#cowboy natsume is my greatest work
mamiya-unofficial · 2 years
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funeral gang memes (3/?)
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medea10 · 5 months
My Review of GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka
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Oh, shit. Only now do I realize that I haven't posted an actual review since October and it's now January 1st. That is unlike me, but I guess there's been a domino effect of things happening one after another like a small vacation out of state, working through the holidays, and just general laziness. Okay, let me get back on track. Let's review, GTO!
Well, this has been a long time coming. This has been seen as one of the greatest animes of all time. I mean, “greatest” is in the title so it would be false advertising.
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Eikichi Onizuka is about to become a teacher. He’s 22, a virgin, and an ex-biker gang leader. Perfect qualifications! Onizuka has high ambitions of becoming the greatest teacher of all-time. Hence, the title of this show. Is it for his love of education? No, he just wants a high school waifu. Oh honey, that’s going to get you put right in the slammer. Don’t let this perverted side fool you, Onizuka has a lot of life experience that could set his students on the right path. Unfortunately, Onizuka is put in the roughest class at Holy Forest Academy. Could this be a test for him or is he the right person for the job?
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A lot of doubt has been thrown at Onizuka. He has quite the police record including more recent incidents and even more to come as you’ll see throughout this series. In his assistant teaching stint, he did some unorthodox methods of getting through to some students and parents. In the actual teaching interview, Onizuka punched and later body-slammed the vice principal. But, Onizuka wound up as an instructor. A middle school teacher, but a teacher nevertheless. These students are at the threshold of adulthood despite all the things they’ve gone through. I mean, these kids are dealing with shit like bullying, sexual assault, suicide, body issues, and trust issues. Mr. Onizuka might just be the right person for the job to help with these difficult pre-teens/teens.
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You know, when Onizuka isn’t doing something sketchy.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Holy shit, look at all of these castmates on the dub. Everyone here has 2-5 roles in this anime. Shit, early 2000’s dubbing company, hire more people. You know how early this anime dub was? Steven Blum played the titular character and used a fake name for the credits. Wow! Come on, like we aren’t going to know that’s really Spike Speigel voicing this bro. Another amazing sight for this anime is the fact that they got the Papenbrooks to voice a couple of characters. That’s right, Debbie Rothstein and the late Bob Papenbrook. By the looks of it, Bryce wasn’t in this anime. I think this was dubbed prior to his anime debut.
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As for the sub…OH SHIT, SEKI-ALERT! Greatest seiyuu in the world, Tomokazu Seki! Yeah, this looks like Toji 2.0. And that makes so much sense because Tomokazu Seki does play Toji. Look at these two and tell me I'm not crazy. Anyways, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Onizuka is played by Wataru Takagi (known for Wataru on Detective Conan, Kaiman on Dorohedoro, Tobi on Naruto, Ganju on Bleach, and Chudelkin on SAO: Alicization)
*Fuyutsuki is played by Fumiko Orikasa (known for Diantha on Pokemon XY, Riza on FMA: Brotherhood, Seras on Hellsing, Kyubei on Gintama, Rukia on Bleach, Shirley on Code Geass, and Lotte on Little Witch Academia)
*Yoshikawa is played by Kousuke Okano (known for Russell Tringum on FMA)
*Uchiyamada is played by Cho (known for Jaken on InuYasha, Brook on One Piece, Chobi-hige on Natsume’s Book of Friends, The Principal on Hidamari Sketch, and The President on Super Milk-Chan)
*Murai is played by Tomokazu Seki (known for Tracey on Pokemon, Gilgamesh on Fate/Stay Night, Kyo on Fruits Basket, Pucci on Jojo’s Pt. 6, Shuuichi on Gravitation, Itaru on Steins;Gate, and Meito Anizawa)
*Onizuka is played by Steven Blum (known for Spike on Cowboy Bebop, Orochimaru on Naruto, Shishio on Rurouni Kenshin, Roger on The Big O, Leeron on Gurren Lagann, Kadota on Durarara, and Tom from Toonami)
*Fuyutsuki is played by Wendee Lee (known for Faye on Cowboy Bebop, Konata on Lucky Star, Serenity on Sailor Moon [redub], Yoruichi on Bleach, Yahiko on Rurouni Kenshin, Yui on Fushigi Yuugi, and Haruhi Suzumiya)
*Yoshikawa is played by Kirk Thornton (known for Shirou on Blue Exorcist, Tanjiro’s father on Demon Slayer, Ougi on Code Geass, Klein on SAO, and Hotohori on Fushigi Yuugi)
*Uchiyamada is played by Bob Papenbrook (known for Nobuyuki & Katsuhito from Tenchi Muyo [season 3]) [R.I.P.]
