#d/onna n/oble
brandnewcouch · 7 months
in honor of the 60th anniversary doctor who specials coming out soon, may i point out the beauty that is sick!ten with donna?
ten’s other companions would be worried about him and want to take care of him, but donna? absolutely not.
donna noble would not take care of a whiny man with a cold. she would say, “come on, spaceman! get over it!” at least she would until it gets bad enough that she thinks, “oh shit, maybe he isn’t being dramatic.”
good shit
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brandnewcouch · 6 months
a quick little donna & fourteen thing i wrote because i can’t sleep. takes place after “the giggle” so….. spoilers!!!
“Ugh, why do I habe to be so stuffed ub?” Donna groaned after blowing her nose for the millionth time that morning.
“I believe that’s just part of the package,” The Doctor commented.
“Always so clever, you,” she said sarcastically. The Doctor chuckled, half because of her comment and half because he noticed her nose was almost as bright as her hair.
“hihh-hih’KTschoo!” Donna sniffled and pulled the last tissue from the box to wipe her nose.
“Good thing you’ve stocked up on these,” The Doctor said as he swapped out the tissue box for a new one. “Really stocked up. You know I think you have more boxes in your house right now than the TARDIS has had in all of eternity. Why is that?”
“I’m a mother, Brainbox,” she groaned. “I learned very quickly that kids are always bringing germs home from school. I always have extra tissues for Rose.”
“And yet you’re the only one using them,” he said, raising an eyebrow. Donna was not amused.
“You’re lucky I’m so exhausted right now. Otherwise you’d be getting a slap in the face.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he grinned. He wrapped an arm around her as she leaned against him and pulled her legs up onto the sofa.
“I feel like shit,” she mumbled.
“Would it make it better or worse if I said I could tell?”
“I don’t know,” she moved in closer, wrapping an arm around his torso and resting her head on his shoulder. The Doctor gently brushed her bangs away from her face.
“Could be worse. You don’t have a fever.”
“I’d rather have a fever,” she said, pausing for a moment to cough. “It would be much less humiliating than taking two days off work for a measly cold.”
“UNIT has a great sick day policy. There’s no harm in taking advantage of it,” he argued. “Plus, you said you felt like shit, did you not?”
“I did,” she muttered. “Ei’hiiSChhh! Hih’eiTSChh!”
She sniffled into his shoulder, not bothering to lift her head. The Doctor instinctively pulled her in closer and began to run his fingers through her hair.
“I hope I don’t pass this on to Rose or Shaun,” she sighed, leaning into his touch.
“If you’ve been even remotely as cuddly with Shaun as you’ve been with me over the last hour, I’d say he’s a goner,” he joked.
“Oi! I’ve been careful around him! The tradeoff for not being able to catch this is having to put up with my clinginess, Skinny.”
“Oh, hush, you aren’t clingy” he said fondly.
“No? How ‘bout now?” she asked, somehow managing to get even closer than she already was.
“Okay, maybe a little bit,” The Doctor chuckled.
He leaned back and hoisted his legs onto the coffee table as Donna sniffled into his chest. Clingy or not, he felt so lucky to be able to experience little moments like this with his best friend. Those fifteen years had killed him, but getting to have a life with her made it all worth it. He noticed her breathing had slowed and looked down to see she had closed her eyes. He had a feeling he would not be moving for a while.
“I love you, Spaceman,” she whispered.
“I love you, Earth Girl.”
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brandnewcouch · 6 months
🎶oops i did it again🎶 i wrote more donna and fourteen because i am obsessed with their little domestic ending
“Huuhhh-huh’EISCHhhh!” The Doctor watched her shoulders tighten as she sniffled into a tissue.
“Rassilon, you’re tense,” he said.
“I’ve been stressed,” Donna muttered before sneezing twice more.
“Please, let me get some of those knots out,” he sighed.
“Like… a massage?” she asked suspiciously.
“Sure. I’m very knowledgeable in human anatomy.” Donna choked at the statement.
