#char: Nii Yugito
kumo-headcanons · 6 years
Based on this post from a while ago – have some more handwriting headcanons:
Mabui's is very clean, neat, with few flourishes.
C's is well-legible but his characters have a very distinct slant to the right when he’s writing horizontally. Before he started working at the Raikage Tower, it used to lean more towards a typical doctor's scrawl but Mabui insisted he work on it because it would make everybody’s life easier.
Darui’s handwriting, too, is on the legible side but he has a habit of cutting corners and combining strokes in certain characters/radicals which makes for quicker writing but also makes them harder to read, e.g. like Jiraiya, his ta (タ) tends to look more like a 9.
Samui's handwriting is clean but very small and narrow.
Atsui's is horrendous, characters tend to vary greatly in size and precision and depending on the direction he’s writing in his lines tend to slant upwards or to the left.
Karui's notes tend to have ink splotches here and there. She literally crosses out mistakes by drawing a cross over them rather than just striking them through with a straight line.
Omoi's handwriting would actually be decent if he didn’t cross out entire phrases at a time or try to squish in additional words as afterthoughts since he frequently has trouble deciding on how to word certain thoughts, sometimes to the point where no one can figure out what he was trying to say in the first place.
Yugito has the prettiest handwriting in all of Kumo, possibly the entire Land of Lightning. In her free time she occasionally practices calligraphy.
B handwriting is on the legible side, but he has a persistent habit of doodling absolutely everywhere – on his notes, on handouts, in his diary book of rhymes, napkins, everywhere.
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kumo-headcanons · 6 years
Before her death, Yugito and B used to be good friends and frequently met up for a friendly spar. B’s carefree attitude often grated on her nerves but every now and then his frivolous rapping succeeded in making her smile.
Despite the fact that he occasionally riled Yugito up on purpose just to get a reaction, B actually valued her friendship a lot. Not only was she, as a fellow jinchūriki, one of the few ninja who could keep up with him in a fight but she was also one of the few people who understood the burden of having a tailed beast sealed inside of you, making her one of the only people B considered close enough to have a serious conversation with.
B doesn’t talk to A about it for the fear of reopening old wounds but he misses her. Somewhere in the back of his mind there’s still that nagging feeling of doubt that they could and should have done more to find her after her disappearance.
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