*Murai is played by Tony Oliver (known for Lancer on Fate/Stay Night, Minato on Naruto, Soujiro on Lucky Star, Ulquiorra on Bleach, Simon on Gurren Lagann [finale], and Lupin the III)
DISLIKED CHARACTER: First things first, I will not hate on any of these students. A lot of these students like Miyabi and Anko (despite being absolute bitches) had some unfortunate things happen to them or to their friends. It’s not really their fault they were dealt a shitty hand in life. Especially when you have educators who you’re supposed to put your faith and trust in and they do something to you so unforgivable that you look upon every educator in a horrible light. Anko and the girls bullying Yoshikawa relentlessly is definitely something I dislike, but I’m going to stay focused on where I was going.
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The adults at the school however are fair game. Onizuka and Fuyutsuki are excused here to an extent. Onizuka has his demons and everyone knows it. He does get his point across albeit through unorthodox methods. Though he would totally be fired in real life! And Fuyutsuki has been nothing but kind and patient with her students. But I digress, many of these teachers showcased here are pretty bad. Especially the gym teacher and the English teacher Mr. Sakurada. The gym teacher reminds me too much of the gym teacher from Persona 5 and that’s a big strike. If you know, you know! Sakurada on the other hand, there’s no forgiving with him when he gets involved in trying to steal the third-year class trip money and would just sit there and allow Onizuka’s head be put on the chopping block. Never mind being blackmailed by one of his students, he did Mr. Onizuka dirty here. Now as for Vice Principal Uchiyamada…
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And the face he makes before…well, you’ve all seen the memes.
Every episode I tell myself that maybe there’s something deeper to this guy. That there’s some redeeming quality to this man and that he doesn’t deserve to be shit on episode after episode. I know there were a lot of shows and animes that would be mean to the vice principal or have them be the butt of the joke. Mr. Bone from Doug and Guber from Boston Public come to mind. Uchiyamada has definitely been the severe punching bag and butt of the joke in the series. I stopped counting how many times his car got destroyed because of Onizuka. To be fair, some of those were to stop a student from committing suicide. But then you remember his very first scene in this show was of him staring at and later sniffing Miss Fuyutsuki’s ass.
Hell yeah, I’m putting Vice Principal Uchiyamada on here!
…I do wane away from hating this guy later on though.
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SHIPPING: You know what? I was sitting here the several months I spent watching this anime thinking that this couple was going to happen. And when I hit the final episode. I’m shocked yet not surprised. I’m just going to crumple up this ship, throw it in the garbage and pretend I never thought what I thought.
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PREQUEL: A couple of years prior to the GTO anime, a five-part OVA series was released between 1994 and 1997 showing Onizuka and his friend Ryuuji in their high school days. This was during their middle/high school days where they were known as Onibaku. Just letting you know, nobody has licensed this in the states, it’s not streaming anywhere, there is no English dub, beware of shotty subtitles, and the Japanese cast is different from the television series.
MUSIC: I know everyone goes to the first opening theme by L'Arc~en~Ciel. And you should, it’s a great song. But if you want a toe-tapping earworm, the second opening Hitori no Yoru is the jam.
I swear, I always neglect Porno Graffitti. I need to stop, because they’ve been putting out good-ass bangers for the last 20 years.
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ENDING: The final arc just before the finale was the classes taking the big trip to Okinawa. This almost didn’t happen due to one of Onizuka’s students blackmailing one of the teachers to trick Onizuka and steal all the money for the trip. That was an ordeal. But they all made it! This trip showed more of Yoshikawa than I anticipated. Remember this kid? He’s the one that almost offed himself several times throughout the series and has been bullied repeatedly. The bullying continued on this trip. So Onizuka got the bright idea of changing the sleeping arrangements and having them become coed. The end result of having Yoshikawa and his bully Anko share the same room led to an episodes-long coming to terms for Anko having feelings for Yoshikawa despite all the bullying.
