#cladizaar my beloved
feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
@pheita @jezifster @adie-dee @aschlindartroom @kainablue GUYS LOOK AT WHAT @agent-darkbootie MADE FOR ME!!!!
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feralandmoonstruck · 1 year
[for the OC interview Ask game]
Hey cal Hey cal hEY CAL.
1, 2, 6, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24
(also! When was your first kiss with Mara?]
[sorry there's so many. this is for research. thank you in advance]
Thanks for all the questions @bloodlessheirbyjacques even though I know you're going to use them against me
"So, Calidaazr, let's begin, shall we? Who makes up your family? And how close to them are you?"
Cal shifts in his seat, tipping his head to one side. "Demons do not have 'family.' We simply are. Mara has taught me about the human concept of 'family,' and she seems to be the closest thing I have to one."
You scribble down the notes. "And who would you say is your best friend? Tell us about them."
"Again with this unnecessary need for 'attachment' that you humans seem to crave," he sighs, "Mara is, what I assume, the answer you're looking for. She has friends of her own, of course, but I have no desire to be around them for long."
You smile, "Humans crave attachment because we're pack animals. We need one another to survive."
Cal shakes his head. "This is something I do not think I will ever understand. Demons do not require this."
"But you are attached to Mara, aren't you?"
Cal's eyes narrow and he leans forward before speaking, "Mara fascinates me and teaches me things about the human world that I never would have bothered learning before. She is the only thing keeping me here. If that is what you consider attachment, then yes. I am attached to Mara."
"Let's move to the next question. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?"
"Accept that I would not be returning to the Void. I cannot fully return to the Void. Not unless I take Mara's soul. Any time I use my ability to teleport, I reenter the Void, and it is a risk every time. No demon has done this before."
Your eyes widen as you scribble this new information down. "Alright, what do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Cal sighs again and closes his eyes. "Demons are not born. We do not 'grow up.' We simply are. We are given our jobs and we carry them out. If you're really asking "who had the biggest impact on me" your answer is the same as all the others. Mara."
"How would you describe your perfect day?"
"Mara and I would make brownies to share and more to take with us. She would make a flower crown for me because she knows that I like them. We would go somewhere outdoors. She has a place on the mountain she likes to visit. She pushed me off the ledge there, but I still enjoy being there with her. It makes her smile. We would watch the people, which is not fun or comfy, but she says it's nice. Sometimes we make up stories about them. She laughs when we do. Her smile is very comfy. We would eat the brownies we brought with us. When she is ready we would go home."
"That sounds like just doing things Mara wants."
"I am happy to see her happy. It feels nice to make her happy. It is all that I need." He shifts again, leaning back this time.
"Is there anything that makes you laugh, Cal?"
"You must be getting ..what did Mara call it, 'bored?' Is that right? with my answer. Mara has taught me to laugh, demons have no need for it, and it is more comfy than I expected it to be. I laugh about the stories she tells me from when we are apart. When she has to work," he says the word like it tastes bad, "or when she is out with friends."
"Don't worry, Cal, your answers aren't boring. This is about getting to know you better. What is the best way to cheer you up?"
"I enjoy hugs and brownies. They are both very comfy. Kissing is also comfy. Being around Mara makes me happy. She had me take a 'bath' once and washed my hair. That was surprisingly comfy. I have never experienced anything quite like it. I am not sure if those are things that 'cheer me up' but they are what I can say make me very happy."
"Those things all sound lovely. What do you consider to be your biggest pet peeve?"
"A what?" Cal tips his head again in confusion. "We do not have pets. Mara's 'landlord' does not allow them. Though I still do not understand why he can tell Mara what she is 'allowed' to have. That is fucked up, but she says they are the rules. I have offered to take his soul, but she will not let me."
You chuckle, "A pet peeve is something that annoys you. It's not an actual pet."
"Humans annoy me. Especially the ones that are on Mara's TV. She enjoys them and always wants me to watch them, but I will only stoop so low in this world. I have no interest in stooping low enough to enjoy that."
"Alright we're almost done. Just two questions left. What would you consider your main love language?"
"There is a language for love? Mara has never mentioned that."
"No, no," you give him a smile, "I mean how do you show your love, or how do you like to be shown love?"
"Oh. I enjoy it when Mara touches me. Her hugs are very comfy. That is why I stayed here. She was unafraid of me and gave me a brownie. And she asked for me to take her soul while she was hugging me. She wanted to be "yeeted like a pop can" which means to be thrown very hard, but she says 'yeeted' is funnier. I had never been given a hug. Another thing that demons have to use for. But it was not something that I wanted to give up. Hugs are more comfy than brownies, even though brownies are very comfy."
You smile and take down his answer. "Last question, when did you and Mara have your first kiss?"
A smile flickers across Cal's face. He raises one hand to brush along his bottom lip as though remembering it. "I had asked Mara what 'fuck' means. I know of lust demons and she confirmed that they fuck, or have sex. But she had also said that 'fuck' can be insults as well. I asked her if she would like to have sex. It sounded interesting and I wanted to experience it. Mara said she had sex many times before we met. She also did not know that demons have some control of their appearance, but I am the only demon she has met. She kissed me, and it was very comfy. We kissed many times. And we had sex. She said that I was very sensitive, and I must have been. It was overwhelming, but it a nice way. She made sure I talked to her to tell her if I became uncomfy or if things became too much. It was very nice. Nicer than brownies even.
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