#circle mages however rely so much on magic that when one has the tools to disarm them they are pretty much guaranteed victory regardless
rivilu · 2 years
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Important things to teach your runaway mages pt2: Hand-to-hand basics.
#dragon age#dragon age fan art#dragon age awakening#anders dragon age#warden mahariel#riverdraws#okay I have three things to note about this one#To start: obv hand to hand is important because#mages never know it jfgdfg#which is something the templars rely on HEAVILY#and this is a bit of a personal headcannon but I picture templars on average to be kind of terrible fighters#like your average tavern dwelling mercenary could probably beat a templar in a fight#circle mages however rely so much on magic that when one has the tools to disarm them they are pretty much guaranteed victory regardless#But this means they would never expect a mage would actually be able to retaliate#and any opening to magic blockage is quite enough to melt a templar inside their armor#Thats Orions point of view anyhow SMOOTH SEGWAY TO POINT TWO#speaking of My Boy#you might notice his awakening design involves some gnarly ass scars#basically my thought process was what if killing archdemon equals inverse lichtenberg figures bc current is from below#and just went with that fdjgg yeah old god souls arent lightning but im not being a stickler for realism here jgnngffd#rn they cover a lot of his body but only one small bit of one side of his face#though I might change my mind and go more bonkers with it down the line#and point three is that yeah hes lying through his teeth#Anders is like 2 seconds away from falling backwards on his ass fghghjdhf commander just knows positive reinforcement is important#and secret fourth point slash fun fact: I completely bullshited these poses#Pulled them right out mine own ass because I couldnt for the life of me find a decent reference hdfgjfg#ok that's it im going back to coloring the rest ehehe
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mochidoodle · 5 years
Houseki - 宝石
Since there’s been some curiosity about it lately, I’ve decided to officially introduce Houseki! Houseki is my original series made with the help of my faithful editor-in-chief @ukitakejuushiro​​​.
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It all began with my first D&D character, a half-elf druid named Eizan Shen whose backstory I fleshed out over the past year. The story takes place in the elf nation of Liang (Chinese: 亮), meaning “light/brightness.” I incorporated my Asian heritage into a fantasy, magic-filled world brimming with all the classic (and favorite) fantasy story tropes. Sky-high towers and mages and dragons...a mix modern fashion with ancient Chinese wardrobes...and a set of unique customs built on Asian foundations. (ok now I sound like a chef on Chopped😅)
This explanation ended up hella long, so the rest is under the cut! I’m so happy people are curious about Houseki. It’s the culmination of my love for drawing, world-building, and storytelling (and anime ofc lol). Hope y’all enjoy my first original story!
The Kingdom of Liang
The prosperous Kingdom of Liang is a country landlocked on three sides, facing the sea on its west coast. It’s ruled by an oligarchy-monarchy mishmash I’ve yet to totally work out and three big political factions I won’t delve into too much now. The important thing to know is Eizan’s wife, Saya, connects him to the nobility because she’s the niece of the king. Her entire backstory is a wild ride involving a dispute for the throne, “dishonoring” her clan, and finding a family for herself. 
For the most part, the main plot revolves Eizan and his job. If you’ve read MTNN by Matsui Yuusei, you’ll figure out exactly who inspired Eizan...in fact he’s kinda like a (slight) Pokemon evolution of my favorite MTNN character (lol oops...)
Anyway, for that reason, I gave Eizan a similar-ish job. (I’ll keep Eizan spoilers to a minimum here because the campaign I’m playing right now has yet to reveal his deets... but if asked, I’d be happy to give’em!) We follow his adventures and meet his best friend, Taizi (a human) and his brother-in-law, Chai (an aspiring mage). 
Due to a horrific 100-year-long war (appropriately named the 100 Year War), Liang experiences the aftereffects of rampant xenophobia. Nowadays, border relations are peaceful and the xenophobia is minimal, but the bitter aftertaste of intermittent racism and elf elitism remains. 
We get a dose of this in Taizi’s backstory — Taizi and his human family were immigrant beggars rejected by the locals until Eizan’s father offered them a home and helped them get back on their feet. Ever since then, Eizan and Taizi have been the best of friends, like brothers. 
Meanwhile, Chai, the snooty son of one of the biggest royals around, learns what it means to be the “non-elite.” He meets Taizi, his sister marries Eizan (a commoner and a half-blood), and he becomes a working apprentice at the local woodshop. His is a tale of self discovery, treating people with fairness, finding his own goals, and opening his worldview when he crosses paths with characters from all walks of life.
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One of the most important customs in Liang is the symbolism of jade. Jade is the most sacred stone, symbolizing a lifelong promise between two (or more) people. It is a vow of friendship, family, love, and loyalty. Jade is not to be gifted lightly. Royals tend to have a family and/or individual ring made of jade.
Most, if not all couples, will exchange unique jade pieces when they marry. I call it “Trade a Jade” (˚▽˚) For example, Eizan gave Saya her hair clip and she gave him a set of earrings. Sky gave Yuri a beautiful hair ornament, and she gave him jade chevron ear cuffs. (Couples do trade other items, but these happened to be similar gifts.)
The theory of magic in Liang is based off the number eight, representing harmony and balance. Mages use “anchors” to connect themselves to the natural energy of the world. While magic theory/technique may vary geographically, Liangese magic always utilizes eight anchors. A gate between the first seven anchors and the universe is established using your soul anchor (the eighth pillar, one’s own mana). The first seven are elemental anchors (fire, earth, water, etc) which draw power from the natural world. The stronger the mage, the purer the magic, meaning one can draw a greater quantity of power with a better connection.
Gemstones — houseki (宝石) — are used to enhance the channels established by anchors. Certain jewels even have elemental affinities. Stones with high purity resonate strongly and channel the best magic. 
Fun fact: If you take away the hat-shaped radical in the first character of Houseki, you get the word for “jade”...! 
Connecting to different anchors produces different spells. For example, combining several elements provides complex magics like telepathy and foresight. Using only one type of anchor creates create pure magic, such as straight up fire or water spells. However, magic is not produced out of thin air — it requires a trade of the user’s mana for the world’s energy. A spell’s strength still depends on the caliber of mage, not just what anchors they use.