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Does it bother anybody else that Anko looks and acts too much like Asuka Langly Soryu? What is it with this anime and its characters looking like Evangelion characters? It can’t just be that they came out in the same decade. There’s gotta be like several animators that worked on both anime!
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The final two episodes answer the question of who the hell was the teacher before Onizuka. We got our answer when the dude (Mr. Saitou) ends up in the hospital after being stabbed nearly to death. The students loved their teacher. But he wound up in a relationship with another student in the class. And when found out, Saitou promised his class one thing, but turned around and did something else. The whole class felt betrayed by the teacher they once trusted. The end result of this ordeal was that Saitou left Holy Forest Academy and actually wound up working at another school despite what he did at his prior employment. The girl Saitou had an affair with wound up pregnant and later committed suicide. And the entire classroom of students was left with a severe distrust of educators.
It's no doubt that in these last 40 episodes, Onizuka has helped each and everyone of his students in one way or another. For many, they were able to put their faith in a teacher again. But one final holdout was still never going down. And that was Miyabi! She has been trying to get Onizuka fired at every given opportunity. These episodes, she switched gears to another target. One night, she visited Mr. Saitou and stabs him. Miyabi was on the run for most of the day until she was found by Onizuka ready to stab a member of the board of education. Onizuka had a few choice words for this guy. So, the board of education guy was like, “Imma end this man’s career”. The board has given the principal an ultimatum. Miyabi must surrender herself to the police and Onizuka must be terminated for “assaulting” a board member.
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Thankfully, the entire school was on Onizuka’s side. Despite everyone risking their own careers to support this guy, it is what it is. Even Vice Principal Uchiyamada! That was pretty surprising as Uchiyamada has been on a crusade since day one to get Onizuka terminated. The principal put her foot down with her decisions concerning Miyabi and Onizuka that it really ruffled the board members’ feathers. I should say so as they are some shady fucks. Murai and the other students do some sleuthing of their own and came across some interesting things. Mr. Saitou was really trying to do the right thing by his students. Miyabi didn’t stab him, Saitou stabbed his own damn self in a suicide attempt. And the school board is pretty much the bad guy in this situation.
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It all comes together when Onizuka enters the room, brings the press, and admits to everyone that he stabbed Mr. Saitou. This whole scene was just anarchy that it was hard for anyone to comprehend everything that’s about to go down. The anime just shows Onizuka leaving with the police…and then he tries to escape. All of a sudden, it’s two months later. Fuyutsuki and the principal are wondering if Onizuka will ever return. And at that same time, Onizuka’s on his motorcycle traveling the United States southwest until winding up in California where he’s going to be a teacher at a junior high.
Okay, sure anime! “See you soon”. Yeah, sure. I’ll buy that. THIS ANIME CAME OUT 25 YEARS AGO AND THAT’S STILL THE LAST WE’VE SEEN OF GTO. At least in anime form. The manga went on until 2002.
I’m sure this is another case for me to go to the manga and start digging around for answers if there are any. Yes, I enjoyed this one. Okay, yes. Onizuka is the…great…Shit, I can’t finish that sentence. I’m still on Team Koro-sensei from Assassination Classroom. I know both teachers are of different generations and their curriculum was hella different, but I still have to side with Koro-sensei.
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I think everyone here wishes they had a teacher like Onizuka. Well…a majority of people. You do have to admit, a lot of the things he did throughout the series would have gotten him fired, arrested, or deported. Going to a home and smashing a wall so that a father and daughter would be closer. That’s one way, but I’m surprised that family wasn’t pressing charges. The raucous behavior he’s had throughout the series. The perversion too! The numerous amounts of times he destroyed the vice principal’s car. And let’s not forget some of the things he did before he entered Holy Forest Academy.
Is there ever hope that this’ll ever see a revival? There’s always hope! Hell, Fruits Basket got a revival and exceeded expectations. And other anime revivals happened to…lesser expectations. Maybe one day, some crazy studio (maybe MAPPA) will do a service to the anime community once again, give us a new cast, have Aniplex pick it up, and have the whole story told. Or, we could just leave it be and have the classic remain a classic.
In the meantime, GTO is available on Retro Crush and Crunchyroll.
