#but this time we're picking on old men πŸ’–
mushtoons Β· 2 years
bald man be upon yee
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venelona-turtle-den Β· 5 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Hello! Thank you so much for asking me! ^^
I'm very proud of the mark swap comic. I love every joke I put in there. Especially eye bananas
I would be happy to see Mikey and Donnie comic getting some more love. It's the hc I like very much and finishing that comic took quite a bit of effort, but didn't result in a lot x) That happens, and it's totally fine, but if you haven't seen it please check it out πŸ’–
3. Oh, it's time to share some LOVE
This piece by @phykoha! All of their desktop Leon art makes me SUPER happy, and was a huge boost for me back when I was still anxious whenever or not I've done good enough job on making Leo :') So I am forever grateful, haha. I picked this one because it makes me laugh the most LOL or should I say cackle evilly
This beautiful comic about Pcpaw and his lil' brothers by @fabsf2 My jaw dropped when I saw it, it's so good and so adorable!! Always happy to see desktop ol' man happy ✨
Cryptid Mikey! Cryptid Mikey! Cryptid Mikey by the beautiful @sheep-turtles-and-pizza πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–I love all of her art (its so so PRETTY and so so CUTE and so so FUNNY and so so STUNNING), but I am always super excited to see more cryptid Mikey ✨
Happy New Year πŸ’–Let's fill 2024 with more turtles that are also teens and ninjas, or old men with existential crisis, shall we? πŸ™βœ¨
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emeritus-fuckers Β· 8 months
Hi hi! This is for the matchup event rerun! I ended up missing the last one so hopefully I can secure a spot this time!!
So hi!! My name is Valentine, genderwise I am a girl! She/her! Romantic orientation, I lean definitely a lot more towards guys but no harm in experimenting with girls too! I think I romantically have an attraction towards guys but sexually both? Does that make sense? Haha but definitely more guys!
Hmmm who do I like? Of course the papas, specifically Nihil (I have a weird thing for old decrepit dusty peepaw men) but also the human characters? Specifically Father Jim Defroque because we're sleeping on how attractive this priest is?? Ghouls as well because I love mountain 😭 IDK I think I like them all but if I had to pick, the papas.
Oh style! Appearance! Yay this is fun! Okay so I think I'd be the exact opposite of what an average ghost enjoyer looks like. I love pastels and whites and baby pinks. For my style I'm super into the whole lolita style so frills, dresses, bows, lots of bright sweet colours! I'm also into that whole Bimbo vibe? Like dressing in bright pink in really short miniskirts, baby tees and thigh highs. I just find it really funny how if me and whoever I were to be matched with in Ghost stood side by side, we would be polar opposites of black and pink. But general appearnace, I am a 5'3 korean girl with black hair down to my shoulders with white highlights and tan skin (terzo is canonically shorter than me so πŸ’…πŸ’…) and I have piercings down my right ear, a lip piercing and eyebrow piercing. I also have a small studio ghibli tattoo on my wrist, a moomin tattoo on the back of my arm and a tattoo of star constellations on my upper thigh (which is funny because I have a big fear of needles).
I think my personality really depends but I like to think of myself as just a general sweet person but that's just me (IDK I FEEL SUPER SELF CENTRED TALKING ABOUT MY PERSONALITY HAHA). I mean, I reckon just in general I really like people so I want to be seen as a sweet person. I'm a girl's girl and I'm an extrovert, I go out of my way to talk to people to see if I can make new friends, if someone wants to talk or a hug or needs anything, I want to be the girl that can be there for that. I care about useless things like plants and bugs and I apologise when I bump into inanimate objects. Despite all that I also think I'm super careless and accident prone. The amount of times I miss a step on the stairs and go tumbling down or I bang into a clear window isn't funny. Going off the whole bimbo thing from earlier, I have been described as a bimbo before so I guess a bit of an airhead, dense, a little dumb and super optimistic.
Hobbies and interests. I love makeup, I like dressing up and going out. Just looking super cute and going out shopping or taking a walk is super appealing to me. In my free time, I play violin and I like painting my nails, usually pastel colours but it's just super fun to do! On other days, I probably watch 1000 hours of tv a day or practice baking. I'm not great at it but I like baking sweets and giving them to my friends. I like cats a lot and anything that just looks cute in general. I love plushies, champagne/cocktails, horror movies and reading when I'm not watching an unhealthy amount of Tv in my living room. Another hobby I have which probably isn't a great one is clothes shopping. I love spending money which isn't great but shopping for a new wardrobe is a guilty pleasure of mine.