Magic tools are very common. They use magic batteries made of gems/metal ores or simply rely on the user’s mana. Inscriptions and magic circles establish anchors if none are enchanted into the gems. High quality magic tools are made of metals with high magic compatibility. The more common items made from regular steel, stone, and glass include thoughtography radios, magic-infused cameras, and quartz crystal TVs.
Additionally, healing is possible by accessing life element anchors (found in your soul anchor or in organic objects) to summon sheer life force energy. Liangese healing magic is very advanced to the point where one can conduct brain and open-heart surgeries. However, the usage of certain magics is forbidden without qualification. Medicinal magic is limited to certified clerics, and alchemy is strictly prohibited unless you’ve graduated from the capital’s School of Alchemy. 
Note: Much sketchy underworld business revolves around black magic, illegal alchemy, and magic weapons trade.
Basic spells are taught in grade schools, but not everyone has strong magic affinity, so mastery isn’t a requirement. Most children continue on to a regular university, vocational school, or magic academy if they don’t enter a direct apprenticeship following primary education. Easy spells are frequently used in daily life to simplify tasks. For example, one can check the quality of materials or speed up certain processes using analysis/trace magic. Cooking magic is an entire art on its own, and very difficult to master.
There are laws banning time-altering magic and revival of the dead, but very few ever violate them. This is because these spells never end well. You can land in an eternal time loop or accidentally create a soulless, man-eating zombie. And then you die.  While spells that save someone on the brink of death in exchange for one’s own life force do exist, you cannot bring back the dead. 
There is only one exception to this, and even that singular instance required hundreds of years of research and preparation, not to mention the cost.
Finally, certain noble clans specialize in different magics, often attaining mastery of multiple disciplines. I’ll save that for a different post, but for now, just know that the Cheng Lis are primarily fire, alchemy, and space/time mages. Eizan is good with earth or plant-based spells (aka he has a great green thumb!)
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commissioned art by Ling
Plot (???)
The plot of Houseki is still a work in progress. I have a general outline that I keep adding to as more ideas come. I’m writing out the fine details/arcs, which will include the dark underbelly of the royal world, black magic, a threat to the nation, the secret to life (?), and the truth behind the throne. Love me my cliches hehe~
Here are some character facts you might find interesting! ...okay, yes, my cast is like 90% one royal family and I have terrible naming sense (I legit named Taizi after my fave badminton player) but here ya go!
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Eizan Shen: A half-elf druid created for my first ever D&D campaign hosted by a friend! He’s a huge family man and an avid tea enthusiast. Very calm, levelheaded, and specializes in handling a knife...or many knives. (I don’t know where he keeps them...😨) Eizan gives off ultimate dad vibes and his most treasured thing in the world is his family.
Saya Shen: Eizan’s wife, a full elf born to one of the most powerful royal clans. She was supposed to be the first princess of Liang, but was disowned by her family when she rebelled from their ideals and married a commoner (and a half-blood, to boot). She’s an incredibly strong woman both mentally and physically, but also one of the warmest, most loving characters in the series. Oh, also her biceps are made of steel.
Chai Cheng Li: Saya’s little brother, a young mage prodigy who specializes in fire magic. He’s a tad snooty and arrogant, but at heart just a nerdy bookworm who loves magic. He grows up admiring his sister, feeling heartbroken when she “abandons” him and leaves the family, but later rediscovers himself and in his journey to become king. 
Taizi Ying: Eizan’s childhood friend. He and his family were immigrant beggars shunned by the locals until Eizan’s parents offered them a place to stay. After his parents died of illness, Taizi made it his life goal to repay the kindness that Eizan’s family showed him years ago. He becomes the greatest swordsman in the nation and earns great respect despite the human blood in his veins. 
Dae Ongaku: She is spunk in the form of a small elf girl, the one and only Dae. Head apprentice of the Shen Woodworking Company, her skills are nearly unrivaled. She’s known for her contagious smile, eccentric love of cheese, and her liveliness. It really isn’t a day without Dae Ongaku. (Character inspired and written by @ukitakejuushiro)
Sky Silvers: A cool and aloof elven ranger who befriends Eizan during our D&D campaign, later residing in the Shen household temporarily before he becomes a disciple of the greatest archer in Liangese history, Hanzhen Cheng Li. In the future timeline, Sky also ends up falling in love with Han’s daughter and marrying her. (Sky belongs to @ukitakejuushiro, and is her player in the campaign.)
Hanzhen Cheng Li: Youngest brother of the king and Saya’s uncle. Known far and wide as the One-Eyed Archer, Han is the strongest archer in all of Liangese history. He lost function of his left eye in the 100 Year War, hence his nickname. His wife passed away due to cancer, but thanks to my incredible plot armor (backed up by a decent magic theory), she will come back to life. They’re the cutest shit you’ll ever see, so I have absolutely no regrets. Best decision ever.
Yumiko Cheng Li: Han’s beloved wife, a cute little lady with a head of fluffy chestnut hair. She died approximately 75-85 years ago due to an incurable cancer, but I brought her back to life because Han was too lonely and I love her to bits. She is pure sunshine, the actual greatest good in this world.
Just look at this...how can you say no....
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Yuri Cheng Li: Daughter of Han and Yumiko. Like her parents before her, she is a skilled archer, and her personality is a perfect mix of the two. She has a passion for fashion, art, and teaching, but her emotionally tragic past hinders her confidence and her relationships. Fortunately, she meet someone who helps her becomes brave again, and fate aligns just right :’)
Hokuzhen Cheng Li: We should finally introduce the King of Liang himself, shouldn’t we? Cheerful and easygoing, Hoku is a kind and intelligent king. He’s very perceptive of the state of the nation, while also keeping up with “hip and cool” trends much to his daughter’s dismay. He can be somewhat clumsy, often tripping over his massive robes. A good man with one too many dad jokes...
