#currently talking about wing dysphoria when it comes to this lol
kalvanreaped · 6 months
It's a different kind of pain when your species dysphoria turns to constant phantom limbs to the point where they would be (placement/where they start and expand into a limb) you experience low amounts of phantom pain (whether just uncomfortable or painful depends on different folks). And that just throws you off even more and worsens it?? Is that just me or ?? Ljjfkjfkf
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Tell me about your sides!! Literally anything you want to talk about, what are their traits? How do they get along with each other? Etc.
This is going to get. Long
The five sides i currently have are: Anger, Braincell, Creativity, Desire, Emotions
A not so brief explanation of them below, their relationships with each other are probably gonna be in a different post cause this got so LONG
1. Anger
Represents anger (obviously), impulsiveness (+ violent tendencies), spite, hope, determination, optimism, and passion. Emotion's younger sibling.
Color palette is red, orange, yellow, and black. Wears clothes that would make my conservative family members explode and die on sight (punk). Has vulture wings. Permanent resting bitch face.
Prone to fits of violence and making me want to commit violence (braincell stops her though). Gets angry at everyone, but is also protective of them and me, and especially of Emotions. Secretly a sensitive guy
2. Reasoning/"Braincell"
Represents logic, morality, self-preservation, knowledge, control, rationality, analyzation, anything i associate with a 'logical' brain. Has the most functions of them all (which is why they go by "Braincell" instead).
Color palette is green with shades of grey. Looks the most like me and only wears clothes i have worn. Has multiple arms that aren't attached to their body. Permanently stressed.
Constantly stressed from keeping the other sides and the entire mindscape semi functional. Overthinker and a bit of a control freak. Tries their best and they never feel like it's enough
3. Creativity
Represents creativity, inspiration (when i have it lol), interests, curiosity, dreams, weirdness, whimsy, distraction, and wonder
Color palette is mostly shades of purple. Wears a skirt + pants combo with embroidered designs (mostly flowers). Has two forms: Active (when im actively creating) and Passive (when i'm simply getting ideas). Sea looks mostly human with a few inhuman traits when in passive form, with balls of glowing light meant to represent xir ideas floating around her. In active form, fae looks like a mix of different creatures in active form and glows (color depends on what im creating in that moment). All of los eyes (shi has more than 2) glow purple when distracted.
Responsible for those galaxy brained thoughts i get. Very prone to the affects of my (possible) ADHD and burnout. Is not very grounded (both physically cause hy floats, and also is the epitome of 'head in the clouds'). Cringe (affectionate). Acts very motherly towards vis creations. Never still, and never sleeps.
4. Desire
Represents wants, needs, likes, dislikes, gender euphoria and dysphoria, jealousy, loneliness, attraction (romantic, platonic, anything but sexual), selfishness, dreams, desperation, and insecurity.
Color palette is many different shades of blue (sometimes other colors). Looks and outfit change depending on what I want to look like at the moment. Has appendages that are similar to tentacles that come from his heart.
Acts very flirty, funny, and confident, partially to hide the 'uglier' parts of himself (namely loneliness and insecurity). Materialistic and and is an attention seeker. Very clingy. Wants me to finally be free to be myself. Also cringe (affectionate). Very silly and very bi
5. Emotions
Represents (most) of my emotions, sensory issues, pessimism, exhaustion, self-esteem, and irrationality. Anger's older sibling
Color palette is mostly white and a bunch of colors. Wears a tie-dye shirt and flowy skirts. Hair looks windswept and messy. Uses a slinky as a bracelet. Can become transparent and float like a ghost.
Mood changes constantly. Looks like the shyer sibling compared to Anger, but can be just as intense. Not so secretly a sensitive guy. Has a resting sad face. Colors get more saturated the stronger the emotion I'm feeling
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