A here are just a few random facts about me
-I love the colour pink more than anything
-My second favourite artist other than Ghost is Taylor Swift
-I own a bunny named Milkiss
-I'm studying a course as a tattoo artist!
-I watch a lot of trash TV (rupauls drag race, keeping up with thr kardashians, dance moms ect)
-I love sweets
Thank you so much πŸ’‹πŸ’–
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries (asks) for the event close on 23rd October
Your match is...Young Papa Nihil
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Nihil's eye was immediatly drawn to you because of the bright colours you wear and how amazing you look! He loves how you are just true to yourself and that when stood next to each other the black of his clothes and the pink of yours are just complete opposites. He always says how good looking you both are as a couple and the best dressed people in the clergy.
He sees your constellations tattoo the first time things get a little hot and steamy. After that, because of the contrast in your clothes, he says you are the stars that light up his nights sky.
You truely do brighten up his world, you are so sweet and caring towards him. He can just open up to you and be himself.
He is pretty carefree and easy going, but he has moments of feeling a little less optamistic about things. So you balance him out well and keep him seeing the brighter side of things.
He fell for you even more when he saw you caring for a bug that was stuck inside. Then you appologising to the table you walked into.
He loves champagne and cocktails. He has his own bar in his rooms and he is learning mixology. So you spend a lot of nights with him where he'll make cocktails and you will talk and dance together late into the night .
He has made you promise that you will give him a tattoo as soon as you feel ready to. He admires you so much for getting tattoos and wanting to learn even with your fear of needles. It gives him courage to start facing up to some of his fears.
The man has learnt his lesson after his last relationship didn't work out. So don't worry you get to grow old with him. You get to love the dusty old Nihil too. Who is super cute and doting over you. The man is just content to hold you in his arms and gaze lovingly at you reminiscing about all the awesome things you did together.
Written by Nyx.
ps We wrote a post about the Papas with an accident prone S/O. If you havn't read it yet then you can find it here. I hope it's something you will enjoy :) I too am accident prone so i get it xx
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musette22 Β· 8 months
Another edition of Luck's dreams, featuring nervous twunk gay cevans faceclaim?? πŸ‘€β€οΈ
The dream starts with an old house, that is some sort of religious place but doesn't really look like a church. I see a young CEvans in the halls with another guy. This is the topmost floor of the building and some sections of the floor are open-roof. It's all made of wood or bamboo and there's filtered sunlight from the trees nearby.
Chris and the guy (I'm the camera) walk around the floor, singing some song i can't remember but which gave me dnd vibes, and it seemed to imply that they were in love but couldn't be together. Like they were always standing on the opposite sides of the room but always looking in each others' direction.
This scene is also interspersed with a scene of the camera taking a birds eye view of the house and the voiceover saying, 'are you the captain, are you the bard..' and then different dnd classes.
After some bit of this a bunch of people started entering this room, all dressed in vaguely old dresses, like the dresses from the era where the word 'Valedictorian' originated. And they all crowded around the two men and pushed everyone to a smaller room. I tried to go in but I was stuck in the hustle bustle of it.
So now we move to another room where a bunch more people gather but these people are richer in their attire. And they have a painting in front of them that seems like it's supposed to be in place of a TV. When everyone is settled, the painting is removed and a lady sits in a wheelchair and begins singing opera. What we see is actually the other room/floor mentioned earlier, just seen through a hole in the wall now.
As the lady sings beautifully, the guests praise her and her talent, but apparently all the time the notes are coming from a old radio nearby. Cevans in also sat in this crowd now and nervous. When an old lady is teaching her young that nowadays you can produce any note that you want by just typing it, this Analog radio needed you to set the note; this leads to a scene transition where we're in a grocery store.
In the store Paul Rudd is walking around buying stuff, especially things with extras or bonus value prices. He calls his son (cevans as a young boy) friend and pal, but when we see his daughter later he just calls her his daughter. She picks up on this and asks him about it and he just says 'no ofcourse i love you, all fathers love their daughters', but then turns to his son and goes 'come on pal'.
Suddenly there's a crash and the lady in the wheelchair rushes into the backstorage rooms of the grocery store and into a room that apparently belonged to the old department head? The voice-over tells you that the room is no longer officially in use and it's her safe place where she calms down after anything. The boy is worried about her (she's his mom) and nervously walks into the room to ask her what happened.
By this time it was already too late in the afternoon and so I woke up.
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Wow 😳 Well, thank you for this excellent dream synopsis, Luck πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’«πŸ’– I don't think I know what exactly I just read, but it was definitely an experience and I thank you for it, my love! Very much here for the gay pining twunk Chris content in any case πŸ‘€ Love youuuu, please keep 'em coming! 😘
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