#depending on how my experience re-subbing episode 49 of jewelpet kira deco goes
jewlwpet · 5 years
Jewelpet Kira Deco is my favorite season of Jewelpet because it has all the wackiness I loved in Sunshine while also having a good story and character development. Admittedly only half of Jewelpet Sunshine has been subbed, but I’ve read about the plot and find it impossible to take seriously, which is probably the point, I realize.
Also, Jewelpet Sunshine was generally hilarious, but there were some things that I found very unfunny... particularly everything involving the genderfluid character Wanimiya/Waniko who was portrayed as creepy, predatory, and unnatural. Whereas the trans-coded character in Jewelpet Kira Deco was, despite starting out as a villain, was liked and respected by most of the non-villainous characters (in contrast to constant disrespect she received from the other villains), and the joy she felt and bonds she formed while presenting as female was actually the catalyst for her turning to the side of the heroes. Although it’s true that despite having the lines “I can be whoever I want in this world? Well then of course my gender will be female,” Coal is still officially listed as a male Jewelpet and was portrayed as a gay man in the following season, though it does take place in an alternate universe, and various Jewelpets have had large aspects of their character vary between seasons.
Re: Jewelpet Kira Deco I hate Blue and I honestly cannot decide if he’s fun to have as a figure to hate on or if he’s really dragging the show down, but I sure don’t like him. I’ve seen him compared to Meganii (from PriPara, which had the same director), but I actually think he’s worse; I’d say he’s something like PriPara’s Hibiki or Onegai My Melody’s Hiiragi were a straight man. but also without any of their character depth. just the surface stuff. and happy.
It doesn’t help that gogoanime has the episodes in the wrong order and starts with his episode for some reason.
Jewelpet Happiness has a lot of great individual stories in it, which isn’t to say that the main story isn’t also good; I honestly don’t remember, but I think it was. Mostly, though, it’s the individual episodes that stuck out to me. It was very heartwarming, probably the most in the franchise, for me. I personally prefer Kira Deco mainly because of its zaniness, but Jewelpet Happiness is a very solid addition to the franchise. Incidentally it had multiple episodes that work remarkably well as trans allegories though I don’t think this probably intentional. They’re good, though, regardless. They work.
Jewelpet Magical Change is also very good; like Kira Deco, it has a good balance of zany humor and actual substance. It also has a couple of moments of genuine gay/bi rep, most notably the episode in which the protagonist’s brother found out that the woman he’d been crushing on for years was in fact an onnagata in costume and didn’t seem to waver at all in his feelings, wanting to see this person again. No actual relationships, though. It was pretty much just that and a girl who had a crush on Garnet’s human form. That was sweet, but it was never followed up on.
The main reason it isn’t tied with Kira Deco for me is Larimar’s arc. I didn’t like it. I honestly don’t exactly remember how much of it actually bad as opposed to just being boring to me personally, but I know there was only one of her episodes that I liked, the one that was just an affectionate parody of Aikatsu and PriPara. When it was serious about her being an idol, it rubbed me the wrong way, and the ‘forbidden love’ thing did so even more.
OG Jewelpets is impossible for me to review fairly because there are only 16 episodes subbed. I was convinced it had very little to recommend it, due to things like how the villains were the only ones with body diversity and who broke gender norms (so I thought at first) and they stole because they were fed up with being “too poor to commit crimes,” and also a really sexist love interest that one of the main characters had, and how Garnet refused to be that character’s Jewelpet at first because she was sweaty from sports and only changed her mind because she found out that the character also loved pink (really bad message there).
Then, when I was almost done with watching the episodes that were subbed, there was a remarkably good one, about an actor known as a “prince” with a supposedly impossible dream, which turned out to be becoming a princess. Thanks to the Jewelpets’ magic, the actor was able to become a princess in a film and ended up forming a Takarazuka-like male theatre group to help others who wanted to be princesses but didn’t feel like they could. Good stuff!! Admittedly, the protagonist, who’d had a crush on this “prince,” was unhappy with this development, but her mom was really happy and excited about it, so overall I think it’s nice, mostly. There might well be other gems like that among the unsubbed episodes. But of the subbed episodes, that’s honestly the only one I would recommend.
I know people who LOVED Jewelpet Twinkle, and I completely respect that. Personally, I just wasn’t very enthusiastic about it, but that’s more personal taste than anything else. There were problematic elements but I’m not actually going to get into that because they’re not the primary reason I didn’t enjoy the show all that much, so I think only talking about that wouldn’t be doing the show justice, but I am not the best person to talk about its good qualities.
I don’t talk want to talk about Lady Jewelpet. I mean, I certainly can if asked, but otherwise... I’m not giving it that attention.
This has been my completely unprompted review of every season of Jewelpet, or what I’ve seen of each, that I wrote just now, completely spur-of-the-moment, several months after watching all that I’ve seen of Jewelpet. If you read this far, thank you for your time.
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