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Dino Watches Anime (Dec. 21)
I postponed posting this for a while because I wanted to wait until the Fall 2020 season was over. Now, it’s almost Christmas. Some parts of the world are snowing, and as I feel the HUGE 2021 WINTER ANIME SEASON APPROACHING, I will reminisce about the anime that I will miss (or not).
Half of these aren’t even seasonal.
Anyway, I’m going to make some sort of “TOP ? ANIME OF 2020″ even though I haven’t watched half the seasonal anime I set out on watching HAHAHA!
Not Seasonal
As usual, I am periodically watching Gintama (which I’ve watched 106 episodes) and Hunter x Hunter (2011) (which I’ve watched 13 episodes), but I won’t finish those anytime soon. 
Gangsta (ON-HOLD - 3/12)
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I feel like I have to be in the right mood to watch this, and I just haven’t been. However, I can’t say it’s a bad show at all. In fact, it’s quite good, especially considering that it was done by a studio that went bankrupt. Seriously, they closed up the season after this anime aired. Surprisingly, they’ve done a lot of good anime in the past. Samurai Champloo, Ergo Proxy, and some other ones.
Space☆Dandy (COMPLETED)
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I was on and off in terms of dropping this. I didn’t enjoy a good chunk of the episodes because... a lot of them rely on fanservice. To be quite frank, this anime’s motives can be boiled down to being h*rny. However, some random episodes/segments are good. And the animation... the animation of the non-fanservice scenes are masterful. I’m actually going to dive into this a little bit to justify why I’m actually watching this.
Studio Bones is amazing when they commit themselves to an anime, and looking at the staff, you can certainly see that this anime will be fun to look at. It’s a spectacle. 
Sayo Yamamoto has done some incredible stuff in her career. Despite her role in Space Dandy season 1 being small (episode director of episode 2), I wanted to still cover her works. Her portfolio is massive, and she’s only 43. She did the storyboard for some really stylistic and unique openings like Arakawa Under the Bridge (both seasons), Kakegurui (which despite being heavily sexualized, is incredibly fluid and eyecatching even for me), and Psycho-Pass. She also did some storyboarding for the Attack on Titan ending and Samurai Champloo. Not to mention the obvious: She’s the director of Yuri!!! on Ice.
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Shingo Natsume is a director for this series, and he has a lot of works too. For one, he was the director of One Punch Man season one which was really well-animated. He has also worked on some Masaaki Yuasa works, Gurren Lagann, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
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Last but certainly not least, Shinichirou Watanabe is also a director here, and even to someone who isn’t that versed in animation staff, he is incredibly well-known and skilled. He’s the director of many incredible works including Kids on the Slope, Zankyou no Terror (also the original creator), Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, and Carole & Tuesday (also the original creator).
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There are even more amazing directors and contributors to this series, so rest assured, this anime looks good.  
But once you get past all the wonderful visuals, the characters are meh and the story is... not that good. The voice acting is great. Junichi Suwabe is amazing as Dandy, Hiroyuki Yoshino plays a good wimp as Meow, and Uki Satake actually surprised me because I haven’t heard of her really but she plays the perfect QT. This anime is like having great icing on the cake, but the cake is actually a cowcake.  
Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke (COMPLETE)
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This anime is meh. Everything is meh. This was also done by Manglobe which went bankrupted shortly after Gangsta aired. The animation was alright. I thought this anime was older than it was because I wasn’t that impressed by the visuals. Cowboy Bebop looks better than it despite being almost a decade-and-a-half older. The voice acting was alright. I’m not the greatest fan of Kouji Yusa, but it’s mostly because I don’t like his voice. I’ve heard Junichi Suwabe portray other characters better because there was more substance in those other characters. The rest of the cast was forgettable. I didn’t even bother watching the parent series of this spinoff because it’s not needed, and after watching one episode of it, I wouldn’t be able to sit through the rest of it. There were some redeeming points to the story, but when your biggest plot twist is sticking out going, “LOOK AT ME, I’M A PLOT TWIST!”, you start to go, “I would be more surprised if they didn’t pull that plot twist.” And I guess it goes without saying, but the main guys do not end up together despite some of the hints they dropped. 
Another funny thing is that they put a disclaimer that “this is not based on real events”, but they put in a ton of references to WWII which can be... troublesome? I don’t know how to put it, but after watching Hetalia, I’m very apprehensive about any anime trying to portray real-life events like that.