“Please…. don’t word it…. like that,” she said between coughs.
“Right, sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Now sit down. Let me work on your shoulders.”
“Fine,” she sighed as she sat in front of him. The Doctor ran his hands over her upper back to assess the muscles.
“Those desk jobs will really get you. You know sitting is worse for your spine than both standing or lying down.”
“Not like I have much of a choice,” she said before sniffling. The Doctor began to move his thumbs in a circular motion, pressing into her shoulders. He thought she felt a bit warmer than usual, but he didn’t mention it.
“Oh, that’s nice,” she sighed, melting into his touch. “You’d think Shaun would do this for me once in a while.”
“Oh- Shaun! Do you think he’d mind-“
“He doesn’t care, mate,” she assured. “He knows you’re not my type.”
“Well, maybe not this version of me,” he smirked.
“Oi! Watch it! You can’t even talk. Your type is blokes from the 1600s.”
“That was one time,” he argued.
He felt her breath hitch and assumed she was about to throw back another retort, but she stayed silent. Her chest heaved several more times before she sneezed harshly into her hands.
“Hehh’KTSCHhhoo! Ei’schiEWw! Hehhhh- huh’XTGGghh!”
“Bless you,” The Doctor glanced down at her with concern. “You feeling alright?”
“Think I’m coming down with something,” she said with a wet sniffle as she rubbed her nose. “Been feeling run down the last few days.”
“Mmmm,” he frowned. “Can I get you anything?”
“I’m okay. Just keep doing what you’re doing,” she sighed.
“Sure.” He focused on her shoulders and then moved down to her back. He was a bit worried about the fact she was already running a fever.
“Hih’SHIEWww! Ugh, sorry. That one snuck up on me.”
“You should take something,” The Doctor said softly. “You sound congested,” he added before she could protest.
“I don’t even know what we have. I never get sick,” she groaned.
“Never say never.”
“Where are you going?” she asked as he began to walk away.
“Looking for medicine.”
“Please don’t wake up-“ she was interrupted by the sudden clattering of pots and pans.
“Doctor,” she groaned.
“Enough with the shouting! It’s midnight!”
“Well you’re shouting, too!”
“Only because-“
She whipped her head around to see her husband standing in the doorway. He was wearing a t shirt and joggers, clearly still half asleep.
“Ugh, I’m sorry. He can’t be quiet to save his life,” she said, gesturing towards The Doctor.
“It’s alright,” he said, coming closer and wrapping his arms around her. He frowned as she uncharacteristically rested her head on his chest.
“You okay, Hon? You feel a little warm,” he said, brushing her bangs out of her face.
“Think I’m sick.” She stayed there for a moment before suddenly pulling away and taking a step back. “You should keep your distance. I can sleep on the sofa.”
“Donna,” he sighed. “It’s fine.”
“No, really-“
“Shaun! Hello!” The Doctor greeted as he approached the couple.
“Doctor, how are you?”
“Oh, I’m just fine. This one, on the other hand,” he said, glancing at Donna, “needs to take two of these.” He handed her a box of cold and flu capsules.
“Please tell me you didn’t tear apart my entire house to find this,” she said.
“Of course not, just your kitchen…. but I’ll clean it up!”
“Doctor…. Ei’KTCHHOO!”
“Yes, yes you’re very welcome, now please take it.” Donna was apparently not too sick to shoot him an annoyed glare.
“Here, I’ll get you some water,” Shaun cut in. He gave The Doctor a knowing glance as he walked past him.
“You’re lucky to have that man,” The Doctor said conversationally.
“I know,” Donna sniffed. “Much less lucky to have you destroying my kitchen.”
“Right! Yes! I’ll go clean that up.”
“No,” she stopped him. “You can do it in the morning. I don’t need you waking anyone else- Ei’KTSCHhh! Hihhh’SCHIEWWw!”
“Bless you. And fair point.”
“Here, Donna,” Shaun said as he handed her a glass of water.
“Thank you.” She opened the package and swallowed two pills.
