#by the end of the qsmp I need bbh to eat at least one person
the-crimson · 7 months
Gosh I’m just so incredibly torn. This reveal today was amazing and I genuinely have no idea what is going to happen next.
There were so many things about the visit that just felt… off but at the same time it was so sweet and great to see and I’d love for this to be real. It kind of felt like a dream and now I’m wishing for the dream to never end.
All this has got me thinking of two things cc!bbh said recently. 1- the lore is gonna get even more unhinged soon and 2- there is something no one has picked up on that he’s been hinting at for a while
I think the thing people haven’t been paying attention to is the massive head wound under his hood that is causing the change in his eye color. This wound is probably the source of his memory loss and the hallucinations and the longer it goes unchecked, the worse both are going to get. When bad took his hood off the other day to wear the meature I almost had a heart attack because I wanted foolish to see the wound in his head SO BAD because it feels so incredibly important.
We know Bad’s memory loss is getting worse. Regardless of whether or not Ron is real, Bad made this house and he doesn’t remember. Bad said on stream (in character) that he was building a new place for Ron before Ron’s fate became a mystery but now, bbh doesn’t remember. That’s weeks ago that he’s forgetting things - before the break, before something happened to Ron.
The paranoia spiral could have been a one off psychological break or it could have been the damn breaking and the start of even more hallucinations. Ron could be a hallucination created out of Bad’s guilt for either killing him or losing him. Bad’s previous hallucinations were born from fear and paranoia and thus were terrifying. This hallucination could be born from guilt and the sorrow of Dapper’s birthday passing- as Ron was acting very similar to Dapper in many ways and Bad even pointed out how the plants outside reminded him of Dapper and thus the hallucinations were much more pleasant.
His memory is getting worse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if his hallucinations get worse as well.
But I’m not fully convinced this is a hallucination either. What ever path cc!bbh takes us down I’m confident will be a satisfying and gripping story and I can’t wait for tomorrow to gain another piece of the puzzle.
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