#but the mexican flag has similar colors to the palestinian one
goongiveusnothing ยท 2 years
I hope I'm not being annoying btw ๐Ÿ˜… but yeah going to those lengths to get people to like him wouldn't make him a genius, just charismatic and weirdly dedicated. I genuinely think he's just obsessed with status and money. That's what drives him, you know? He's befriended way too many powerful and well connected people for me not to think he isn't going out of his way to win them over so they can advance his career.
And the incident with the hammer, fans throw things on stage all the time. At that point he had 1D fans wrapped around his finger tighter than he does now. He knew they were going to defend him just like they defended him from the womanizing rumors, all he had to do was stay quiet.
And you know what now that I think about it, the only time he ever goes so hard on something is because he's either trying to impress/charm someone or he's compensating for something (Remember the women are smarter shirt? ๐Ÿ™„) It wouldn't surprise me if he's been guilty of being a little antisemitic in the past and is trying to overcompensate for that. I just know that he isn't invested in the Palestine vs Israel issue. That man only cares about himself.
Harry is definitely a social climber obsessed with status, fame and money. I definitely believe he seeks out the most famous and connected people to lodge himself around. He wants to be famous and a superstar at all costs to an almost sociopathic degree of singlemindedness. That he ingratiates himself by taking on all their likes and dislikes so he can fit in as much as possible.
But in this instance I just think this was all because he believed that everyone else in the crowd and in the media would all agree with him, that Israel were the victims and he was doing something good by doing this.
There's a reason that ever since his being seen as a Zionist became a known thing about him and all the tweets and posts have been spread, he's stopped publicly waving Israeli flags every time they do a bombing. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to to some degree, but I think he knows it hurts his reputation with his fanbase.
I'm more easily convinced that Harry has engaged in some type of Islamophobia which lead him to more easily be against the Palestinian people. See how quickly he's tried to like and follow a couple of people over the Iranian issue? Because Israel hates Iran and is using their rightful protests as propaganda and likely interfering. And because it's very easy for paternalistic Islamophobic Westerners to be outraged over women wearing hijab than they are over the rights of say Muslim women in France having the choice to wear theirs. I'm 100% pro the Iranian protests, their regime is tyrannical and evil, all women should have the freedom to wear whatever they want and be whoever they want. But does Harry feel that way all the time? Or is he just a paternalistic Islamophobe who knows it's "safe" to care about this issue because of the Israeli bias and because everyone in the West mostly agrees?
The Iranian likes and follows also show our poor little ignorant blind queer boy can actually see and hear about world issues. He knows about the last Palestinian bombings, all the footage of Americans stealing Palestinian people's homes. He's seen all that. And he chose and chooses to ignore it all.
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