Alishan Cheng Li: The Crown Princess of Liang, named after the literal Alishan mountain range of Taiwan. She’s Hoku’s daughter and Saya’s cousin. Ali is polite and well-mannered but not particularly adventurous or motivated. She knows for sure that she doesn’t want to inherit the throne. Oh, and she loves food (especially mantou) ♫
Wakamori Yakaze: A spirit mage from the western island country of Kouhaku. Yakaze is Sky’s first teacher and Han’s best friend. Though he doesn’t appear in Houseki’s main plot, he’s a main character in Han’s spinoff story, which will rejoin the final timeline of the main series. Yakaze’s tale is one of angst and hopelessness and his journey to someday becoming whole again. Personally, I believe his friendship with Han is unrivaled, far surpassing both love and life. Keep an eye out for him in YUMI TO YA —弓と矢  (Yakaze belongs to @ukitakejuushiro)
Yan Wu Seigi: A cunning mage who runs an underworld spy network. He is the head of the Seigi clan (and political faction), but his heinous actions in the 100 Year War dishonored his clan, and they were stripped of their status. His sly methods and ulterior motives drive the underlying plot behind Houseki.
Akagi Kanshikan: Yan Wu’s adopted son. Akagi lost his family to a house fire when he was young. He grows up a wild, obsessive, and unstable youth who craves social intimacy but doesn’t know how to achieve it. His love for violence and lifelong training as an assassin don’t help much either. He meets Eizan during their school years and plays a large role in one of the more devastating arcs. 
Jimo Kanshikan: Akagi’s younger sister, a small, emotionless, and cold assassin. Trained to be a killer since her formative years, she is fast and deadly...but somewhere deep inside, she wishes Yan Wu would show her fatherly approval and she seeks warmth from her sibling(s). 
Shanmu Seigi: Yan Wu’s only biological daughter, a wicked poison enchantress who adores mind games. She supports her father’s regime but also has an evil plan of her own. The shame of their clan drove her to mother to madness, and Shanmu’s hand in her mother’s demise explains why she has become so twisted. Shanmu is a recurring antagonist who cleverly slips beyond reach of the law.
Hayazhen Cheng Li: The eldest Cheng Li brother, Saya’s father, and formerly the Crown Prince of Liang. He was once a benevolent man to his loved ones, but after an unfortunate plot twist, he begins seeking vengeance in the form of cruelly grooming his heir. Hayazhen is a key national figure and maintains strong influence behind political tides. 
Asuka Cheng Li: Hayazhen’s wife, mother of Saya and Chai. She supports her husband’s endeavors regrets her inability to help Hayazhen make wiser choices. Instead, she blindly takes his side, thinking it was the only way to support him. 
Junzhen Cheng Li: A stingy, arrogant second Cheng Li brother. He’s just straight up mean and rude, no holds barred. But no one gives a damn about him either lol.
Setsuna Reifan: A renowned healer who spearheads the movement for workers’ rights and class equality. She becomes an important ally to the main cast. 
Ichirou Reifan: Setsuna’s son, a member of Eizan’s team. A really average joe. Pleasant to be around, but not very interesting.
Hyouka Tsaomei: A quiet, sweet girl who specializes in illusionary magic. She loves strawberries. Her name means strawberry. Will kill for strawberry shortcake. 
Qiuzhen Rin Koori: Magic forensic specialist who only likes three things in this world — coffee, candy, and sleep. It pains him to get out of his chair, and it’s near impossible to extract him from his magic lab. 
Old Nao: Headmaster of one of the military academies in the capital. A kind man, but also incredibly ancient.
Torisu Bia: One of the Ongaku Daily Sun’s best political journalists. Doesn’t sleep much, loves to write, and gets her nose into sticky situations every now and then. Uncovers a great conspiracy.
Osamu Raisan: A bard of the royal court who plays the shamisen. Something about him is particularly ethereal and all-knowing...
Maikku Shantian: Another bard of the royal court. He sings. Loudly. A very popular bard amongst the populace. 
Layla Zanabaq: A local florist in the capital’s most immigrant-populated town, where Eizan and Saya live. Has a huge crush on Maikku. (Inspired and created by @harunnn)
Shu’un & Ranshao: Two of Chai’s university friends. The first is a salty little mage who uses familiars, and the second is the token idiot who only knows how to use explosion magic.
Paiya Yoon: Dae’s childhood friend and rival. She moves into the capital when she finds a new job there, rekindling their competitive friendship. She’s named after a papaya. Yes, you heard me, a papaya. (Inspired by @kyahgamis​)
Rem: Sky’s eternally sleepy childhood friend. Even while holding a conversation, there is a 99% chance he is asleep. May or may not be a ninja, but you didn’t hear that from m—
Collie: An archery kouhai from Sky’s youth. She looks up to him a lot and she flaps her ears when she’s excited, as if she might try and fly away. Collie is often mistaken for a boy.
Ra: A very Extra™ healer who has 100% faith in his skills (as should you). He calls people by their full name all the time (a power move), doesn’t skimp on eyeliner, and has known Sky since his village days as well. (Rem, Collie, Ra by @ukitakejuushiro)
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Ezi Shen: The plucky, curious daughter of Eizan and Saya! She adores the color pink and loves bows of all kinds: bow ties, ribbon bows, bow tie pasta, you name it! Ezi is quite the fearless little adventurer and one should consider it an honor to be invited to her weekly tea parties.
Daizan Shen: Eizan’s father, a master woodworker who owns the shop where Dae works. He’s a strict but fair man who earned great respect amongst fellow craftsmen with his hard work and skills. He and his wife serve as the liaisons between local mixed-race business and the corporate elf society. 
Meihua Shen: Eizan’s mother and Daizan’s wife. Though she was born to elite elven family, Meihua pursued her dream of being a seamstress. She now owns a beautiful dress and tailor shop. Despite being a pacifist, Meihua’s incredible intelligence was needed at the end of the 100 Year War, and she temporarily served as the head military strategist.
Tian Cheng Li: The only daughter of the previous king and sister to all of the Cheng Li brothers. Tian is an absolute riot who turns proper princess stereotypes on their heads. She is the root source of Saya’s spunky nature, the rebellious and boisterous Cheng Li aunt. 
Hayano and Irino Cheng Li: The notorious family twins, Tian’s youngest sons. They are the most chaotic duo of memes elves you’ll ever meet. They always have their hair dyed one wacky color or another. Lately it’s been orange (Hayano) and lavender (Irino). 
