#but to instead overcorrect and go ‘:) I will preemptively remove myself so I am in a better position than if I wait to be pushed aside :)’
poorlittleyaoyao · 9 months
re: 3zun and jealousy, there is already something going on before 3zun even happens in both canons. I already hollered while I was reading the novel about how LXC’s refusal to tell NMJ how he knows MY under the conversation’s novel canon circumstances—pre-spying, with MY and NMJ still on good terms—is Deeply Weird. In CQL canon, meanwhile, MY has somehow not met LXC prior to Cloud Recesses, even though in drama canon MY has been at the Unclean Realm for awhile. This is substantially less weird than LXC’s cagey behavior in the novel—NMJ has at least informed LXC of MY’s existence as his assistant, even if the two haven’t interacted—but the fact that interaction hasn’t occurred is still at least a little bit weird unless LXC hasn’t visited the Unclean Realm at all since MY’s promotion. Much to think about in both canons!
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