Munou na Nana
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Honestly, I found the manga better. The anime captures just a portion of the suspense and stuff that goes on in the manga, and the manga holds a lot more suspense. It’s kind of like how Junji Ito anime usually have a hard time. Horror is just like that in general though. It relies a lot on the psychological effect, and the anime just didn’t have it for me anyway.
[I also don’t like this show’s comedy and find it lacklustre]
Kamisama ni Natta Hi
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You know how in my previous post I sensed this really going downhill? I was right! This anime got really shitty halfway through after Izanami’s dad had his touching episode. Next week is the final episode, but we all know half of Jun Maeda’s anime end off a cliff.
Tonikaku Kawaii
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This anime got boring after a while. You know they did it off-screen. Puppy love is okay in small doses for me, but a whole anime about that and only that? It was... alright. I’m not the target audience, honestly. BUT, if you’re tired of stupid love triangles and misunderstandings, this anime is a breath of fresh air. Not to mention, it’s canon from Day 1. 
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 4
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This anime took no commitment, and some of the episodes were enjoyable, so I can’t say I wasted my time, but they truly only peaked in season one.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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While I’m still not incredibly sold on the series, it’s really starting to take shape. The OP and ED are reasons to watch alone... and Gojo seems to be a popular choice for ladies who are into white-haired anime guys. Either way, it’s still a solid watch, but they need those character arcs to come in fast because the only thing I feel is really holding this show back is character depth (and I know they have it in the manga). The art, the voice acting, the music, everything else is there, and the story is, as I said, starting to take shape.
Maoujou de Oyasumi
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I saved this one for last because this anime was so pure and wholesome, and it was definitely the biggest surprise of the season! I know some of the people I know are into those dating sims with the demon kings and whatever, but consider this demon king from this show. He’s an utter wreck, can’t be evil half the time, is a himbo, and you really wonder how they managed to keep their own castle together. The princess isn’t trapped in the castle with the demons, the demons are trapped in the castle with her. She commits burglary, assault, genocide, and mutilation is the name of a good sleep. Her name is also a pun on sleeping.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
I’ve been promising this post for a while now. I did a voice actor version some time ago and it was one of my favourite lists to put together. I think you guys enjoyed it too.
As we all know, an actor’s performance can really drag down an anime. There’s something heartbreaking about a painfully wooden performance in the middle of a wonderful story that rips you right out of the fantasy. On the bright side, I’ve seen more than a few characters go from boring to endearing on the strength of an actor’s charisma. Voice actors don’t have as much to work with as conventional actors. They can’t rely on body movements or smouldering looks to get their message across. So it’s doubly impressive when they manage to convey subtle emotion and complex feelings though inflection and tone alone.
And for me, these ladies do just that.
Today let us celebrate the artistry that goes into bringing some of our favourite characters to life. In no real order we have!
5. Aoi Yuuki
I don’t care how petty it sounds, I’m just going to put this right here. This young woman is shorter than me!!! A musician and traditional actress, Aoi unique voice has made her quite successful in the field. Here are a few selected roles out of the tons she has had:
Hana – Ben-To
Tsuyu – My Hero Academia
Mina – Vampire Bund
The Energetic Ringo – Daily Lives of HighSchool Boys
Sosuke – Free!! (surprised? – I was)
Victorique – Gosick
Mihoshi – Gundam
Russia – Hetalia
Kino – Kino’s journey
Futaba – Persona 5
Iris – Pokemon
Mélie – Radiant
Shinra – Durarara!!
Sunako – Shiki
Borr – SSSS.Gridman
Tanya – Saga of Tanya the Evil
Oh yeah – she’s also Madoka in some magical girl show…
She’s set to play Touka and Boogiepop in the upcoming remake and I am psyched for this!
Not to mention roles in March Comes In Like a Lion, ACCA 13, Asobi Asobase, Welcome to the Ballroom, Gangsta, Gintama, Goblin Slayer, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Hyakka, Hyouka, Your Name, last exile, One Punch Man, Seraph of the End, Sword Art Online II, Tanaka-kun, Tokyo Ghoul, Snafu, Yuru Yuri, and I seriously skipped over most of them. This lady works!