Hokkaia Hibari: Saya’s maternal grandmother, a very loving and tender woman who taught her grandchildren how to read and write. When the family dynamic turned sour, the children sought comfort in Hokkaia. She taught them to hope and dream :’) 
The Ongaku Family: Dae’s family of two fishermen, a navy boy, and the editor-in-chief of the Ongaku Daily Sun. They’re frequently so busy with work (coastal fishing, deployment, running the newspaper, etc) that they’re often absent from the household. As a result, Dae practically lives with the Shens nowadays.
Rei, Jun, & Maeno Cheng Li: The rest of Saya’s cousins. Rei is the oldest, an elegant but stiff woman. Underneath her guise of propriety, she seems lonely, like she just wants to have fun and be friends. Meanwhile, Jin is her stuck-up asshole of a little brother, a true snob. Don’t give Jin time of day, ever — it’ll get to his head. Finally, Maeno is the benevelent older bro of Tian’s twins. He has a soft, round stature and a warm smile.
Sei Ling Zhou: The former queen, mother of all the Cheng Li siblings, and the most renowned healer in history. She’s known for her quirky attitude and snarky clapbacks, having once turned down the proposal of the last king himself. Sei Ling will discover a never-before-seen spell that could very well be considered the “secret” of life...
Akira and Kawano Cheng Li: Akira is Junzhen’s wife and mother to Rei and Jin. She married into the family forcefully, desiring access to their magic libraries. Akira is not a stranger to getting what she wants. Kawano is Tian’s husband, a calm and steady man to balance out her spontaneity. He comes from a family that owns a fruit import company.
Jade: As mentioned before, the jade stone is the most precious and worshiped gem. Recklessly gifting jade would tarnish one’s reputation and belittle Liangese culture. Of course, they are understanding of mistakes, especially when foreigners are just learning about their customs.
Festivals: Liang has four big seasonal festivals — the Lantern Festival on the summer solstice, the Lunar Dance Festival in mid-autumn, the White Tiger Festival on the week of the new year, and the Jade Horse Festival on the spring equinox. People gather to pray to shrines, dance and sing, eat good food, and visit their families. 
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Tournaments: Similarly, Liang also has four seasonal tournaments called “Medals.” Winners of the Medals, appropriately called Medalists, are recognized as the greatest master in their respective fields. (Minor competitions also occur, but these are the big ones):
There is the Swordsmanship Medal, which lasts five days and ends on the summer equinox (the day the Lantern Festival begins).
The Ceremonial Dance Medal in mid-autumn, which perfectly coincides with the Lunar Dance Festival. 
The Archery Medal on the winter solstice.
And finally the Horsemanship Medal during the spring equinox.
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(all statistics are approximate and not quite final yet!)
Mastery of Arts: In Liang, mastery in any field (magic, arts, athletics, medicine, etc) is a very respected achievement. Oftentimes, masters are the older folks, hence why elders are held in high regard. An important plot point involves Taizi achieving mastery of the sword and winning the Swordsmanship Medal, defying classism and racism, and becoming one of the youngest and most respected masters of his generation. 
Market Day: A day-long event akin to an Asian night market or western farmers’ market. Shop owners, farmers, and restaurateurs gather in the central marketplaces of large and small cities alike to sell their specialty items. It’s a day to celebrate food and advertise your best goods! 
Hisui: The capital. It has a circular layout and lies in the western central region of Liang. The Royal Palace sits at its center, hugged by a river that comes from the north. The Inner and Outer Capital are areas separated by the imaginary circle drawn by the river. This line divides the government and business sectors from the smaller residential districts.
Hayashi: Saya’s main hometown growing up. An industrial city slightly northeast of the capital.
Bing Harbor: Han’s city of residence in the northwestern province. It is Liang’s biggest port town, and thus the “gate” to the western world. Bing Harbor is known for its beautiful winter landscapes and seamless escape into vast forests.
Huamao: Eizan’s hometown, where he met Taizi. Known for its peaceful gorges, clear pools, and beautiful small cascades. 
Mountains: The mountain ranges surrounding Liang are classified into three different regions, each with their own specialty resources (i.e. mountain ore, lumber, etc). They are home to a few aboriginal clans. 
Huen: The southernmost Hisui district. It has the highest immigrant and non-elf population in the capital. This where Eizan currently lives. 
Haretsuki Lake: A large lake shaped like a crescent moon crashed into the sun. It lies in a valley to the southeast and has much historical relevance.
Here is a vague, incomplete map of Liang (still a really rough draft so far, and not quite the shape I want it to be...):
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As you can see, I have great naming sense (´∀`;) I either name on a whim or I throw in references to my family in some way or another... Anyway, I plan to change the shape and layout a bit. I’m not quite satisfied yet...
In conclusion... 
That...was a lot. If you made it this far, holy shit? Thank you?? Feel free to check out my Houseki tag and ask questions and just...please talk to me about my OCs omg I’m so excited ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
This is kinda my first big original “project.” I’ve always wanted to do something like this and I’m super excited to share it. Most of it’s on my personal docs or in chats with Danie, but I will share it all eventually! And I’ll update the (very unfinished) Houseki blog with all the formatting and plot, so stay tuned!
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vampzmagee · 4 years
Dungeon affix in 8.3
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(Reference: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/47626-the-awakened-mythic-season-4-affix-in-visions-of-nzoth/)
Hello horde and alliance players! This is the second blog on what’s new in the World of Warcraft 8.3 patch. In my last blog I introduced the outdoor and some general information in the patch 8.3. Today I’m going to talk about the dungeon change in the new patch. Dungeon and raid are the PVE (player VS environment) game-play content in World of Warcraft since the game was developed. More than 80% of players spend time dungeons.
Original Affix: Since the Legion expansion, Blizzard introduced affix for use in mythic keystone dungeon. Affix is an extra element, which will affect players while they are fighting in dungeons. For example, tyrannical means that BOSS enemies will be specifically enhanced; explosive means that dungeons will spawn explosive balls when players are in combat with enemies. The only change on all original affix is to modify the damage of quaking affix. In earlier expansions quaking affix did a damage of 20% maximum health to everyone, but now in 8.3 it does 40% maximum health damage to every players other than you. In earlier expansion the quaking caused extra death because it could constantly hurt you even you are not in combat; and it could interrupt your eating action. But now everything has changed. Unless you stand in other’s quaking circle, you will not get hit. It’s a truly fix of this bad thing. Cheers!
