#but with season 2 probably being in the fucking ether there is plenty of time for them to not be obtuse anymore.
Should say show Peacemaker continually calling himself a ally despite being a bisexual man makes sense both in terms of like he's talking to Leota as a mlm so you could read it as him specifically saying he's a ally to lesbians but also I think he doesn't actually consider himself bisexual and if season 2 happens i do really need James Gunn to include the inevirable ridiculous argument he's gonna have with Leota where hes convinced he 'doesnt count' as bi for incredibly weird and obtuse reasons
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septiembrre · 4 years
Rio Headcanons
Tagged by the wonderful @foxmagpie
What are your headcanons about Rio’s family? Siblings? Parents? Lifestyle growing up?
I really love the idea of Rio having been raised by a supportive, healthy, loving, beautiful nuclear family. I personally have imagined him with siblings -- sisters! Cousins! I think his respect for women and their power has to come from somewhere and it’s probably a matriarch. He has a strong handle on parenting and I think he must be modeling his own caregivers... 
But, @foxmagpie pointed out the black & white vintage photos in his closet...  Obviously, I had seen them but I just understood them to be like my family’s own old photographs. I had thought -- they’re just his ancestors, probably his grandparents or bisabuelos. But, then I realized there’s no sign of sisters, any siblings or of his parents in his apartment.  The Good Girls set design team loves a ridiculously terrible photo prop (hello old Dean/Beth family photos) and you know they would have been down to make the same thing for Rio... but alas. All we have are those photos of Rio + Marcus, an ambiguous baby picture and the black & white photo and it’s probably intentional. 
I come from a small, atypical Mexican-American family structure myself, but I feel for him. I always headcanoned that he had a dad who had died when he was a kid or a teenager and that maybe his mom was still around and involved in his & Marcus’ life. But, quizas no? 
I’m curious about how much Beth knows now about Rio’s family structure from Rhea. She knows Rhea’s a single mom, and her co-parent was out of the picture for a spell. But, I think Rhea would have also mentioned involvement or support from Marcus’s other set of abuelos/her former in-laws? 
So... who were Rio’s caregivers? His grandparents? No sisters??? We should all collectively DM Manny and ask him to share his own Rio backstory headcanons. Haha, watch -- the show is totally going to ret-con this in Season 4. 
It’s interesting overall how the writer’s deploy family world-building for the characters. Dean’s mom is the only one on-screen -- and Dean’s parents overall have gotten more build out than any other family history combined (wild!). I know that’s influenced by them casting Jessica Walter who is phenom, but expanding out the family histories is such a rich area for the show creators to play in if they choose to go there. All of our main protagonists have deceased parents. I think it’s been a choice on the show to play into a lack of safety net and support for the women. For better or for worse, Beth, Ruby & Annie are at a point where they are it for their children.  
That being said -- I would love to meet Stan’s parents! And I would love to get information about Rio’s coming-into-crime especially as a parallel to Beth’s experience. It’s the parallel we would all want and the parallel we deserve. (Dear show, Stop with the Boland family parallels, PLEASE! If I have to hear about Dean’s scummy dad one more time--). 
But, yes, I’m very invested in Beth & Annie’s, Ruby’s, Stan’s, and, of course, Rio’s families and hope we get to see more characterization unfold over the next seasons.
What are your headcanons for Rio and Rhea’s relationship? How do you think they met, at what point did Rhea learn about his work, was Rio in love with her, etc.?
I’m so curious about what attracts Rio to people/his love interests. It’s becoming clear what attracts him to Beth...  But, I wonder about has attracted him to others. 
While Beth & Rhea are both moms (haha, and beautiful, and well-endowed with the boobs), that’s in the present time on the show -- Rio was attracted to Rhea before she was a mom. I wonder what he looks for? What did he see in Dylan? 
What are your headcanons about Rio’s and Mick’s relationship? Did they meet through crime? Are they lifelong friends?
I want them to be childhood friends!!!! I want that so badddddd!!! 
Oh, god, can you imagine a flashback to them young in crime?! Like late teens or early 20s? Ha, as a parallel to the Beth + Ruby scene/origin story? I would die. DIE.