The surprisingly raspy quality of her vocals, and the counterintuitive depth of her tone makes her suitable for a wide range of diverse characters. A small actress with a big voice! Irresistible.
4. Chiwa Saito
Miss Saito has been acting for some time which means she’s had the chance to amass a pretty impressive portfolio. One of my favourite random facts out there, is that she is part of a voice acting groups called “MORE PEACH SUMMER SNOW”. That’s the best name ever. I’m going to rname Buddy that. (His actional name if Sir Buddy Livingston Master Chief Brown). Sadly, she is taller than me.
Yona – Yona of the Dawn
Aika – Aria
Hitagi – Monogatari series
Sigyn – Break Blade
Yuki – Vampire Bund
Chloe – Fate/Kaelid series
Natsumi – Keroro
the fantastic Riko – Kuroko’s Basketball
Louise- Gudam 00
Anita – R.O.D. TV
Kotori – rewrite
Meru – Zetsoubu Sensei
Nadeshiko – Yuru Yuri
She’s also Homura in some magical girl show…I swear I didn’t know this before researching for this post. I never realized how much I liked the Madoka casting before!
Of course there’s like a billion more titles but I’m going to name these ones because, reasons: Amanchu, Arakawa Under the Bridge, Boccano, Berserk, Dog & Scissors, D-Frag, Daily Lives of HighSchool Boys, Gintama, Girls Bravo, Kino’s journey, Last Exile, Log Horizon, Lyrica Nanoha, Murder Princess (I just like this title) One Piece, Sward Art Online, I’m just going to stop now.
You can actually hear her sing in some roles and she truly has a beautiful singing voice. It has a rich timber and she obviously has a great ear for melody. If ever she chose to switch career paths to the musical instead, I’m sure she’d have a great future. We would miss her as an actress though so let’s not encourage that!
3. Megumi Hayashibara
A more classical voice actress and one of the best known in Japan, Megumi almost became a nurse instead. There’s a certain personality that goes along with choosing a career in nursing. Caring but also resilient. You can see that peek through a bit in Megumi’s character and acting choice. Then again, there are so many to pick from I could probably make an argument for any character type.
Pai and IV – 3×3 eyes
Ai – Detective Conan
Haruko – FLCL Progressive
Haruka – Love Hina
Todomatsu – Osomatsu-kun
Paprika and Chiba – Paprika
Musashi – Pokemon
Ranma – Ranma 1/2
Lime – Saber Marionette J
Anna – Shaman King
Lina – Slayers
Ai – Video Girl Ai
Genkai – Yuu Yuu Hakusho
Hello Kitty…this woman is Hello Kitty
The incomparable Faye Valentine – Cowboy Bebop
Probably best known as Rei Ayanami – Evangelion
She can also be heard in Blue Exorcist, Bakuretsu Hunters, Sailor Moon, Blue Seed, Chihayafuru 2, Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor, Macross Plus, Lupin III, Maison Ikkoku, One Piece, Project A-ko, Shadow Skill, the Doreamons, Tenchi Muyou, and obviously a million more shows.
This lady’s body of work speaks for itself. I have to say I was already pretty amazed that spunky, opinionated Faye, with her womanly register and quiet monotone Rei were played by the same person, add in Hell Kitty to the mix and my mind is a little broken…and then you have comedy queen Ranma. This is the type of career you look up to!
2. Romi Park
Did you know that Romi studied Korean in university. I just find that intriguing, obviously she’s always liked languages. Ok I’m beating about the bush so let me just say it, miss Park’s performance was one of the best parts of FMA: Brotherhood for me. I literally caught myself in the middle of scenes just going, OMG the acting is phenomenal. I’ve heard great things about the English language cast but you really are missing ouy if you didn’t catch this performance.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya –  Bleach
Teresa – Claymore
Akane – Danganronpa
Tanaka – Daily Lives of High School Boys
Igarashi – Deadman Wonderland
Kenichi – Cyber Coil
Ken – Digimon
Sena – Eyeshield 21
Natsume – Gakuen Alice
Walter – Hellsing Ultimate
Switzerland – Hetalia
Angelina – Black Butler
Taiga – Major
Falis – Murder Princess (love this title)
Temari – Naruto
My precious, precious Naoto – Persona 4
Jiro – Pokemon
Syrup – Precure
Alma – Radiant
Zoe Hange – Attack on Titan
Everyone’s favourite rocker Nana Osaki – Nana
And of course Edward Elric – Fullmetal Alchemist
And if that wasn’t enough, you can hear her in Air Master, Beelzebub, Blue Dragon , Clannad After story, Detective Conan, Devil May Cry, Garo, Granblue Fantasy, Hunter x Hunter, Kill la Kill, Lupin III, Gundam 00, One Piece (everyone is in this), RahXephon, Sengoku Basara, RDG, Samurai 7, Terra Formars (cause it’s terrible), Aquarion, White Album
Romi Parks has the most devastatingly emotional voice I know. She often plays calm, cool and collected genius type characters (a lot of boys as you can see) but when an emotional contrast is needed, she really knows how to deliver, making her characters feel so real and raw.  One of the greatest performers in my opinion, she tends to make me want to see a show just to hear what she can do with the character.