"It’s late, you should come to bed,” Shaun whispered, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
“I already told you, I’m sleeping on the sofa,” she said.
“Come on, Love.”
“No. I don’t want you catching this.”
“Doctor, can you please talk some sense into my wife?”
“Donna,” The Doctor took her hands into his. “You need to rest. You’re not going to get any sleep unless you’re in your own bed.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Plus, you never know what you’ll get out of it….”
“Oh, shut up,” she said, half annoyed, half embarrassed. The Doctor grinned like a child as he saw Shaun avert his eyes.
“Also, I will annoy you endlessly if you stay here. I figured out something new with the sonic. Turns out if I alter the thermodynamic-“
“Okay, you win,” she said with an eye roll. “Good night.”
"Thank you,” Shaun mouthed to him as they started to walk away. Donna paused in the doorway and turned towards The Doctor with a smirk.
“Oh, and I expect to hear all about tonight’s adventure to 1666 in the morning.”
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brandnewcouch · 6 months
well, well, well, i have finally written my first fic for tumblr. and my first fic for doctor who. lots of firsts. here’s ten being an attention whore and donna being the only sensible person in the room.
“You feeling alright, Spaceman?” The Doctor heard Donna ask after he sneezed for the tenth time that morning.
“Hmm? Oh, yes. Quite alright. Right as rain,” he rambled as he fiddled with the TARDIS controls.
He was almost finished calculating the route for their next destination when he buried his face in his shoulder to muffle an intense sneeze.
“Bless you…. again,” Donna said with a small smirk.
“Don’t look at me like that,” The Doctor grumbled. “Just the sniffles.”
He expected Donna to question him like Martha or feel his forehead like Rose, but she merely shrugged and leaned back against the railing.
“So, where are we going this time?” she asked casually. “A planet with bird people or something?”
“Actually- sNff- I was thinking Earth,” he waited for Donna’s mouth to drop slightly before he continued. “Earth… in the year 4568.”
“You mean- we are going to Earth? In the future?” she asked, her eyes instantly lighting up.
This was his favorite part of traveling with companions. Getting to see their excitement as they expanded their mind past that of the average human.
“Oh, yes,” he grinned. He locked eyes with an ecstatic Donna before snapping his head away to cough. The coughs were dry for now, mild enough to muffle with his hand, but he knew they would get worse. They always did on the rare occasions he managed to pick up a rhinovirus.
“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Donna exclaimed. “Come on Alien Boy, land the TARDIS and let’s go!”
He flashed her a grin before following her orders. He managed to pinpoint the year, although he wasn’t exactly sure where on Earth they would land. He was personally hoping for Brazil. There was a lot happening there this year.
“And here we are!” he announced as the TARDIS landed. “Planet Earth in the year 4568, how about that?”
“Oh, this is going to be brilliant!” Donna laughed. “Please tell me we are somewhere warm. I wouldn’t mind sunbathing in the Caribbean.”
“Let’s find out,” he grinned. He was about to open the TARDIS door when he was overcome with an itch in his nose. He tried to sniff it away, but the irritation was too strong. He buried his face in his arm and let out a wet triple.
“Huh’MMPSHH! IM’PSSHhh! hh’NXGHhh!”
He attempted to discretely wipe his nose on his sleeve and sniffled rapidly to prevent his nose from running.
“Bless you,” Donna said.
“sNFF- excuse me,” he muttered as he turned to face her. Her face dropped into a slight frown.
“Doctor,” she said as she placed a hand on his arm. “You sure you’re feeling up to this?”
“Never better,” he forced on a tired smile. Of course, he didn’t actually expect that response to work. It was always at this point in the illness that the lies stopped working on his human companions. Donna would surely call off the adventure, make him some tea, and send him off to bed.
“Alright then, onward,” she smiled, holding out an arm to him.
Huh. That’s unusual. All of his other companions (especially the female ones, although he didn’t actually believe in silly gender stereotypes) would be doting over him by now. He always acted annoyed on the surface, but, truthfully, he enjoyed the attention. Did Donna really not realize he was ill? Did she think it was just dust or something.