Do you think Rio’s been arrested before Beth got him arrested in 1.10? When, and what for?
Ha, I don’t think he’s been arrested for anything significant.  He’s plenty sanctimonious about keeping his name out of everything. 
If Rio weren’t a crime boss, what jobs do you think he’d be good at? Why?
I mean he’s probably great a math, phenom at managing a huge team/multiple business ventures, and super charismatic. What couldn’t he do? 
I think he was probably pushed to crime because of lack of opportunity for MOC and the need for money. This does make me think he came up poor. But, I think he stayed in crime because he’s so good at it, and likes the flexibility, the creativity, the $$$, and the power. 
I think he could go legit and still be pulling in decent buck with all of his business fronts but he doesn’t choose to. 
What are Rio’s hobbies outside of work and Marcus? What do you think he’d get up to on a day with absolutely no responsibilities?
He’s obviously an art heaux. The real question is WHAT’S HIS MEDIUM???? If he actually produces art like the abstract stuff up in his house, I would scream. I can see him being into photography when the mood strikes him and he has time. #hipster
I like the idea of Rio taking cooking classes in some sort of exclusive, foodie way (1:1 with a chef, or a compa who is a fly line cook). 
We know he plays tennis and I also imagine he boxes and works out at the type of high-end gym I could only dream of. It probably never smells of sweat, and all the machines are top-end, brand new. I mentioned in a post a while ago that I wasn’t sure if I wanted Rio to be my boyfriend, my bff, or to adopt me -- and I stand by it.  
Who do you think Dylan is to Rio (a friend, an associate, someone he was dating?) and why?
I do lean towards friend/associate/some one he’s fucked. Rio was very handsy with Dylan’s person. Obviously, in real life Manny & Adelfa are married, and I think they were leaning heavily on that intimacy in the scene. 
But Rio also didn’t kiss Dylan? Which leads me back to -- damn, Rio. You were fronting so hard. Like... that was high-school-level showmanship. 
What do you think Rio’s goals for the future are?
I think he wants to be his own boss, I think he likes being at the top of the food chain, and I think he wants to stay in crime because he still sees opportunities. 
I’m so curious as to what his $$$ bench marks are?
Beth’s are current financial security and probably college for all of her little ones. So what it for Rio?
- College for Marcus? 
- Inheritance for Marcus?
- Inheritance for all of his (nonexistent) family?
It has to be more than that. He’s already hit these benchmarks based off of the status symbols in the show (the G-Wagon, the quality of furniture in his loft, Rhea’s offer of maybe like a $5-10k check to Beth. Beth’s not family!).
What do you think Rio is bad at (cooking, dancing, singing, etc.)? How come?
I don’t think he can bake.
I also don’t seem him being good at boldly lying to people? It’s definitely not his style. He’s more of a lying by omission type of person. I don’t see him being able to spin a tale like Beth, but he also doesn’t have her white privilege/whole suburban mom aesthetic. 
Hm, I haven’t rewatched the show in a minute but I think the only time we’ve seen him boldly lie is to Beth -- when he lies about the nature of their relationship. Haha, and he’s really bad at it. Maybe this isn’t the fairest thing to judge him on. But, I think his lying relies on purposeful silence. 
Why do you think Rio is drawn to Beth?
I think Rio was drawn to Beth because she’s a survivor, she’s scrappy and she’s smart. I think he’s drawn to how quick she is on her feet. Beth has limited awareness but she can be really good at navigating what’s going for her and leveraging it for her gain (and Rio’s). I think he’s also been drawn to her because she’s a parent, and she can be really brave (I would say reckless!! Beth, stop endangering yourself!).
Beth’s also like absurdly beautiful. Christina is ethereal and they try to make her ... frumpy or something in the show. But... we have eyes. And Rio certainly has eyes for her figure, and her face, and like all the attributes and isn’t shy about letting her know. 
Why do you think Rio didn’t kill Beth? Was it their past, his present feelings for her, because he needed her business? Some combination?
I think Rio sees a kindred spirit in Beth and at this point (post-Season 3), she’s in his life now. Despite all that she’s done to him, he seems completely unable to extricate himself from her. I think this due to his present past feelings for her. The business is a bonus, a front if you will. 