Honorable Mentions
Ami Koshimizu
C,mon, she Ryuko from Kill la Kill. Always loved that sexy alto voice! Apparently she was also both Hiro and Naomi in the recent Darling and the Franxx. I loved her as Ibuki in Danganronpa. She was Kallen in Code Geass, Holo in Spice and Wolf and Yuiko in Persona. Obviously I’m skipping over st of her work including some very big roles. I suggest you look her up! The only reason she isn’t on the list proper is that I simply haven’t seen that many of her shows even though a lot are very popular.
1. Megumi Ogata
OK fine so this is a subjective choice. Well they all are really, it’s my top 5 list. Fact is, I’ve been a fan of Megumi Ogata for a long long time and I’m just always going to be. She’s the first voice talent I ever learned about and I absolutely love her work. Sure, she might have voiced a few of my anime crushes but surely that did not influence my choice in any way…. She’s much taller than me.
Ayato – Angel Beats
Haruka (Sailor Uranus) – Sailor Moon*
Jun – Captain Tsubasa
Yukito and Yue – Cardcaptor Sakura*
Makoto – Danganronpa
Nagito – Danganronpa***
Shinji – Evangelion*
Izumi Rio – Searching for the Full Moon*
the terrifying Fairies – Humanity has Declined
Cranberry – Raising Project*
Ichigou Fujimoto – Magical girl Ore
Ken – Persona 3
Yukimura – Samurai Deeper Kyo*
Akagi – Slam Dunk
Valkyrie – UFO Princess Valkyrie
Yuugi – Yu Gi Oh!*
Karuma – Yuu Yuu Hakusho*
And just o drive the point home, here are a few more at random. If you want to full list, you’ll have to look it up. I just can’t type that much! Bleach, Detective Conan, et Backers, Great Teacher Onizuka, Kino’s Journey, Magic Knight Rayearth, Tamayura, Tokyo Mew Mew,
Megumi Ogata is a revered veteran in the field. Comparing Nagito to Makoto (purposefully similar characters with a lot of very similar lines) will reveal her mastery on inflection and subtle vocalisation to embody a character way beyond their dialogue. Anyone still under the illusion that voice acting is simply reading your lines, please see master Ogata’s work!
Good list isn’t it!?! I discover new voice talent all the time mind you. I’ll be watching a show and suddenly realize that the actor is doing fantastic work. And I’m always so happy when I discover a new favourite. So please, share yours with me!
that was a lot of pics to find….
  Top Five Voice Actresses in My Harem I've been promising this post for a while now. I did a voice actor version some time ago…
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snowtoroislord · 7 years
List 96: Top Ten Favorite Composers
Well after listening to all of the soundtracks for the 100 shows I have been using for these lists, I present the final 3 music lists based upon those. First are the composers. The men and women behind the music of the anime. These people create the soundtracks we so adore with their talent in the art. So, I now list the cream of the crop as Macho Man Randy Savage would say.
10. Jun Maeda
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Notable Works: Clannad, Angel Beats!
The father of Key kicks off this list. This man is the creative mind behind pretty much anything and everything Key related. And his music is very good overall. He has great selection with silly, dramatic, and theme songs. His only weakness would be issue with variety per OST. Too many reprises of similar songs that dilute the overall quality with too much of the same song. It hurts a song more when you have 5 versions rather than 2. 
