#cuz then she'd have to prep christmas dinner all alone
samsspambox · 1 year
howdy! i did a thing!
tw: medical procedures
i think i've mentioned this before on here but i've been having stomach issues for years (i legit dry heave after every meal. and when i get nervous/any strong emotion. it's so annoying) and i finally got my doctor to refer me over to a gastroenterologist. so! after a 15 minute visit in november, i was scheduled for a Upper Endoscopy, which happened earlier today at a hospital!
now, i've been lucky enough to never be admitted to the hospital before, so this was a first for me. i was scared shitless. that and it was cold, so i couldn't stop trembling LMAO
anyway! i had to go under for a few hours and it was the weirdest experience of my life. and also had some funny bits lol.
when they first hooked me up to a heart monitor, my heart rate Would Not Go Down. it wouldn't fall under 120. the nurse was like 'deep breaths' and i wanted to laugh bc i am an Anxious Person. 120 was as low as it was gonna get LOL. it'd always spike when someone new entered the room too, which was the funniest thing. the person who came to help with my IV was like 'are you okay'? yeah, i was okay. just nervous and scared lol. the IV guy was so nice and even tho he had trouble finding my vein, he only stabbed me once. thank you IV guy.
when the anesthesiologist came in, it was so funny too.
anesthesiologist: do you have any anxiety or depression
me: yes
anesthesiologist: ...one or the other?
me: oh! whoops, both. sorry about that.
and then came the time that they actually put me under. it was so weird. the doctor hadn't even finished saying 'you might feel a little burning' when i just clonked out. the whole world started bubbling and i went 'oh this is weird' and bam, i was asleep. granted i think only having 3 hours of sleep on me helped LMAO
i ended up coming to in recovery! and fairly quickly too, i think they were just finished moving the bed to the spot when i started talking even if my throat was sore. which was also another funny interaction in my opinion LMAO
me, still mildly out of it: is it over?
nurse: it is. you just rest up and then we'll move you to another room.
me: my mom is in the waiting room, can she come in?
nurse: i'm afraid not, sweetie.
me: okay. thank you for taking care of me
nurse: you're welcome. would you like a blanket?
me: yes please, thank you.
let it be known that i am a polite camper!! look at me, using my manners LMAOO
idk how long i actually spent in recovery since i was still mildly out of it and i didn't have my watch or phone on me. they wheeled me out into another recovery room with a heated chair and plopped me down and then got me apple juice, which i was hella stoked about. they then called my mom and she walked into the room, but at this point i was much more lucid and happily eating a graham cracker.
me, looking at my mom who's looking for the room i'm in: oh! ma! hello!!
mom, hearing me and walking over: ay mija! what did they do to you? you're all pale!
me: really? i feel fine though
mom: yes really, you're pale!
me: hey at least i'm awake and conscious enough to tell you how to get out the parking lot
mom: you're right
and then i got discharged, but had to wait a little bit bc my mom got lost inside the hospital and had just made it to the car when they sat me on the wheelchair (a wheelchair!! pushed by a nurse!!! idk i was just very surprised bc i felt like i would walk it on my own and i know it was policy but huh!!) and then we went home at around 9. for context i was at the hospital since 6am, and the last time i was able to check time was at 7:20-ish, so i was out a solid hour and a half.
and then when we got home i crashed and then ate some soup.
this experience was weird. going under was an interesting experience. i hope i never have to do that ever again LMAO.
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