Seasonal unique affix: Starting from 8.0 expansion every game season has a unique Affix. Cooperating with the awakening of N’Zoth, we have a cool name awakened for the affix. Under this affix, players will defeat 4 servants of N’Zoth which have been awakened from the void. Each servant has an obelisk on map, players need to interact with the obelisk to enter the realm of void. After defeat the servant, a ritual portal will spawn. Players can use this portal to cross back to the realm of lives again. Do you guys have any thought? Yes this is the ‘official’ shroud for us! In early expansions people relied on rogue’s shroud too much to skip pack of mobs they do not want to fight with, and that caused imbalance distribution on classes. Blizzard is trying to fix this imbalance by adding a new style of shroud. What a genius idea! (I love it. First time ever Blizzard do something good)
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(Reference: https://www.mmo-champion.com/content/8852-Patch-8-3-PTR-Corrupted-Affix-Vulpera-Mount-DLC-703?page=2)
Voidweaver Mal'thir: This servant comes as a spider, just like its name weaver. Every servant of N’Zoth spawn with their unique minions, for voidweaver we will encounter small beetles. Those beetles will auto attack player who has the highest threat, normally the tank. So DPS players control your fingers after cross into the void realm! Those cute beetles will automatically explode after a period of time, for my own experience it’s every 8 to 10 seconds a beetle will explode, and cause massive damage to a obvious circle marked area around it plus a poisoned effect. Voidweaver itself is more like a mage. It will cast two spells: disease and curse. Both will cause damage for sure, but disease will slow down your movement by 70% and curse will slow down your casting speed by 50%.
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(Credit to method dungeon tool in game addon)
Samh'rek, Beckoner of Chaos: I will rank this as the most annoying servant. The beckoner comes with 5 fleshfiend which will attack highest threat player. However, the fleshfiend will cast a non-interruptible bleeding effect on nearest player. That means no matter you have threat or not, DO NOT leave your tank. Tank players should pop your defensive to overcome the stacked bleeding damage and DPS players need to kill those fleshfiends as soon as possible. The beckoner itself also has an ability; it will cast a magic effect on random 3 players. After 2, 4 and 6 seconds those players and any other people standing in 5 yards will be feared for 2 seconds. Healers will have to decide here, dispel tank to avoid tank losing control or dispel yourselves to ensure healing others.
Tips: Personally, as a tank player I would recommend dispelling tanks. Tank will have to pop defensive to overcome the bleeding and keep facing to enemies to avoid hit on back. Damage from back of a tank player will create critical strike (double damage). Once a tank get feared healers may not be able to heal fast enough to save a tank’s life. But if fleshfiends are cleared and tank is in good condition, why not dispel DPS players to defeat the beckoner faster?
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(Credit to method dungeon tool in game addon)
Blood of the Corruptor: This is literally like a jelly blob Lol. The blob spawns with 5 tentacles which will constantly cast mind flay on random players. DPS players need to kill tentacles fast to avoid taking too much damage from it. The core ability of this blob servant is defiled ground. After a period of time the blob will pollute a round area on the ground, walking on it will cause massive damage. So the correct way to defeat this blob is to kill tentacles fast before ground is fulling polluted. Of course tank players can pull the blob away to avoid the situation of no place to stand. But that is risky as well, healer has to stay with others to prevent death from damage of tentacles.
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(Credit to method dungeon tool in game addon)
Urg'roth, Breaker of Heroes: Read its name you will know exactly what it does… This servant is a breaker of tanks! Urg’roth will rapidly cast spirit breaker (that hurts, trust me) with massive damage and give target a 100% more damage taken debuff on highest threat players. DPS players control your fingers! Sometimes tank player is not the first one who get into the void realm, so Urg’roth may hit players other than the tank if they keep doing damage with a pretty high level of threat. After cast the spirit breaker the servant will cast a massive ranged AOE (area of effect) damage. Jump out the circle and survive, don’t make trouble to your healer. Every servant comes with minions, breaker of heroes will summon malicious growth on ground. It looks like fungi, but way much larger. Those growth fungi will slow down nearby player by 70% and cause damage. Imagine Urg’roth is casting the AOE but you are stuck in between fungi; kill those fungi to clean a path for survival!
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(Credit to method dungeon tool in game addon)
How to use the awakened obelisk: First step, design your route. An obelisk can enable a shortcut between two points and help you avoid enemies. Make sure to design a good route to use obelisks and skip those powerful enemies that you don’t want to fight. Next, get in the obelisk. Every obelisk has unique enemies, defeat them after team arrives at designated position. Final step, escape from the realm. A portal will appear on the cold dead body of servants to let you get out of the realm of void. Watch out for patrols when you get out. If the team wants to fight a pack of enemies right out of the portal, always let tank get out first.
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  (Credit to method dungeon tool in game addon and route by Dratnos on raider.io weekly routes)
Do we have to defeat all obelisks? Yes for sure, even if you do not use an obelisk to skip enemies, enter it and defeat the servant. All the obelisks that you leave there will appear in the fight of final BOSS. That will increase the difficulty of the battle. Imagine you are fighting a tank killer BOSS and the Breaker of Heroes come out… Mommy I don’t want to play as a tank! However, in some dungeons you can leave the voidweaver servant because it will only do extra damage and that can be interrupted. Save DPS cooldown and pop it on servant in BOSS fight to nuke it down. Perfect!
In next blog I will talk about the new raid with you guys. Stay in touch!
About author:
I’ve been playing WoW for over 5 years as a paladin. I chose the paladin class because of the Seven Knightly Virtues in the real world, and because the Blizzard-made spells for this class follow the virtues. I like role playing like a “harbinger of justice”. World of Warcraft is a truly fantastic game — it's an exiting world that is so much more than just a game
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thatboomerkid · 7 years
Albert Kenkaid, Old Ghost with the Silver Tongue
Albert Kenkaid, Old Ghost with the Silver Tongue, the Mage Lost to Eons, the Swordsman Shifting Yet Unbreakable -- CR 10; Lawful Neutral Medium outsider (augmented human, lawful); alchemically quickened immortal [see below] human fighter (lore warden) 6th+
Brought to you absolutely free to play, to test & to share, as always, by the fine folks of my Patreon.
