#chloe shush
hystericfae · 3 days
Someone convince me that the next 5 days at work are worth it
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myangelscrimson · 2 years
me talking to myself? sort of? I'm putting it under though cause it's hella long and I don't wanna bother anyone that follows me by accident
I keep seeing people say that not all narcissists are abusers, (true, I'm sure). I don't believe in the term narcissistic abuse either as it is stigmatizing and harmful, a lot of people with npd have also experienced a LOT OF abuse and I sympathize with that greatly.... however in my experience, I've seen that most people with npd....do in some way at least use the people around them. It's quite literally one of the criteria that's implied would happen when getting diagnosed with npd...is it not? A lot of the symptoms people with npd experience are in some way... probably going to hurt others, is what it seems to me? And because it's a pattern, which is why npd is a recognizable personality disorder at all...it's likely going to happen, again and again....?
I watched someone also explain that by letting people with narcissistic personality disorder continue to define the disorder themselves....they're technically just doing exactly what someone with npd is expected to do. Painting their own narrative as to how anyone who doesn't have npd should see narcissists. And while I think people of their own disorder should be able to tell you what their disorder is like, in my own experience....most of the time what someone with npd is saying....is unreliable, fabricated, not the truth or full truth....just completely dismissing something is even wrong...
Like I think I might have bpd, and I'd be absolutely crushed if someone said what I did/do was bpd abuse...but I can also acknowledge that yes, there are patterns associated with this disorder that can result in me being abusive to another person. So much so that it is well known by therapists who can detect the patterns and how I was even able to suspect that I possibly have bpd. Not that people don't absolutely suffer with symptoms of personality disorders as much as the people they love who watch them go through it....but it's not an excuse to say that personality disorders don't come with some symptoms that can/usually hurt others in some shape or form..?
I mean, I'm always up to learn more, and I do watch/listen to a lot of self aware narcissists because they really do seem helpful ....at least explaining the inner monologue or thought processes that go along with being a narcissist. I'm better able to understand my dad and what he might be thinking or feeling based on the experiences others share. I still struggle with feeling safe around people who tell me they have npd as I've experienced abuse at the hands of someone with it ...but I always try to hear every side of an argument because I'll never get anywhere just listening to my own.
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doublecheekedkinard · 17 days
genuinely obsessed and impressed with tommys understanding. a man who also came out at a later stage in life taking bucks hand and saying its okay bambi get your legs under you, you got this. like thank you so much i cannot stress enough how much this means
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Listen I did this on my phone at work at 8am. Dont come for me about the fonts. Thank you John Boyega.
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If the first verse of Spiracle by Flower Face isn't Orion to Rosalind or Silas to Phoebe or Juliette to Roma idk what is
I want the parts of you you only show to the corner of your bathroom mirror/I want the parts of your hand-grenade heart that beat slowly with anger and fear
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hystericfae · 21 days
I was checking an old mutual out because I was wondering where they went.....
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hystericfae · 3 months
hysteria is such a pretty word I'm so glad it's for the ladies
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hystericfae · 2 months
Urge to ask weird questions don't fail me now
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hystericfae · 1 month
I have GOT to get off prozac
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hystericfae · 4 months
Is there a crossbreed between a bunny and a deer
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hystericfae · 3 months
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hystericfae · 4 months
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hystericfae · 3 months
Told my sibling my favorite hazbin characters and then they said oh i expected your favorite to be vaggie and angel dust. Like yeah me too
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hystericfae · 27 days
Also since I've been off prozac I've dissociated FAR less. My brain isn't in a constant state of fog and running on pilot mode
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hystericfae · 4 months
Does it say anything about me that every friend I've ever had and every person I've ever been close to has had glasses...even online...while I have like 20/20 vision
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hystericfae · 3 months
I wanna change the theme of this blog so bad but first I need to decide what character and colors I want to see for the next 3-4 months
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