#damian: dude--tim. lend a bro a board for a bit?
hood-ex ยท 2 years
I'm cackling coz I feel like there's kinda a simplified one-to-one in terms of TMNT and the batbros -- Leonardo is Dick, Raph is Jason, Donatello is Tim -- until you get to Mikey and Damian, but I'm losing my shit at the idea of these two being secretly similar. I know it's not that simple and they're all individual characters with personality overlaps in different areas, but I am still cackling ๐Ÿคฃ
Lol, Raph is who fanon fandom thinks Jason is, but I digress ๐Ÿ˜Œ. Damian and Mikey both have cats and enjoy drawing so there's that. Also, Damian and Mikey might actually find a common interest in manga. I mean, Damian canonically likes manga. Mikey is more of a comic book fan from what I remember. But! Mikey can speak and read Japanese so he might find a common cultural interest in Japanese media with Damian.
I think both the batfam and the turtles would be pretty alarmed if Damian and Mikey switched personalities for a day ๐Ÿ˜†.
Damian goes to hug Dick, and Dick pulls a Lego Batman by being all, "Wait, were you actually going in for a hug? I thought you were attacking me."
Mikey doesn't cook anything for his family, and his bros are like, "Dude, what the shell? Where's breakfast?"
Damian keeps zoning out during training and doesn't give it his all, and Dick is like, "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?"
Mikey is focused during meditation and wants to do extra katas with Leo, and Leo is suspicious that he's up to something, so he's like, "If you think you're going to prank me twice this week then you better think again, little brother."
Don't even get me started on switching speaking styles, art styles, or pizza toppings ๐Ÿ˜†.
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