In Season 2, there were these questions for Beth about whether all of it was real -- if she meant something to Rio, if Beth could walk back all of her crimes so far and retreat into anonymity. In Season 3, we know that Beth can’t let go of crime, and that she’s capable of the same dark deeds as Rio, and we know that Rio did care for her, cares for her still apparently because he’s very much in his feelings. Those Season 3 picnic table scenes? Wow. 
Ah, can you believe these two are going to like... have some sort of development in their relationship again? Obviously, it will be full of strife and conflict. But isn’t it wild that we have another Brio sex scene in store for us one day? Jenna Ban’s comment, “You don't go from having the hottest sex of your life to wanting someone dead without conflicted feelings” is just the BIGGEST TEASE.  How are our bbs going to be intimate with each other again? 
OKAY THIS ENDED UP BEING SUPER LONG. Jeez... If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for engaging with my headcanons. Lmk what you think :-) 
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the-dark-kings · 4 years
Theory time: the apocalypse, the Dark King and Plum
We’re halfway through the season, which means it’s time for us to post some theories that will without a doubt be Jossed next week. This got long so I’m putting it under a cut. Spoilers for all promos and info released about season 5, as well as the books. Please join in with your own theories! 
First, a short overview of current unresolved storylines:
The Fillory apocalypse (The A plot, carried mostly by Julia)
The Dark King + the fairies (A.2 plot; Eliot, Margo)
Plum Chatwin and the voices she’s hearing (Penny)
The Circumstances changing due to the moon being a petty bitch (Alice)
Marina’s schemes + the Hedges (Kady)
Plus some plot points that seem relevant:
The Clock Dwarf
Quentin’s notes
The Etheric Realm + Fogg
The Markus sisters
The Visigoths
Jane Chatwin
Now, in typical Magicians fashion, most of these storylines will without a doubt end up being connected somehow. For this post I’m focusing on the apocalypse plot and how it potentially relates to the Dark King and Plum Chatwin. Scroll all the way down for a tl;dr summary.
I think the apocalypse and the Dark King are an obvious combo here. There’s plenty we don’t know about the Dark King yet, so a lot of the following speculation is pretty baseless, but that’s how we roll.
We know The Dark King Seb is immortal (origin unknown), has ancestors on Earth, has a dead lover, and is desperate to remain King of Fillory. I’ve seen theories floating around of either a connection with the McAllisters or the Chatwins. Both are likely contenders, but I’m leaning towards Chatwins just because all Brits on this show tend to be Chatwins. 
Coincidentally, we have a queer Chatwin on this show whose lover died under tragic circumstances some 300 years ago—give or take. Odds on TDK being Rupert Chatwin in disguise? After all, Rupert was one of the only Earthling rulers the Fillorians actually seemed to like, and Eliot mentions in 5x03 that he knows about the Mountain of Ghosts because Rupert intended to visit it in Fillory and Further. Might be coincidence, might not.
(I’ve also seen people theorize he’s Quentin’s descendant, but I’m gonna veto that one on grounds of Eliot having enough on his plate as it is, and he deserves to fuck the ambiguous Big Bad with minimum guilt.)
I mentioned the Clock Dwarf earlier because that seemed too relevant a plot point for the show to just introduce and then never reference again. Classic Chekhov’s Gun. What we know: the Clock Dwarf tells Margo and Eliot that if anyone were to wind back the clock, that would destroy Fillory. And what do you know, there just happens to be a prophecy about an apocalypse in Fillory. My theory: someone’s going to attempt to wind back time. Perhaps the guy who’s still making yearly mourning trips for his lover who died centuries ago? This attempt will cause the apocalypse.
Additionally, and now we’re going full baseless speculation: I believe the characters will fail to prevent this apocalypse. Episode 5x13 is titled “Fillory and Further”, indicating the climax will have something to do with Fillory in specific. And if this season finale doubles as a series finale, then what better way to go out than destroying Fillory itself? 
