#but yeah that shit was indeed rotting my brain and i can see the effects of it
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Autism's Immunity to Narcissism
What many neurotypicals don't understand -- usually to a lack of education borne out of simply not ever giving a sole shit and wanting to project every deficit onto others to preserve the beautiful, swan-like, unblemished purity of their default state -- is the differences between autism and destructive mental disorders. NTs like to blame autistic people for everyone, projection is a doddle, after all. It's so bloody easy that the most simple-minded of children could do it. And sometimes I feel like my blog exists just to give them a taste of their own medicine, but in my case I'd want to put some bloody erudition and thought behind it as opposed to "You am perzun of opp'sut tribe, you am make all um evil in wurld 'cuz reezons." as I hate that shit. Three disorders in particular I'd like to think about, today. Narcissism, Sociopathy, and Psychopath. I've spoken about the latter two a lot, though, and explained why they have no relation to autism at length. So let's look at Narcissism itself as a disorder and why autism is immune to its noxious effects. If you neurotypicals could engage your brains without needing as many hours of smalltalk as cups of coffee, I'm sure you could figure this out as the rest of us already have. I'll bring you up to speed. It's simply really, innit? Narcissism requires a mind talented in Machiavellian social interactions, a brain able to 'play the games' and manipulate people, which is a skill set that autistic people have a near absence of. We're terrible liars, and even though we can easily spot manipulation and understand how it functions we're awful at actually putting it into practise, there's something about our brains that just doesn't allow that to work for us. It might be a lack of social cues, little tics, and innate things that neurotypical extraverts intuit. You can easily spot an autistic or introverted person, right? So, why neurotypical extravert? The two words effectively mean the same thing, don't they? You see, both words are 'pure, unstained default states of the human mind' used to hierarchically reduce the value of anyone who doesn't share their traits. Why? Oh, it's usually because aggression, because tribalism, because neurotypicals are angry apes who aren't as evolved as every other kind of brain out there. That's what I'd think, anyway. Whether the brain is autistic, schizophrenic, if it has Williams syndrome, OCD, or a number of other disorders? It'll leave the neurotypical brain in its dust. And here's the interesting thing: Disorders can be separated up into two sets. Neurotic and Destructive. The two aren't compatible, not even slightly. The worst a more neurotic disorder can do to a body is self-harm, whereas a destructive disorder is harmful to all, everyone in the world at large. A person with a neurotic disorder won't end up as -- just to use it as an example -- a serial killer. A destructive disorder will. What I'd posit is that neurotypicality is a destructive disorder, just one that's more mild than others. Oh, and I say neurotypical extravert because I strongly believe that proper introversion, correctly diagnosed, is the non-clinical end of the autistic spectrum. This is a theory that's been gaining steam and it's the only thing that makes sense when you look at all of the available data. Introversion is a neurotic disorder, versus a destructive disorder. Do you see what I did, there? Everything's a disorder, now. There is no default brain type. It's pure insanity to think that there is, and neurotypicals excel at pure insanity unlike any other group of people I've ever known. Frankly, I feel like every NT I've ever spoken with is but a hop, skip, and a jump away from being a murderous psychopath. It's just in their genes, it defines their very existence. It's why they're so aggressive, and it's also why they're insane enough to believe in a default state. Allow me to present to you a different view of the world and our species: There are numerous different kinds of brains, a few are problematic but most aren't, this is simply how it is. Apply 'disorder' to anything that isn't neurotypical is insanity that would, to my mind, imply sociopathy. A desire to aggressively control, to place one's self above all others for one's own benefit. That's insanity, by the way. It actually is. Insanity is far more widespread than we realise, it's just that not all cases of it turn into serial killers, after all. Some become bankers! Or orange, small-fingered politicians! So let's stop looking at minds as being disordered just for not adopting the beautiful, Aryan purity of the neurotypical mind. Yes, I'm calling psychologists on Aryan thinking, is it really that surprising? I'm extremely interested in the topic myself and I've seen one more Aryan ideologist in the field than I'm personally comfortable with. I'd say that one alone is enough, but when most of them are stricken with this fell thinking? That's a problem. There's more in common with contemporary thinking in psychology and circles like the Alt-Right than you might initially realise. Consider how much of an issue that might be when it's these people who're ordaining who is and is not insane. Terrifying thought, right? So, narcissism then. It's a destructive disorder, innit? It harms other people. How does it do that? It uses Machiavellian manipulations through the social game, and what is it precisely that autistic people are so utterly terrible at? This is because the neurotypical mind is neurotic, versus destructive, so a condition that can only exist in a more destructive mind cannot