9. Toshio Masuda
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Notable Works: Mushishi
Mushishi is certainly a gem of a series. Its take on the supernatural genre is without a doubt one of the most atmospheric out there. A lot of this boils down to it’s music collection. A dark, foreboding, and very natural yet spiritual sound comes off of this OST. If you have seen the series you would have to agree the music really matches the tone beat for beat. If he had more credits, I’m sure he could rank higher.  
8. Yasuharu Takanashi
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Notable Works: Shiki
Shiki is a spooky soundtrack, Unsettling in the best of ways. Just like Grandma’s athletes foot. You get such a creepy feeling listening to it and it all comes from this man. 80′s hair or not, he created a masterpiece of horror themed music and for that alone I had to toss him on my list. 
7.  Kenji Kawai
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Notable Works: Barakamon, Eden of the East
Now this is quite a variety I would admit. The soundtracks for Barakamon and Eden are not similar. Aside from good quality that is. Barakamon’s OST has a mix of upbeat music to lift you off your feet and Eden of the East settles you in for the ride it is going to take you on. I suppose the best way to credit this creator is they match their series well. 
6.  Shiro Hamaguchi
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Notable Works: Tari Tari, Shirobako, Hanasaku Iroha
P.A. Works should really thank this man. I suppose they do with all the work they have given him. His soundtracks are all worthy of being listened to. He really nails the SOL genre with his vision and for me that is a genre full of samey songs. So, having a bit of talent in that department is one thing I can totally commend. 
5.  Yoshihisa Hirano
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Notable Works: Ouran High and Death Note
Well these two shows have almost zero in common. Aside from being in the same time period that is haha. Yet, if you hear both of them you will notice a large variety of songs that just ooze with personality. The charm and grace of Ouran and the intensity of Death Note. He really understands his material and gives it the best show with his musical craft. 
4.  Hiroyuki Sawano
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Notable Works: Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill, Seven Deadly Sins
If you want vocal songs meant for high energy action scenes, this man is for you. All of his OST’s tend to have a chunk that is meh, but his strongest songs are all very very easy to jam out to. I would say his music is easily some of the most marketable in the anime world. He gets what people like the most and uses it to his full advantage. 
3.  Yuki Kaijura
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Notable Works: Madoka Magica, SAO, Fate/Zero
Music that is meant to capture a dramatic presence is often hard to do. You want something memorable that causes an emotional response but you don’t want it to drown out the scene it accompanies. This happens in SAO a lot since the anime isn’t always strong enough to keep up with the powerful music, but the rest of her work makes it shine so much more. Madoka and Fate feel like some of the most serious shows out there due to the music there supporting them like fire to an inferno. She gets how to bring out the best of her story with strong, moving songs that will make you well up inside a little when you hear them after all is said and done. 
2.  Makoto Yoshimori
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Notable Works: Drrr!!,Baccano!, Natsume Yuujinchou, Hotarubi no Mori e
This man is a master of music. From his modern take on music with Drrr, to his jazzy topical selection in Baccano, to the light hearted nature to his music with Natsume. The man is Brain Base’s musical overlord. Most of his music even if it isn’t the best soundtrack is memorable. If I can listen to your OST and recognize most of your music on the first listen you did a good job making it accompany your show. I think he knows what fits his work pretty darn well. 
1.  Yoko Kanno
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Notable Works: Cowboy Bebop. Darker than Black, Kids on the Slope, Zankyou no Terror, Space Dandy
A musical goddess. All of her soundtracks are great, and even ones like Darker than Black and Space Dandy will surprise you with their depth. No one gets music better in the anime spectrum than the angel of music, Yoko Kanno. Just listen to the sweet melodies of Bebop’s OST alone and you will get her range. She of course excels at jazz the most, and this is why shows like Kids on the Slope pop so much, but she has hit so many genres with overwhelming success, I’m sorta astonished. I listened to all of her music with the assumption it might be nostalgia from the show speaking, but goodness no way, she really does own it. She is by far my top pick as the greatest anime composer of all time. Well aside from Joe Hisaishi but I didn’t include movies. I should do that in the future sometime. I’m sure those classics may have a person or two who could try to rival her. 
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any of the above pictures. The credit goes to the original creators of each and thus will be considered theirs. Enjoy the pics!
Who composes your favorite anime music? Tell me somewhere on the net, until then......
See ya Space Corgis!
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