#daemon being bisexual is literally the best thing to ever happen
theobjectofyourire · 2 years
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daemon my bisexual king I love you
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rorykillmore · 7 years
tell me about badgerstripe but also the demon i mean heather c
badgerstripe is an oc i’ve had literally from the time she was born to the time when she became leader, so i’m very fond of her. she was originally conceived as part of a group of characters my friends and i came up with -- a litter of riverclan kits who were orphaned during a flood plot we had going at the time. her siblings were called frostkit and rosekit.
she does eventually become leader in her timeline, succeeding a cat called morningstar. morningstar was her mentor and more or less raised her in place of her mother. she also... died fairly early into badgerstripe’s deputyship, which is a big driving force behind how anxious and uncertain badgerstripe tends to be.
a lot of her self-doubts and insecurities actually stem from an incident that happened during kithood that she never fully forgave herself for: she and her siblings were kidnapped at one point by rogues (drama) and she and frostkit ended up getting into a huge, vicious argument that ended with frostkit leaving and joining the rogues.
he renamed himself ‘frost’ and grew up to be pretty terrifying; at one point we had a disaster of a plot for him and badgerstar (as she was at that point) to reconnect that involved him infiltrating riverclan by injuring himself and faking amnesia. badgerstar was going to be driven by her guilt and self-blame for how he ended up to take him in even against the advice of her senior warriors and it was gonna be GREAT.
because i love to talk about her and her siblings, she’s extremely close to rosebloom and even sort of codependent on her. she made rosebloom her deputy, kind of evidently not for the healthiest of reasons, but they admittedly do work well together. she was eventually going to find out that rosebloom was having a relationship with a cat from another clan which.... would have shattered her. poor badgerstripe had so much suffering on her plate.
in hindsight, i am 500% sure badgerstripe isn’t straight because like. our old site culture featured a lot of heterosexual pairing characters up and i could just... never find anyone who felt right for badgerstripe. I Should Have Known.
a lot of bullshit magical powers existed in her verse and she was actually the victim of them at one point (this list is just slowly accumulating evidence of how cruel i used to be to my characters), so now she doesn’t trust that sort of thing as a rule. she’s going to frown a lot at denny.
speaking of denny, i’ve toyed with the thought of giving her a way to find out about the whole rosebloom thing and that may like... send her into a bluestar-esque spiral that keeps her clinging to tigerstar even once more of his true colors are revealed. i guess she’s not done suffering yet,
on a completely different note, my old rp partner (who used to play rosebloom) is now in los angeles getting into some screenwriting and - i’m not sure if she still has plans to do this - but at one point she was toying with the idea of writing something (humanized) based on rosebloom and badgerstar’s relationship. i’ll never forget that because i just found it so touching.
hm... oh her mom was never more than an npc that got killed off in the background but! her name was shadowflight and that’s always stuck in my mind ‘cause i thought it was a cool name.
i’ve always liked/found it interesting that heather is not only prone to making a shitton of pop culture references, but also has shit like “the bell jar” just lying around in her room. therefore i’ve come to the conclusion that she’s secretly a nerd. real talk she actually does enjoy reading if she can do it, like... on her own terms. she detests being forced into anything and thus loudly complains about school-assigned stuff.
i’m 90% sure her daemon is going to be a bengal cat but i haven’t worked out too many details beyond that. get ready clairbourne,
things like “you were poisoned because someone literally hated you that much”, “literally everyone you ever went to school with almost died”, “those boys who probably coerced you into sexual situations but were also big part of your social circle are now dead”, and “your best friend almost died trying to stop her murderous boyfriend” are all bulletpoints on the list of Shit Heather Does Not Know How To Process. she generally suppresses and reverts to somewhat self-destructive behavior as an outlet, which is her go-to coping mechanism anyway, so.
she hasn’t told anyone what jd did (didn’t even take the opportunity to do so at the warrens’ dinner party). she tells herself it’s so she has something to hold over him, but in reality it has more to do with the fact that she really doesn’t want to talk about it, with anyone.
she misses heather mcnamara and heather duke. it’s revolting and achingly noticeable and she doesn’t know how to articulate it or how to feel about it.
is absolutely a confused angry bisexual, apologies to veronica bc that probably accounts for at least 40% of her behavior towards her
movies that feature parent death are just about the only things in the world that make her openly cry. she has no idea why. she fucking hates her parents. duke and mcnamara have been sworn to secrecy.
does, in fact, already own a red thneed on denny. 
is lowkey itching to give ed some kind of wardrobe makeover, but is currently too leery of spending much time with him to pursue it. maybe ed is the one who starts the cult rumors to keep heather away from him,
her favorite place is the beach and she likes collecting seashells, but that’s a thing almost no one knows about her -- not because she’s particularly intense about hiding it, just because it’s not the sort of casual, personal thing she’d ever naturally bring up in idle conversation.
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