#canon love story and it's funnier given Jack's relationship with Sawyer is also a mess. I am so very normal about writing in this universe
smiletimeisrunningout · 10 months
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"I just want you to respect me" (Jack) @fantasywritten from meme
"No, that ain't all you want!" Emma protested in disbelief. And there they was, they were finally having it besides mutters and scoldings. Just that morning Kate had had a laugh with her when she had realized Emma still wasn't sure of why she fought Jack so much, and had revealed to her that it was 'obviously' because she wanted to do whatever she pleased and didn't want to take orders from a man, specifically.
"Nah-ah. You want people to fall in line and follow your lead when there is trouble, Jack, that's what made us start bickering in the first place. And I do respect that you are smarter than me, I respect that you are a doctor, I respect that are busting your a.ss to keep everyone else safe and that you are their leader, but... I'm not taking orders. I can't, I cannot. My own daddy says please and thank you when he wants things ever since I was little, and I know how to handle myself, I need no protection, I'm cooperating with boars and... you know, all that stuff that I know makes you think I'm some secret assassin, so that I can protect people here, and I didn't even beat up Frogurt before because you didn't want me to waste medical supplies, which I get," she continued in a tone that showed just how much sacrifice was behind not beating up Frogurt before, although she was there at the cave because she had broken Frogurt's cheekbone one hour ago after he had called Sawyer 'inbred'. Her fist had just gone before she could think of it, damn reflexes. But the week leading to it had been all about repression.
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"But you cannot expect that if you say I can't go somewhere I won't go or anything like that. Or not to react to any idiot ever. And... sometimes I just see that little suspicious light in your eyes when I talk and I just have to poke you. It's stronger than me, I tried to hold it back but... I guess as Sawyer's future wife you can't expect me to have that much self control, it all went in not killing Frogurt before today. You can't have both."
That and she'd bet that if she had the same influence on him that Kate did he wouldn't have cared half as much about what secret she had; but that nearly sounded like an attack at Kate and so she couldn't comment on it.
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