#but yes Mimic *at least* should have been a different colour than his usual octopus self and then I would have found it a lot more likely-
true-blue-sonic · 10 months
Some thoughts I had about IDW's Duo/Mimic and the New Diamond Cutters below (perhaps an unpopular opinion?):
With Evan Stanley confirming Duo!Mimic specifically has been made to look almost exactly the same to Slinger the Ocelot, I must say I am rather surprised Whisper does not express any kind of recognition or sense of worry about how familiar Duo must look to her. After all, not only does he look 90% the same to one of her dead friends, there is also the issue that...
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...Duo's fur colour is exactly the same as Mimic's body. I am really surprised that Whisper just does not notice these similarities or shows anything akin to recognition (and the suspicion that comes along with it), and I really find it a shame! Because I did really like these bits of justification Duo gives for wanting to join:
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Mimic knows exactly what to say to endear the entire trio to him at once. He's preying perfectly on the values each individual finds important. For Lanolin, he points out that they need volunteers* and how he wants to make a difference, fitting with her desire to ensure no-one would ever be harmed or terrified again by Eggman's attacks alongside tackling the limited manpower and means of the Restoration. Tangle loves the more adventurous life she lives after meeting Sonic and co. and greatly cherishes the new friends she has made; Mimic points those things out verbatim. And Whisper has greatly suffered under losing her old crew and is a highly serious, if not the most serious, member of the New Diamond Cutters, thus Mimic states he knows the work is dangerous and he will ensure to take it seriously and be reliable. It covers all facets of what the trio finds important in a teammate (dedicated and helpful; fun and adventure-loving; reliable and taking it seriously), which is why I don't like how Mimic manages to pull off such a clever bit of manipulation (if that is the correct term) despite the fact there is no way Whisper should not be suspicious of him with this extremely paper-thin disguise. We as readers of course should know that this is indeed Mimic, but that gets shown literally three pages afterwards anyway and is discussed between Mimic and Clutch beforehand. And since Duo is shown on the cover of issue 67, I heavily doubt that anyone (other than perhaps Silver, who I am 100% certain is not going to be believed anyway, based on the contents of the solicits for issue 63 and 64) is going to notice this. I really would have preferred it if Mimic's disguise wasn't this obvious; it would have made the Diamond Cutters (and especially Whisper) falling for it hook, line and sinker a lot less eyebrow-raising on their part. Mimic's words and reasoning are cleverly done to gain the trio's trust, and yet it should have fallen through immediately the moment Whisper laid her eyes on him, in my opinion.
(*That is another thing I found striking about this issue: the new Diamond Cutters are discussing about how they need new volunteers, and literally two seconds later Duo comes cruising in like "Hi I heard you need new volunteers". And no-one questions how strange it is that he knows that? There is no way he could have, since the concept of recruiting more people has clearly been discussed only between the three girls mere moments prior! Yet Tangle asks him if he wants to join, he says "Yes, I heard you were accepting volunteers", and no-one bats an eye at exactly when he heard it. Again, also this part makes the Diamond Cutters inadvertently come off as far too trusting and simply idiotically gullible to me.)
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