Created by Justin Sluder & Clinton J. Boomer
Initiative +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21
Aura Any character who inspects Albert (using detect magic or any similar divination effect) becomes keenly aware of the specific formula necessary for his revival (see Conditions of Reanimation, below)
AC 23, touch 18, flat-footed 19 (+5 armor, +4 deflection, +4 Dex); Albert gains an additional +2 dodge bonus when using Combat Expertise; each round in which Albert moves more than 10 feet, he may choose to gain the effect of a blur spell until the start of his next turn
Hit Points 73 (6d10+36); fast healing 3
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3 (+2 on all saves from Kirin Style, see below)
Defensive Abilities timeless body (see below); Immune ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain, fatigue, paralysis, poison, sleep, starvation, thirst; Resist acid 12, cold 12, electricity 12, fire 12
Speed 50 ft.
Melee The River of Dark Iron, Flexible Yet Unswerving [+1 transformative adamantine sword cane] +10/+5 (1d6+4)
or +1 adamantine rapier [transformed] +10/+5 (1d6+4/18-20)
or +1 adamantine battleaxe/warhammer [transformed; two-handed] +9/+4 (1d8+4/x3)
or +1 adamantine bastard sword [transformed; two-handed] +9/+4 (1d10+4/19-20)
or +1 adamantine falcata [transformed; two-handed] +7/+2 (1d8+4/19-20/x3)
or +1 adamantine nine-section whip [transformed; two-handed; fighting defensively] +3/-2 (1d8+4) and +3 AC [may be combined with Combat Expertise, above]
or masterwork silver dagger +10/+5 (1d4+3/19-20)
or unarmed strike +8/+3 (1d3+2)
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original image from here
Ranged +1 distance pepperbox rifle +11/+6 (1d10+1/x4); range 160 ft. (resolves attacks against touch AC when the target is within 800 ft.; max range 1,600 ft.); it is a free action for Albert to rotate chambers and a move action to reload all four chambers
or masterwork silver dagger +12 (1d4+3/19-20); range 10 ft.
Special Attacks Know Thy Enemy, Weapon Training (light blades +1)
Spells (upon command, CL 1st):
at will — detect magic; prestidigitation
1/day — detect secret doors, true strike
Note that Albert senses the lingering magical auras of all spells and items as if they were two categories more potent; thus, he may identify that a 1st level spell was cast – normally producing a Faint aura – in an area ten-to-sixty minutes later, just as if the spell had originally produced or possessed a Strong aura.
In addition, Albert can make Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks to determine the school of magic involved in the aura of an item or of a creature, even if the target is no longer in line of sight. If he fails a Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft check or special Perception check (here) while using detect magic, he may continue to retry his checks so long as he maintains concentration. 
Before Combat Albert makes use of his considerable charm, cunning, wit, guile and improvisational skills to swiftly gather intel about anyone he might face, relying on his various implements to check all those he encounters for magical ability ... or protection.
If he learns that his opponent is inhuman, is a wielder of mind-altering magics, is capable of using an effect such as disintegrate or is otherwise a grave and active threat either to himself or to the Global Masquerade, he will strike first more-often-than-not.
During Combat Unless his opponent cannot possibly be dealt-with in a nonlethal manner, Albert initially attempts to subdue the majority of his human foes by first tripping and then disarming them.
Mr. Kenkaid has killed hundreds of people over the last two and a half millennia ... possibly thousands. He finds that he does not enjoy it, particularly. And although he has resigned himself to killing hundreds of thousands more, when the time inevitably comes to do so, Albert will not kill anyone whom he does not absolutely have to.
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Should his opponents refuse to surrender, or should he be reduced to below 50 hit points, Albert immediately begins fighting to kill; he remains focused on a single opponent at a time, making use of his Kirin Style and Kirin Strike feats and his Know Thy Enemy ability. If reduced below 30 hit points, he fights defensively and switches the focus of his attacks to the opponent dealing the most damage to him. If reduced below 15 hit points, he transforms his weapon to a nine-section whip and takes a defensive position -- moving at least 15 feet each round -- engaging his opponents in melee once more only when he has 50 or more hit points (a process that requires over a minute).
Morale As a true immortal, Albert does not fear -- nor fully understand -- the finality of death. That said, he very much does not enjoy being looted while he is unconscious or (however momentarily) slain; thus, he flees if reduced below -5 hit points.
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 18
Base Atk +6; CMB +12 (+14 disarm, +16 trip); CMD 26 (28 vs. disarm, trip)
Feats Arise Once More, Unquiet, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cosmopolitan (Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Cunning, Fast Learner, Greater Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Improvisation, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improvisation, Kirin Strike, Kirin Style, Skill Beyond Ages (x2), Skill Focus (Appraise, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive); Epic 6th: Albert has advanced beyond 6th level five times, gaining use of one additional feat each time (included above).
This increases his CR by +1.
Traits Keen Eye For the Unknowable, Reckless, Seeker, Smooth, Fancy-Talkin' Devil [Bonus]
Drawback Umbral Unmasking: although he appears to be both healthy and human, Albert’s shadow reveals a very different side of the man’s long existence: in silhouette, a careful observer may clearly discern every wound Albert has ever suffered, all layered and laced through his twisted, emaciated and brutally-wracked body.
Skills Acrobatics +18 (+26 jumping), Appraise +23, Autohypnosis +5, Bluff +11, Climb +6, Craft (all) +10, Diplomacy +26, Disable Device +12, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +14, Fly +8, Handle Animal +11, Heal +5, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (local) +17, Knowledge (all others) +8, Linguistics +16, Perception +21, Perform +11, Profession (all) +5, Ride +8, Sense Motive +25, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +8, Survival +5 (+9 to track targets under the effects of a spell, using spells at least once per hour or otherwise producing a magical aura), Swim +6, Use Magic Device +11
Note: Albert is considered ‘trained’ in all skills and enjoys a +4 bonus on all checks for skills in-which he possesses no ranks
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Languages Common plus any 13 languages of your choice
For your convenience, you may assume that he speaks Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Shadowtongue, Sylvan and Undercommon in addition to any five modern-era languages such as -- for example -- Italian, Cantonese, Hebrew, Urdu and Russian.