The Doctor forced out a few more coughs and glanced over to Donna to see her reaction. It was as if she hadn’t even heard him. He suppressed a frown and linked his arm with hers as they stepped outside.
The pair exited the TARDIS and were immediately hit with a blast of frigid air. The Doctor was forced to break away from Donna as the coldness filled his lungs, causing him to cough.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me!” Donna shouted, completely ignoring the sudden coughing fit coming from the Time Lord beside her. “What is it with you and taking me to freezing places?”
“I didn’t know we were going to land in-“ wait, where were they? The doctor tried to smell the air to figure out the location, but his nose was completely stuffed. He used the opportunity to sniffle dramatically, giving a quick glance to Donna to see if she had noticed. She hadn’t.
Giving up on his senses, he pulled out the sonic screwdriver to figure out where they had landed.
“Hmm… Oh! Well, isn’t that brilliant?” he said as he scanned the earth.
“What? What is it?” Donna asked.
“We’re in Antarctica.”
“Antarctica?” Donna yelled. “Bloody Antarctica? What the hell are we going to do in Antarctica?” she scoffed.
“There’s plenty to do!” The Doctor assured. “Antarctica is much more developed in this time than it is in yours. This is rural land, but there’s a town about a mile from here.”
“Ugh, okay, but it better be good,” Donna said in a way that sounded like a threat. “I’m grabbing a coat.”
The Doctor dramatically pulled a handkerchief from his jacket pocket as she trudged back into the TARDIS. He was starting to get annoyed with Donna’s complete lack of awareness. She had to have noticed he wasn’t feeling well. Did she just not care?
He shook his head as he blew his nose. He was considerably less congested afterwards and sighed in relief as he realized he could ever so slightly breathe through his nose. Unfortunately, the rush of cool air to his sinuses only irritated them more.
“Hhh-hAESHhhh! Hh’EESSHhh!”
He quickly pressed the handkerchief against his nose to stop it from running.
“Now, that’s more like it,” Donna announced as she reemerged wearing a thick winter coat. At least that’s what The Doctor thought she said. It was pretty hard to hear while he was blowing his nose.
“Lead the way, Spaceman!” she said.
“Donna,” he said in an exasperated tone as he wiped his nose and pocketed the handkerchief.
“Hmm?” she hummed obliviously.
“I’m ill,” he stated, finally saying it out loud.
The Doctor’s jaw dropped. Yeah? That was all she had to say? She must have heard him wrong.
“Donna, I’m not feeling well. Under the weather. Sick,” he pressed.
“Yes, I know what ill means, Dumbo,” she said with an eye roll. “What’s your point?”
“What’s my- what’s my point?” he stuttered in shock. “My point is that I am clearly ill, and you don’t seem to care! You’re still dragging me on this adventure.”
“Oi! Don’t you dare!” she snapped.
It was at that moment that The Doctor realized he had made a mistake. He did not want to face the wrath of Donna Noble.
“I asked you if you felt up to it! I’m not going to stop you from going out with a little cold if you say you’re fine, which you did.”
“So, what? I was supposed to say no? Tell you that I would rather spend the day in bed?”
“Yes!” she shouted, clearly fed up. She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a moment to gather her thoughts. “Christ, you are an absolute idiot.”
“Huh,” he voiced, the cogs turning in his head. “You- you didn’t object to this trip because you trusted my judgement,” he said as it finally clicked. “You trusted me to make the call regarding my health.”
“Yeahhh,” she stretched out the word in exasperation. “Silly me, thinking a 900 year old martian would know how to take care of himself by now.”
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m not from Mars?” The Doctor groaned. His companion gave him a look that screamed “You are not helping.”
“Right, not the point, um-“ he was unable to finish his thought as a fluttering sensation filled his sinuses.
“Come on, Doctor,” Donna sighed, grabbing his arm and leading him towards the TARDIS. “I think we ought to take a day to relax, don’t you?”