I mentioned the notes Alice finds in Quentin’s stuff earlier, because the last full trailer that was released seems to reference those. Smarter people than me who have actually finished the books have theorized that these notes are the ones book!Quentin uses to create a new world at the end of the series. You see where I’m going with this. If Fillory is done for, they’ll need to create a new world for the Fillorians and fairies. Plus, thematically it’s a nice way to honor Quentin and to end the season (and/or show) with an ending and a beginning.
I know I said earlier that I think the Dark King will cause the apocalypse. However, there’s some stuff that doesn’t quite add up with that. For one, there’s the actual prophecy, which we get in the form of Todd’s song. As Julia realizes, it’s fairly useless in terms of actual guidelines, but there’s some interesting stuff about how the apocalypse is supposedly going down.
The second verse (as posted by Elle Lipson on Twitter):
The evil forces enter a forest glade Coming from a distant realm to invade We have to seal the door or death will come for everyone Destroying all of nature, ba de da da shmeveryone
Evil forces from a distant realm… with all due respect to his Dark Kingliness, but that doesn’t sound like him, or the Takers. Someone, or something, is attempting to invade Fillory, and the hero has to shut them out. This sounds a lot like what Plum is dealing with: a signal from another realm that selected her because she’s a Chatwin. But is it trying to warn her? Scare her? Select her as the hero Fillory needs right now?
Sidenote: another (potentially coincidental) tie-in to the main plot is that book!Plum is a descendant of Rupert Chatwin. If TDK is Rupert Chatwin, then that’s probably relevant in… some way.
More relevant prophecy bits:
And I forget this next part, but I think it's about clocks
Clock Dwarf, I’m telling y’all.
The key to fixing things is in the something something place
Yeah, I got nothing.
Blah de-blah, the way to stop this sorry tale of woe And end the shit that started many centuries ago
Okay so this is an interesting bit. So far I’ve been talking about the apocalypse as something that’s yet to happen, because we haven’t seen any effects so far. It’s something Julia is trying to prevent. But this line implies that the events were set in motion a long time ago. It does check out that it’s connected to the Dark King, but how literal are we to take “started”? Does he know about this threat to Fillory? This is where my theories run into a wall, simply because we don’t have enough info to go on.
The apocalypse will be caused by some combination of the Dark King and “evil forces from another realm”. The Dark King may or may not be Rupert Chatwin, Plum may or may not be related to him. Our heroes will fail to save Fillory, but will create another world based on Quentin’s notes for the people and animals of Fillory to retreat to. Everyone lives happily ever after, mostly, and Plum is truly the only surviving Chatwin after Jane and Seb Rupert die.
Note: I left out a bunch of stuff, primarily the Alice and Kady plots because I have no idea where they’re planning to go with those. I assume they’re connected somehow, potentially to each other, but I’m stumped.
So my main questions at the end of all this are:
Why does the Dark King need to be King, as per the promo for 5x08, and how did he come to be immortal? (We’re probably getting this answer in 5x08 and I wrote this post a week too early, I know.)
What was Marina’s plan, and is Kady actually going to be relevant this season?
Is Alice’s botany guy shady? If he is, I’m voting he’s with Marina, if not he’s a tritely introduced love interest.
What’s with the Fairies?
What’s with the Visigoths?
Are the writers actually going to follow up on their storylines this season or is this theorizing all useless? 
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maleenhancementmd · 3 years
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Penis exercises are a way of trapping blood in the penis.. Al pachino whitney houston Charles Bronson Nicolas Cage Nothing too interesting.
Expect drama.’ Ines rose to fame when she was paired with Bronson Norrish in the 2019 season of the Channel Nine social experiment.
Charles Bronson than meets the eye. You may know of him as the. hour's exercise, in a razor wire-topped pen, he is. my dick sucked. Well, I'm only human!
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Charles Bronson and James Coburn do solid work, although the latter’s character is anything but clearly defined. British thespians weigh in with some of the finest performances in the picture.
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Notorious prisoner Charles Bronson was warned over "veiled threats" made during a public hearing this week. The 68-year-old, who grew up in Aberystwyth, appeared via video link at the inquest of.
Charles Bronson (the prisoner, not Death Wish legend
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Actor Paula Williamson, who married notorious prisoner Charles Bronson, was found unconscious on her bed next to two bags of white powder’ (Staffordshire Police/PA) An actress who married.
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