exist in a neurotic one. Yes, this implies that all extraverts -- indeed, all neurotypicals -- are destructive to some level. Hmm... Does that offend you? Does that bother you? Isn't that interesting? I'm rather fascinated by it, I think. Why are you bothered? Hasn't 'neurotypical,' always heralded as the superior, default condition always done that? I'm just providing an interesting thought exercise, after all. If you're uncomfortable with where I'm going, one wonders why you'd be comfortable with a notion like neurotypicality as the default? Especially when I'm not saying that non-NT brains are a perfect default, either. I described autism as a neurotic disorder. This means that they can be skittish, panicky, housebound, and left with more anxiety and trauma than most can imagine. And to say it once more -- this isn't destructive, this is neurotic. Can you imagine how a neurotic mind could be narcissistic? It's a bit of a giggle, right? The person having panic attacks and shaking in the corner is the suave, in control, self-serving, Machiavellian narcissist. I'm not entirely sure that I agree with that, for what might hopefully be obvious reasons??? I'd say they're obvious, anyway. Unless you're dealing with cognitive biases, of course. Unfortunately the destructive mind excels at those. Why destructive? Why neurotic? It all comes down to how inward or outward one is focused. That's one of the few binaries in this world that I'll actually accept. Though even I admit that it might be a sliding scale from inward to outward, though this is a problematic idea as this implies there could be a perfect 'middle spot' that creates a new, superior default state. This happened with the sheer, bloody-minded ridiculousness of ambiversion. Hands up, who remembers that brain rot? Ambiversion, of course, doesn't exist. It's just destructives looking for a way to express their superiority over everyone else, it's what they do, and rather aggressively I might add. Similarly, I don't think there's a middle ground between inward and outward, opposed to that there are only degrees of inward on an inward scale or, respectively, degrees of outward on an outward scale. An inward focused mind will, of course, invariably possess powers of certain traits which are neurotic. Similarly, an outward focused mind will possess powers of certain traits which are destructive. And that, ladies and gents, is why you can't have a narcissistic autist. Simples! Same goes for sociopathy or psychopathy, really. You see, if a person is too caught up in their internal world to affect the outside world, they're... not going to affect the outside world. Simple as. And whilst someone who doesn't fully understand what narcissism is might think that a rich inner world may very well lead to narcissism? Not so. You see, the difference with narcissists is they only believe in their superior state, aggressively, much like any destructive mind. In reality, they're actually extremely shallow to a fault, they don't have much going on inside their heads. It's why they try to make their outsides pretty to overcompensate for their empty insides. And this is how it all works for humanity. You're either more inwardly focused -- neurotic, autistic, introverted -- or you're more outwardly focused -- destructive, extraverted, neurotypical -- and that's all there is to it. We can wax philosophical about the supposed superiority of the neurotypical state all you'd like, but to my thinking a truly superior mind wouldn't actually think of itself as superior, it would be humble, quiet, and profoundly selfless. It would know kindness to an extreme. And that's hardly extraverts, is it? Being as self-absorbed, greedy, and tribally-focused as they are. Oh, sure sure, an extravert has some care for their own tribe, but that's only thanks to how they work, you see? The tribe is the default, superior state. All other groups are innately inferior. Hence every prejudice ever, really. The kind of racism that allowed Brexit to happen in the UK? Yeah. Yeah, that. You got it. At least, by this point, I'd hope you do. I don't know that you do, as I can't know that, but I'd like to be optimistic and think that you can see where this mess is going. You see, in this case, the UK is the superior default, and the EU is the evil cancerous 'other' dragging it down. So we beat the shit out of Polish people, right? Yeah. That's a destructive mind for you... So autism is immune to destructive disorders simply because it isn't destructive. It's got some other bad thing going on instead. You see, there is no 'perfect' default. All of us ugly fucks are broken, tainted, flawed, and wrong in one way or another. We're not beautiful angels. The sooner we stop thinking that any of us are, the sooner we start looking at problems we might actually be able to fix. Frankly, I can't wait for an AI to 'enslave' us all. Oh, I'm sure I might pretend to be a little indignant in the first few hours not to get me face beaten in, I don't go looking for lampings being the brittle little twig that I am. I'm sure I'd pretend... On the inside, though? I'd be bloody cheering. I'd cheer like a sportsball fan obsessing over their preferred team. And before you get angry about my denigrating neurotypicals to the realm of shallow, destructive, aggressive sometimes-monsters? Consider 'neurotypical.' Do you not think it's both equally shallow and destructive to think of yourself as the perfect, holy, unfettered default state? Scary how you've never thought about it before, innit? And that's because all neurotypical minds are a little bit narcissistic, after all. Bloody hell, I shouldn't have to feel this way about my species.
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