“Mmm,” he hummed in agreement, leaning into her as they walked. “Can my day of relaxation include a nice cup of tea?”
“Sure, if you make it yourself.”
The Doctor frowned and turned towards Donna with an expression that resembled that of a kicked puppy. She rolled her eyes but was unable to hide her amused smile.
“Fine, I’ll make you tea. But if you want soup or something, you’re on your own.”
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brandnewcouch · 6 months
SICKFIC TIME!!!! kinda
this isn’t snz, it’s not even fully a sickfic, just the doctor being a massive nerd and donna being done with it
also this is fully inspired by my nursing major ass being an absolute nerd. like tonsils are drained with an 18 gauge needle??? that’s HUGE…. anyway…..
“Oh! Yes! Great! You’re awake!” Donna heard The Doctor shout as she trudged towards him. She winced slightly as she came closer. His childlike energy certainly wasn’t helping her pounding headache.
“Come on! I figured out exactly where we’re going today!” he said, practically bouncing off the walls.
“The only place I’m going today is my bed, Spaceman,” she croaked. “Right after I make my tea.” The Doctor stared at her for a moment, and Donna could’ve sworn she could see the cogs turning in his brain.
“What happened to your voice?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Oh, I just decided to switch it up,” she said sarcastically. “What do you think?”
He stared at her blankly, clearly struggling to understand what she was getting at. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. 900 year old, supposedly genius alien, and he couldn’t even pick up on illness.
“I’m sick, Dumbo,” she said with an eye roll.
“Oh…. oh….. interesting,” he said as he thought it over.
“What? None of the other dozens of humans you’ve traveled with ever got ill?”
“No, no, they did. Of course they did. Just not like this.”
“What do you mean?” she asked suspiciously. If he was about to tell her this was some weird alien disease, she was going to kick his ass all the way back to Mars.
“When the others were sick it was the sneezing and the coughing and maybe the voice would start to go after a few days, but you don’t have any of that. You’re completely fine! I mean… minus the voice, of course.”
“Ha! I wish it was that simple, mate,” she said, voice fading in and out between words. “I can barely swallow.”
"Hmm,” he hummed, thinking it over. Without warning, he walked up to Donna and placed his hands on her neck. She jumped in surprise but didn’t pull away.
“Oh….oh…wow…this is quite interesting,” he said as he pressed lightly with his fingers. “Your anterior cervical lymph nodes are huge. Seriously, gigantic. Some major lymphadenitis going on.”
“Lovely,” she said dryly. She didn’t even bother to ask him what any of that means. Suddenly, his eyes lit up with… excitement?
“The tonsils! Oh, the tonsils! Human tonsils are really so interesting, and with illness?” He whipped out the sonic screwdriver with extreme enthusiasm. “Mind if I take a look?”
She shot him a distrustful glare, and he seemed to pick up on the message.
“Relax, I’m not going to scan you. I’m just using it as a flashlight,” he explained.
“So you’re using my misery as a fun little science experiment?”
“Um…. yes?” he said innocently.
“Ugh, fine,” she groaned. “But you’re making my tea.”
“Deal. Now open up.”
She obliged, and The Doctor, as promised, only used the screwdriver as a flashlight. His eyes grew wider and a smile spread across his face.
“Oh, this is just brilliant,” he whispered. “Who knew human tonsils could get this big? I mean… I knew, of course. These are grade 3, by the way, but I’ve never seen it in person!”
“Really? In the hundreds of years you’ve been alive, you’ve never seen a single other pair of human tonsils look like this?” she asked, slightly annoyed.
“I don’t exactly go around asking people to show me their tonsils,” he shrugged. “Now open back up! I’m not done looking.” She gave him a dirty look but did as he asked.
“Absolutely fascinating,” he said in awe. “You know, I bet I could drain a ton of lymphatic fluid from these. Go in with a syringe, probably an 18 gauge nee-“
“Okay, we’re done!” Donna snapped. “I am tired of being a zoo animal. You’ve had your fun, now go make my tea.”
“Yes, Earth Girl.”
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