Albert has learned, spoken, mastered and subsequently discarded countless now-dead dialects over the centuries, swiftly adapting with the turn of ages to new tongues whenever the need arises. His ability to quickly recollect older modes of expression & syntax is expressed in his superhuman Linguistics score, above.
SQ Cult of the Gold-Fisted, Expertise, Maneuver Mastery, Scholastic, Skill Ranks (+22)
Gear +1 glamered mithral shirt, +1 distance pepperbox rifle with 20 metal cartridges, +1 transformative adamantine sword cane, masterwork silver dagger, belt pouch, boots of the cat, circlet of persuasion, cloak of the hedge wizard (divination), courtier's outfit (also functions as a cold weather outfit), gloves of reconnaissance, golembane scarab, heavyload belt, inquisitor's monocle, LeCoultre Grant Complication pocket watch (worth $25,000 USD), ring of sustenance, swarmbane clasp, traveler's any-tool, vest of escape, wrist sheath, a Wealthy lifestyle paid-up in advance for one full year; 181 gp ($18,100 USD)
Conditions of Reanimation: If slain, Albert remains dead only until the predetermined conditions of his return are met (see below) unless his body is completely destroyed at the time of his death by an effect such as disintegrate, trap the soul or a spell effect that would normally prevent even miracle or wish from restoring him to life. Once the conditions of his reanimation are met, Albert is fully healed and his body is instantly returned to life as if brought back via true resurrection.
To return, Albert’s body must first be washed in rare alchemical reagents and prepared for burial, then equipped with his iconic adamantine blade. He arises after his body has lain dead for one full week, so long he is thereafter placed within a magic circle against chaos beneath artificial lighting of any kind, including torchlight.
Albert may self-resurrect in this way only once per year; if he dies a second time before one year passes, he instead returns to life one year after his second death, assuming that the ritual components have been completed properly and the conditions are still right for his return.
If brought back to life by other means, Albert never gain a negative level as a result.
Enhanced NPC: Albert has lived many lives under many names; over this time, he has acquired vast amounts of wealth.
He is typically equipped with gear as a 10th-level PC (above). Given time and proper information about his opponents, he can specialize his gear to be more suitable for an upcoming encounter; for example, if he knew that he was to face both moral & babau servants of the glabrezu called Jiklichu Jha, Despoiler of Desires, He who Corrupts the Coveted in a rooftop battle, Albert could freely trade his watch -- worth 250 gold -- for some combination of ten total items each valued at 25 gold pieces, such as scrolls of bless weapon, protection from evil, shield, damp powder and jump.
This increases his CR by +2.
Expertise (Ex): Albert has Combat Expertise as a bonus feat. This replaces bravery.
Immortal: Albert is immortal. He can only be killed by being reduced below -15 hit points, and he remains dead only until the conditions for his resurrection are properly met (see below). He was born around 2,300 years ago, and this age has granted him Skill Focus as a bonus feat for the Appraise, Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive skills.
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Kirin Style and Strike: As a swift action while using Kirin Style, Albert can make a Knowledge check to identify a single creature (DC 15 + the creature's CR), gaining a +2 insight bonus on such Knowledge checks. If successful, he gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against that creature's attacks, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to AC against that creature's attacks of opportunity. These last for as long as he uses Kirin Style, or until combat ends. After hitting a creature with a melee or ranged attack he has successfully identified (for the purpose of Kirin Style), as a swift action he may add his Intelligence bonus twice (+8 total) to damage, up to once per round.
Know Thy Enemy (Ex): As a standard action, Albert can study a specific target, making a Knowledge check appropriate to his target's type. If successful, in addition to learning abilities and weakness of the creature as normal, Albert gains a +2 competence bonus on all attack rolls and weapon damage rolls made against that target for the remainder of the encounter, or until Albert uses this ability on a different target.
This replaces armor training 2.
Maneuver Mastery (Ex): Albert has a +4 bonus on all CMB checks and to his CMD, included above. This replaces armor training 1.
Scholastic (Ex): Albert gained 2 additional skill ranks for each fighter level, and could only spend them on Intelligence-based skills; all such skills are class skills for him. This replaces his proficiency with medium and heavy armor, and shield from his fighter levels.
Immortal Creature
Seen as both a gift and a curse, an immortal creature doesn't age and doesn't die.
Creating an Immortal Creature
“Immortal” is an acquired or inherited template which can be added to any living creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or greater that isn't already an outsider (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). An immortal creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
      Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1 if it has 10 Hit Dice or less. At 11 Hit Dice or more, as the base creature +2.
      Type: An immortal creatures type changes to outsider and it gains the augmented subtype for its original type.
      Senses: An immortal creature gains darkvision 60 ft. If the base creature already has darkvision, it increases by +30 ft.
      Armor Class: Immortal creatures gain a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class.
      Hit Dice: An immortal creatures racial HD change to d10s, unless the base creature is a dragon.
      Defensive Abilities: Immortal creatures have fast healing equal to one-half their total Hit Dice (minimum fast healing 1). They are also immune to the following: ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain, fatigue, paralysis, poison, sleep, starvation, thirst. They gain resistance to acid, cold, electricity, and fire equal to double their total Hit Dice if they have 10 or less Hit Dice, and immunity to one of these if they have 11-15 HD, two of these at 16-20 HD, and all four at 21+ HD. They also gain the following ability.
      Timeless Body (Ex): An immortal's body doesn't physically age, and it doesn't die once it reaches its maximum age. Immortal creatures still gain ability score increases to their mental ability scores from aging.
      Speed: All base speeds of the base creature increase by +10 ft. If an immortal can fly, its maneuverability improved by one step.
      Ability Scores: Str +2, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +4.
      Feats: For every 500 years an immortal lives beyond their normal maximum age, it gains Skill Focus in an Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill as a bonus feat.
Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition. Copyright 2005, Silverthorne Games; Authors: Ian Johnston and Chris S. Sims.
Faces of the Tarnished Souk: An NPC Collection. Copyright 2015, Steven D. Russell; Authors: Matt Banach and Justin Sluder.
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Background & Campaign Notes:
In the final waning centuries of the first millennium BC, the creature who would come to be known with the great passing of untold ages as the legendary Albert Kenkaid -- Old Ghost with the Silver Tongue, the Mage Lost to Eons, the Swordsman Shifting Yet Unbreakable -- was born beneath an auspicious star and the blessing of saints somewhere within the vast holdings of the great Carthaginian Empire.
