, blood and gore was necessary. It wasn’t a comedy like Twelfth Night nor was it famous like Midsummer, meaning audiences would be bored and ticket sales would go down. Again, not a problem for her but they were already operating a shoe string budget, ever since the football team got that new scoreboard.
Shelby wasn’t saying the football team didn’t deserve that scoreboard! Andrew might not have thrown a completed pass since the ninth grade but football was an important sport. They needed it.
The one thing that pissed Shelby off about King Lear was that it wasn’t a romance. Call her basic but she was a sucker for love stories. King Lear was just a tragedy about some king losing his throne. There was nothing interesting or important or applicable and she didn’t get how she was supposed to play Cordelia. Cordelia refused to say she loved her father, that was her whole thing. She was just a pretty girl who didn’t love her father.
“Shelby,” Woods said. “This is your sister, Goneril,”
Shelby looked up from the script to the antagonist, a short women with a furrowed brow. “Have we met?”
“I don’t think so,” Shelby held out her hand. “Shelby Goodkind. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Toni Shalifoe,” Toni Shalifoe said. She took Shelby’s hand and Shelby kept her expression clear, continuing to grin brightly at the girl’s who’s poems had haunted two years of her life. It had to be a different Toni. What were the chances?
“Toni here,” Woods clapped her shoulder, “Just moved from Minnesota.” Frick. “I thought maybe you could show her around.”
Shelby smiled wide. “I would love to.”
How did some random no one from nowhere become Goneril? One of the biggest parts in the show? That wasn’t fair to Cindy, who’d been auditioning every year! Probably because Toni was a senior or something, had to be it. Or maybe she’d been held back? Shelby had been so sure the writer was older than her.
“So,” Shelby said, once Woods walked away to harass the orchestra. “Do you like Texas?”
“Fuck no,” Toni said.
“It’s not that bad,” Shelby tried.
“Literally what’s to like?”
“Clearly you’ve never been to a dude ranch.”
Toni rolled her eyes. “Hard pass.”
“That wasn’t an invitation,” Shelby said.
“Thank god,” Toni said.
She sorted through her lines, brow furrowing again as she made notes and Shelby watched her, wondered if she was still brilliant. If she was the same age as Shelby, which she seemed to be, surely she still had to be writing right?
“At least we’re doing a decent play,” Toni said.
Shelby blinked at her. “You think King Lear is decent?”
“Duh,” Toni looked up. “It’s like—one of his best? C’mon, don’t tell me you don’t get it.”
“I guess I don’t get it,” Shelby said. “It’s just about some crazy king giving up his throne. Divine right to rule and like not democratic.”
“It’s about three daughters struggling to figure out what to do with their parent in his old age,” Toni said. “It’s about the sick and dying not being taken care of and being cheated by their kids.”
“Okay,” Shelby tried. “So?”
“So,” Toni said. “Eventually you’ll have to decide what to do with your parents. Whether to put them in a home or have them stay with you or whatever. They’re gonna get old and sick eventually.”
“I know that,” Shelby said.
“So why don’t you like King Lear?” Toni said. “Let me guess—you prefer Romeo and Juliet?”
“I’m a sucker for a good romance,” Shelby said. “Sue me.”
“Romeo and Juliet isn’t a romance, it’s a treatise on the importance of letting your kids be happy,” Toni said.
“If Romeo’s parents had realized how deep heartbroken he was, or if Juliet’s parents realized she didn’t want to marry Paris, they both would’ve been and probably wouldn’t have fallen in love,” Toni said.
“Hold on,” Shelby said. “You’re saying the greatest love story ever told was actually teenage rebellion?”
“If that’s your greatest love story, I’m sorry for you,” Toni said.
Shelby got up and walked away.
Later, and she wasn’t proud of this, she realized Toni had left her bag behind. She knew it was Toni’s because she had to open it to find out who it was. And when she opened it she saw a little spiral notebook.
Property of: Toni Shalifoe
Please email me if you find this.
There was no instruction not to read so…
I dreamed you were a poem,
I say, a poem I wanted to show to someone…
and I laugh and fall dreaming again
Of the desire to show you to everyone I love,
to move openly together
in the pull of gravity, which is not simple,
which carries the feathered grass a long way down the upbreathing air.
Shelby slammed the journal shut, shoved it in the backpack, and raced out of the auditorium. Hopefully, Toni would return for her own backpack.
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