He was studying in China, already long-since immortal, by the fall of those dominions and the dawn of the first millennium AD.
No one knows, precisely, how Albert achieved his immortality.
If there’s been one constant truth to the last twenty-three centuries of Albert’s long and deeply strange life, it’s that everyone wants to hear the story ... and that he isn’t telling.
Doesn’t keep people from hunting after the art, of course, and many a would-be immortal has wasted-away their precious-few decades on this old rock tracing & cataloging Mr. Kenkaid’s earliest footsteps.
Albert is a genius, a scholar, a poet and a master orator, easily one of the finest swordsmen to ever grace the planet, and an utterly lethal hunter of ... “problematic” magic-users. He’s been formally enforcing the Law of the Arcanotheign since the late 11th century, but his hatred of those who cannot properly hide their sorceries is far older.
Over the many centuries of his existence, Albert has served as a prince and as a slave, as a rebel general and as a royal prostitute, as an ascetic holy-man and as a gold-draped street-thief; he’s been beheaded three times, burned at the stake twice, shot more times than he can count, buried alive on four separate occasions, and he spent the entirety of the 7th-through-9th centuries in the thrall of an ancient vampire lord.
He did not enjoy any of these events, and he has taken drastic steps to ensure that the likelihood of any of them occurring once again is low.
Albert’s great and abiding love of cities, culture and civilization itself simply cannot be overstated: he has borne firsthand witness to decade upon decade of abject barbarism, stupidity, cruelty, war, want, madness and squalor in the howling wilderness; he violently rejects all attempts to reconcile such things as inevitable or “morally right”.
Above all, it should be remembered that Albert has committed countless atrocities of truly indescribable horror over his lifetime, yet that he has also thwarted innumerable threats to our very cosmos, earning him a tremendous, irredeemable debt from all earthly life. 
He is very deeply crazy, by the standards of nearly every society.
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Using Albert In Your Campaign
Any character might know -- or learn! -- the following about Mr. Albert Kenkaid using Knowledge (Arcana); characters with membership in the Cult of the Gold-Fisted gain a +2 bonus on all such rolls.
DC 5: There are several immortal creatures in the world, and one of them is an ancient Carthaginian swordsman called “Kincaid,” best known for killing wizards in poetic, elaborate & horrible ways.
DC 10: Albert Kenkaid is a high-ranking member of the Cult of the Gold-Fisted; some consider him the de facto leader of that cellular organization, although he claims no such title himself. In any event, Albert Kenkaid is both welcomed and well-respected anywhere -- worldwide -- that the silver & gold icons of that Cult are hung.
DC 10: Albert is, by his own admission, ineligible for membership in the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye: he possesses no ability to cast spells, nor any command over spell-like or supernatural abilities. That said, the Cult treats him as a valuable ally, often calling-upon his limitless arcane knowledge as a highly-paid consultant ... or upon his expertise as a very discreet “cleaner”.
DC 15: The Cult of the Lady of Graves publicly considers Albert little better than the undead, and refuses any alliances with him ... despite his immense power and potential use to them.
DC 15: Albert maintains a cold, professionally-neutral stance with the Cult of the Red Mantis, including those whom he suspects may be linked to the Inner Circle of the Archfiend. He will return to the Cult -- without cost -- any masterwork sawtooth sabre that he acquires, although he takes some pride in collecting them.
DC 15: Albert considers both the Cult of the Savored Sting and the Cult of the Starsong to be petty, ignorant dabblers in the dark arts, and he does very little to hide his disdain for either organization. He will, however, buy a drink for Jack Hardy, the One-Man Party whenever they cross paths. The reasons for this are unknown.
DC 20: Albert openly despises the Cult of Grandmother Nightmare, and he will not work with anyone whom he knows to possesses any loyal affiliation with the group. He has fought their ‘champion’ Happy Muurvaerid to the death on two separate occasions, and he actively looks forward to killing the creature a second time.
DC 20: Albert considers Dr. Tick-Tock an ally, if not a close friend, and has gone on-record with his dislike of the kolyarut’s growing reliance upon the assassin called Jackie Ipanema.
DC 20: Although he is exceptionally ancient by the standards of our own planet, Albert comprehends far better than most that he is frightfully young on a cosmic scale. Thus, he indulges obsession with the truly antediluvian, collecting everything he can possibly acquire about such figures as the serpentfolk, the God-Kings of Osirion, the Armageddon Engine, Cthulhu and Old Mage Jatembe. He would trade nearly anything for deeper information into the life and Ascendance of the Self-Made God.
DC 25: For many centuries, Albert maintained a private army -- mostly through the Leadership feat -- of antiquarians & collectors tasked with finding and reviving him in the event of his demise. In the modern era, he has simply placed a price on his resurrection: any creature returning him to life is owed any one favor, subject to a very short list of caveats (mostly involving violations of the Global Masquerade) but otherwise quite ... open-ended.
DC 25: Members of the Kardashev Raijen Group International are utterly obsessed with Albert’s gift, seeking after the method of his immortality with nearly the same zeal that they invest into pursuit of the True Razor Smile of the Obsidian Queen.
DC 25: For over two millennia, Albert has beat his head bloody against the all-but-insurmountable limitations placed upon mortal ability. He has not yet learned that the code has been cracked, nor that the lifting of such limitations is but a precursor to the Herald’s Return. It can only be guessed how he will react to such news.
DC 30: Kenkaid self-identifies primarily as homosexual, but he has sired a small number of progeny over the millennia; from his seed are drawn a large number of Imperious bloodline sorcerers.
DC 35: Albert can neither confirm nor deny the alleged age of the wyrm called Marduk the Viridian, as the dragon claims to have been born near the city of Babylon in the time of Hammurabi -- 18th century BC -- and to have relocated to the Americas at some point long before Mr. Kenkaid was born, thereafter slumbering through some 95% of recorded history.
DC 40: Albert has a somewhat ... complex relationship with the Archdevil Moloch, who was worshiped publicly in his homeland of Carthage; a few ancient scholars have claimed that Mr. Kenkaid long-ago sacrificed his own natural aptitude for spell-casting to that fiend in exchange for his unnatural longevity.
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